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 Post subject: manuale alfa romeo
PostPosted: 24 Mar 2006, 22:51 
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Joined: 11 Jan 2006, 12:06
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propun ca aici sa fi postate manuale tehnice alfa romeo. Eu pot pune la dispozitie manuale pt toate modelele alfa 33 insa tre sa vad cum se poate face asta dupa ce vb cu alex mirica.

LE (2014): update major aici

Razvan Patrascu

Alfa Romeo 159 1.9 JTDm 120 CP
Alfa Romeo GTV V6 3.2 270CP
Alfa Romeo 147 1.9 JTD 101CP
Alfa Romeo 33 boxer 1.7 16V QV 140CP
Ex. Alfa Romeo GTV V6 2.0 Turbo 240CP

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PostPosted: 24 Mar 2006, 23:14 
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LIBRARIEAlfa Romeo, si nu numai...automobil in genere....
:paper: :clapping:

luna viitoare trag o fuga sa vad ce impresie imi face....

Tu chiamale se vuoi, emozioni...
1971 e dintorni...

 Post subject: manual giulieta 1.6
PostPosted: 11 Apr 2006, 16:07 
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Joined: 11 Apr 2006, 15:59
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salut,sant nou pe aici si as vrea niste detalii tehnice pt alfa mea,daca aveti manuale sau ceva legat de intretinere...
1.cum se regleaza carburile(din nefericire am 2 foarte gurmande:()
2.ce ulei de motor recomanda producatorul,lichid de frana etc..
multumesc anticipat

 Post subject: manual giulieta 1.6
PostPosted: 11 Apr 2006, 16:08 
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salut,sant nou pe aici si as vrea niste detalii tehnice pt alfa mea,daca aveti manuale sau ceva legat de intretinere...
1.cum se regleaza carburile(din nefericire am 2 foarte gurmande:()
2.ce ulei de motor recomanda producatorul,lichid de frana etc..
multumesc anticipat

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PostPosted: 11 Apr 2006, 21:11 
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inteleg ca e vb de o Giulieta 1.6.. data viitoare precizeaza in cadrul postului pt ca numai asa te pot ajuta baietii de aici.

4C | Spider S4 2.0
ex Stelvio 2.0T | GTV 916 3.0 V6 | GTV 916 2.0TS | Spider 916 2.0TS | MiTo 1.4TB | Spider 939 2.4JTDm | Brera 2.4JTDm | Spider 916 2.0TS | GT 1.9mJTD | 147 1.6TS

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PostPosted: 11 Apr 2006, 21:49 
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specifica te rog si ce carburatoare ai, pot fi SOLEX(X2) sau Dellorto DHLA(x2) motor 1.6 /79Kw tip motor AR016.00 si da un pm

alfa 33 1,5 TI,alfa 33 1,7 IE 8V,alfa 33 1,5 4x4,
alfa 156TS 2,0, alfa 156 sw M-jet 140 CP+
alfa 147 JTD 115 CP +

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PostPosted: 13 Apr 2006, 11:39 
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Cica se poate comanda ePER-ul si ceva catalog de la fiat

Alfa Romeo 156 1.6 TS 120hp +Chiptuning +Cold Air Intake

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PostPosted: 14 Apr 2006, 13:19 
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VRREEEEEEEEAU si io manual de alfa 164 Q4!!!!

cuore sportivo
....cuz straight line is for vaginas

 Post subject: manual 155
PostPosted: 25 Apr 2006, 19:05 
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Joined: 25 Apr 2006, 13:38
Posts: 276
salut. daca isi doreste cineva manualul de la 155 Q, il poate lua de la mine.

Lancia Kappa Coupe 2.4, 20v
Nissan Patrol a.k.a Patrocle 2.8

 Post subject: cateva manuale
PostPosted: 13 Aug 2006, 12:50 
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Am dat peste sursa asta,nu va speriati,sunt in engleza.

156 2.0 TS
156 SW 2.0 JTS
166 2.4 JTD TI
916 Spider 3.0 Arese
159 SW 1.9 JTDm

 Post subject: manual 166
PostPosted: 21 Aug 2006, 17:07 

Joined: 03 Jul 2006, 12:29
Posts: 18
Are cineva manualul de intrebuintare ptr. 166?Cand am cumparat-o fostul proprietar nu il mai avea.....

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PostPosted: 21 Aug 2006, 20:37 
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Manualul cu "instructiunile de folosire"? E cam greu sa il gasesti,chiar am facut ceva cercetari pe alte forumuri.Recomandarile ar cam fi : sa te duci la un dealer si sa vorbesti cu ei,poate te pot ajuta ,sa te mai uiti din cand in cand pe ebay(am tot vazut manuale,sunt la mana a doua,nu pot fi scumpe),sau sa gaseti un alt posesor de 166 si sa ii tragi manualul lui la xerox :roll:
Nici masina mea nu a venit cu manual,la inceput m-am necajit,dar apoi am uitat,acum nu cred ca e ceva in manualul ala ce m-ar ajuta cu adevarat daca as avea vre-o problema cu masina.

156 2.0 TS
156 SW 2.0 JTS
166 2.4 JTD TI
916 Spider 3.0 Arese
159 SW 1.9 JTDm

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PostPosted: 21 Aug 2006, 20:55 
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Joined: 29 Jul 2005, 16:13
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Car: 156 - The Red Hawk
Location: Deutschland :)
Singurele chestii utile sunt amplasarea sigurantelor, pe care oricum o gasesti in manualul de reparatii. Cine nu are il pot da.

"The Red Hawk" - Alfa 156 1.9JTD 115CP
Alfa 147 2.0TS Selespeed
Fiat Punto 1.9 JTD 8v

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PostPosted: 05 Sep 2006, 23:27 
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Am dat peste un alt sit interesant,sunt sigur ca posesorii de 156 vor gasi aici ceva informatii folositoare.

156 2.0 TS
156 SW 2.0 JTS
166 2.4 JTD TI
916 Spider 3.0 Arese
159 SW 1.9 JTDm

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PostPosted: 06 Sep 2006, 16:45 
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Mersi mult marius!!!
Am gasit acolo un link de unde se poate downloada ePER-ul! Demential :woot:

Spor la download!

Alfa Romeo 156 1.6 TS 120hp +Chiptuning +Cold Air Intake

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PostPosted: 26 Sep 2006, 13:19 

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ce este ePER?

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PostPosted: 26 Sep 2006, 15:37 
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Joined: 29 Jul 2005, 16:13
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Car: 156 - The Red Hawk
Location: Deutschland :)
Catalogul de piese FIAT.

"The Red Hawk" - Alfa 156 1.9JTD 115CP
Alfa 147 2.0TS Selespeed
Fiat Punto 1.9 JTD 8v

 Post subject:
PostPosted: 29 Oct 2006, 21:10 

Joined: 29 Oct 2006, 09:11
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Ceva manuale de service pentru 156 pentru descarcat?
Preferabil dupa 2003.

A propos, linkul pentru ePER inca functioneaza.
Multam fain.

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PostPosted: 29 Oct 2006, 21:12 
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Joined: 29 Jul 2005, 16:13
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Car: 156 - The Red Hawk
Location: Deutschland :)
Ce anume te intereseaza la manual de service? Pentru asta da-mi PM.

"The Red Hawk" - Alfa 156 1.9JTD 115CP
Alfa 147 2.0TS Selespeed
Fiat Punto 1.9 JTD 8v

 Post subject:
PostPosted: 22 Jan 2007, 16:18 
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Joined: 10 Nov 2006, 12:44
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Car: '04 147 1,6 TI
Location: Villach
Am dat peste situl unui entuziast Alfa.

foarte buna sectiunea TIPS!

ex. Alfa 156 1.8 TS
ex. Alfa 147 1.9 JTD
ex. Alfa Spider 3.0 V6
Alfa 147 1.6 TI

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PostPosted: 26 Oct 2007, 22:11 
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max Quote:
LIBRARIEAlfa Romeo, si nu numai...automobil in genere....
:paper: :clapping:

luna viitoare trag o fuga sa vad ce impresie imi face....

cu ceva intarziere , intrai totusi in atmosfera 'racing' a librariei....
marci, piloti, curse....istorii, amintiri si victorii.
chiar in ziua in care am fost(miercuri) iesise pe piata un tom compus din doua volume, rosu bineinteles cu Istoria Alfa din 1910 pana in prezent...180 euro.
m-am multumit cu'Alfa e le sue auto' de Chirico,(inginer la Alfa), 20 euro, o retrospectiva a mecanicii Alfa utilizata de-a lungul timpului.
drept pentru care m-am dat la cetit!

Tu chiamale se vuoi, emozioni...
1971 e dintorni...

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PostPosted: 26 Oct 2007, 22:24 
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max Quote:
un tom compus din doua volume, rosu bineinteles cu Istoria Alfa din 1910 pana in prezent...180 euro.
Cred ca stiu ce vreau de ziua mea. :idea:

doua carti.jpg
doua carti.jpg [ 15.9 KiB | Viewed 13073 times ]

156 2.0 TS
156 SW 2.0 JTS
166 2.4 JTD TI
916 Spider 3.0 Arese
159 SW 1.9 JTDm
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PostPosted: 27 Oct 2007, 08:28 
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Joined: 29 Jul 2005, 16:13
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Car: 156 - The Red Hawk
Location: Deutschland :)
Gizaz... De unde se poate lua!!!???!!!

"The Red Hawk" - Alfa 156 1.9JTD 115CP
Alfa 147 2.0TS Selespeed
Fiat Punto 1.9 JTD 8v

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PostPosted: 28 Oct 2007, 16:44 
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in Romania nu stiu de unde se poate procura.
eu am fost la Milano la vinzare prin corespondenta dar nu stiu daca si in strainatate.

Tu chiamale se vuoi, emozioni...
1971 e dintorni...

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PostPosted: 03 Nov 2007, 00:31 
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Joined: 09 Sep 2007, 21:43
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salut.o mare rugaminte am si eu:am nevoie urgent de schema electrica pt o alfa 156 , 1.9 jtd


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