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PostPosted: 27 Jul 2018, 23:54 
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Iti dau evolutia profitului pe ultimii 4 ani (s-a inzecit), in conditiile in care net revenues au ramas tot pe-acolo, si raportul dintre ele (departe de aia 10 - 20% pe care ii aberai tu), ca sa intelegi cat de habarnist esti atunci cand privesti situatia financiara a unei companii exclusiv prin prisma vanzarilor.

"Back in 2004 when you were first introduced to the auto industry, a lot of people were thinking who the 'hell is this guy', right. I was one of them frankly, we hadn’t seen anything like you. You took $2 billion roughly and you turned it into, I think, around $72 billion and more important than that there are many hundreds of thousands of families across many nations that are better off because of you and your team and you beat the skeptics every step of the way." - Adam Jonas - Research Analyst at Morgan Stanley

Urmareste montajul asta:

Iti pot da si altele, dar esti cam ignorant si obraznic si simt ca imi pierd timpul cu tine.

Alfa Romeo Giulietta 1.8 TBi - Valeria
Alfa Romeo GTV 2.0 V6 TB - Carla
“La Bellezza è lo splendore del Vero.”

PostPosted: 28 Jul 2018, 00:51 
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Eu renunt. Toate mesajele tale sunt o varza. Te intreb de Alfa de atunci vs Alfa de acum, tu imi dai tot FCA-ul de acum, spun ceva de VAG tu crezi ca am zis de FCA, si imi dai si o penibilitate de citat de nicaieri si un film low effort de pe youtube. Ce spun eu si ce imi raspunzi tu sunt din universuri paralele.

Iti urez succes la postat motivationale cu poza lui marchionne si la visat cai verzi pe pereti in continuare.

Totusi, aia cu VAG care scoate 90% din profit din Audi, Porsche, Lamborghini si Bentley o sa ramana in istorie.

PostPosted: 29 Jul 2018, 14:58 

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Cam asa a salvat Marchionne grupul Fiat. A tratat afacerea ca pe o chestie financiara si a facut tot felul de mișmașuri ordinare de tip „contabil/marketing”, ma gindesc la tarania cu imprumuturile de la statul american.

Nu zic nu, e pe plus la final, dar din prisma masinilor, fara Ferrari, grupul e in moarte clinica. Daca tot e companie care face masini, apăi zic sa facem masini, nu țigănii financiare infecte.

Si nu inteleg de ce se tot compara cu grupul VAG, aia sint departe rau. Sa ne uitam la unii mai apropiati de Fiat, gen Reno, care cu citeva modele si motoare vind din plin.

Mai raminea sa transforme grupul in fond de investitii...
De morti numai de bine, dar se vede ca tangentele lui cu un grup auto erau infime.

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PostPosted: 30 Jul 2018, 21:08 
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Sergio Marchionne's Record as Fiat Chrysler CEO Was, In Fact, Decidedly Mixed

Pentru ca drive au inteles GDPR-ul in modul lor propriu, o sa pun articolul complet aici pentru cei care nu pot sa-l acceseze altfel:
Sergio Marchionne revived a moribund Fiat, showing an early taste for hardball by squeezing $2 billion out of General Motors to end their troubled alliance. He repeated the feat with Chrysler during the meltdown of the American auto industry in the mid-Aughts. Marchionne backed the Treasury Department into a corner, acquired the collapsing Detroit automaker for free, and helped transform it into the global force of Fiat Chrysler Automobiles (FCA). And he did it all while clad in his signature dark sweaters and jeans, a Steve Jobs-like wardrobe that left his analytical, philosophical mind free for more-important matters.

It’s fitting that tributes to the Italian-Canadian executive continue to pour in from around the world following his death in Zurich; Marchionne was the kind of international, dynamic, old-school leader that’s an increasing rarity in an industry filled with boring, button-down and buttoned-up execs reading from teleprompters. In the wake of Marchionne’s death, some rose-tinted takes are understandable. Yet hagiography serves no one—especially when it’s coming from industry and Wall Street analysts, or journalists tasked with giving us an objective take on what Marchionne and FCA actually accomplished. That balanced, warts-and-all analysis has been hard to come by. Consider this the correction.

Please don’t misunderstand: Marchionne’s legacy of wizardly corporate turnarounds speaks for itself. But we still need to be honest about the company, which—in inimitable Chrysler style—may be on another boom-and-bust cycle.

To the good: The globe-hopping Marchionne was an incredibly astute and personable executive. The chain-smoking, espresso-swilling exec was also famously driven, and he drove FCA underlings to match his commitment, often at the expense to their family and personal lives. He demanded that executives be reachable 24/7, except for when they were in the air. The hard work and accountability paid off: Marchionne led the former Chrysler LLC from basket case to a combined Italian-American enterprise that posted $4.4 billion in pre-tax profits last year. Jeep’s global sales have more than doubled since 2013. As a native Detroiter, whose brother still has a skilled-trades factory job at FCA in part because of Marchionne, I’ll be the first to say “gracie.”

But to hear some analysts tell it, Marchionne’s stewardship of Chrysler was nothing short of a “miracle." Yes, I’ve actually heard that word used. Yet there wasn’t much miraculous about it, unless we’re talking preordained glory: A sun that shone on FCA courtesy of the U.S. government, a sweetheart of a deal and particularly fortuitous timing and circumstances.

Let’s review: With Chrysler LLC the quintessential last-kid-picked on the soccer team—no other suitors were on the sidelines—Marchionne’s Fiat made a bold, zero-money offer to become Chrysler’s primary stakeholder in 2009. The Treasury Department blinked, largely to help save up to a million industry jobs (including at General Motors and other automakers and suppliers) that were threatened by the global financial crisis. So Fiat and Marchionne inherited Chrysler and its assets, however troubled—brands, factories, headquarters, engineering, design, a dealer network—without investing a penny, following a government-lubed zip through bankruptcy court. And not merely “free,” but free-and-clear of plenty of pesky secured debt, pension obligations, and 25 percent of its bloated dealer network. Marchionne’s deal-making made Trump look like an amateur.

Newly married, Fiat Chrysler’s generous dowry brought $12.5 billion in federal relief loans, a government signal to Wall Street investors that FCA would not and could not fail. If you didn’t hear that message, President Obama would happily deliver it; the White House itself announced the deal and pushed Chrysler to accept Fiat's terms. (Chrysler had already received a $4.5-billion bailout courtesy of President George W. Bush.) FCA debuted on the New York Stock Exchange for just $9 a share. The industry then embarked on a giddy golden age that included six consecutive years of rising and ultimately record sales, the first time that had happened in the industry’s century-plus history. Those record sales were driven by two more epic windfalls, especially for this most truck-centric of all Detroit automakers: Plummeting gasoline prices, and a massive consumer shift toward SUVs. (Subaru, whose AWD lineup is the closest analog to Jeep’s, saw its own U.S. sales more than double, despite adding just one new nameplate throughout that blistering run.)

Jeep and Dodge had been building trucks for decades before Marchionne got there, and those booming sales fell into FCA’s lap. In this environment, the world’s worst auto CEO could have minted money. And that’s exactly what happened. Every global automaker posted record sales and profits. While their success was by no means guaranteed, Chrysler (and GM) were able to start from scratch, with the biggest head start, their debts largely forgiven, the United Auto Workers bought off, and their next-generation products funded via government largesse. (And I say that as a full supporter of the bailout.)

So between its deal-of-the-century price and myriad government blessings, there was a lot of low-hanging fruit to pick at FCA. When Marchionne reached higher, the results are mixed. That begins with Marchionne’s ill-conceived revival of Fiat and Alfa Romeo in the United States, a distraction that has further weakened the once-proud Chrysler and Dodge brands, and brought in minimal new revenue. Marchionne and Co. assured us that Fiat and Alfa would ultimately sell hundreds of thousand of cars a year here—a projection that seemed hallucinogenic even at the time. Here's what happened: Fiat and Alfa Romeo, combined, are on pace to sell barely 40,000 cars in America this year, with a struggling Maserati contributing perhaps 10,000 more. For all the brickbats thrown its way, the now-defunct Dodge Dart sedan sold nearly 88,000 units in its best year of 2015. It shouldn’t take a Harvard MBA to see Americans remain far more likely to buy a Dodge or Chrysler than an Italian car. When a freaking Dodge Dart can outsell two entire Italian brands (with seven models) by more than two to one, how could one claim otherwise? Now imagine if FCA poured as much money into new, more-competitive Dodge and Chrysler models as it has flushed away on these Italian brands, between Fiat/Alfa marketing and advertising to building sales-and-service networks from scratch.

If we're being honest, genuine innovation was also hard to spot during Marchionne’s run. Electric cars? Please. Marchionne was most known for complaining that the company lost money on every Fiat 500 EV. All-new nameplates that led their segments or captured the public imagination? I count one, the Dodge Hellcat-slash-Demon, spun off of the Challenger franchise. And those old-school muscle cars don’t represent any kind of advance in design or technology. So as Marchionne gives way to Mike Manley, the native-British executive who’d been minding FCA’s crown jewels—the aforementioned Jeep and Ram brands—let’s hope that Marchionne's successors have the guts and foresight to executive a serious long-term strategy.

Does anyone still remember how Chrysler tanked in the first place? Yes, there was a recession and credit crunch. But the “old” Chrysler was dying in part because it was the most truck-addicted of Detroit’s Big Three, and that’s saying something. Well before the Great Recession, analysts and Wall Street rightly warned that Detroit was dangerously over-dependent on light trucks for sales and profits. Sure enough, when fuel prices soared and the economy tanked, truck sales (and Detroit) tanked along with it. Consumers were stuck with guzzling SUVs they didn’t want but couldn’t resell. The notorious $3 billion Cash for Clunkers rebate program was created to stimulate sales of fuel-efficient cars and the industry itself.

Some things never change. FCA may be one fuel crisis away from another financial disaster. Propped up almost entirely by pickup and SUV sales, FCA is again looking like a Jenga tower built on Jell-O. Incredibly, FCA relies on trucks for 90 percent of its sales in 2018. That’s an unprecedented number—not just for FCA, but for any major automaker in history. Sure, trucks are hogging sales like never before, outselling passenger cars by two to one nationwide. But at FCA, it’s now nine to one. I’m no Marchionne, but that’s not a sustainable business model for a full-line automaker. Not everyone wants to drive a pickup, Jeep, or muscle car, even in America.
Through the first six months of 2018, FCA sold just over one million light trucks—meaning pickups, SUVs and minivans. The Jeep and Ram brands contributed 755,000 units to that total. Dodge and Chrysler minivans and SUVs added another 235,000, with Fiat and Alfa Romeo’s crossovers adding a 10,000-unit dribble. Over that same period, the company sold just 115,000 passenger cars. About 105,000 of those were Dodge Chargers, Challengers and Chrysler 300s—two fuel-thirsty muscle cars and one aging land yacht, all niche products for Motor City loyalists. The remaining 10,000 cars were even niche-ier, divvied between the Alfa Romeo Giulia sedan, the flatlining Fiat 500, and a sad handful of out-of-production Darts, Vipers, and Alfa 4Cs moldering on dealer lots. Where are the new cars that will hedge FCA against a run-up in fuel prices, or changes in consumer tastes? Does anyone seriously believe that Fiat, that runt of a brand, can make up for the loss of car sales at Chrysler and Dodge? Even on the truck side, we're still waiting for key models like the long-delayed three-row Grand Cherokee, a midsize Ram pickup, and the small-to-large crossovers that FCA has been painfully slow to deliver.

Unsurprisingly, FCA ranks dead last among automakers in sales-weighted fuel efficiency, as ranked by the Environmental Protection Agency, at 21.5 mpg, with General Motors at 22.4 mpg and Ford at 22.8 mpg. Mazda led all full-line automakers for the fifth straight year, with a 29.6 mpg average, closely followed by Hyundai, Honda and Subaru, their averages all boosted by car-heavy lineups. Yet even those companies, along with Toyota and Nissan, seem to have no problem cranking out profitable SUVs (or even pickups) while still making room for broad lineups of passenger cars. Some, despite what you may have heard, remain quite popular. Chrysler’s response—as with Ford's, which is also largely abandoning traditional cars—reminds me of George Constanza and the message sent by his comfy sweatpants: I’ve given up. I can’t compete.

Gas prices won't stay low forever...and when they inevitably skyrocket, FCA is screwed. When the Trump administration is done gutting fuel economy standards—its latest bright idea is a six-year freeze at current levels—and a future administration revives Obama-era rules that would nearly double mileage requirements, FCA will be doubly screwed. Dare to raise such forward-looking warnings, and auto executives (and not just at FCA) trot out a favorite talking point, which too many journalists and analysts now repeat like ventriloquist’s dummies: SUVs and pickups are sooooo much more fuel-efficient than they used to be, consumers will keep on buying them regardless of gas prices. Well, that's a crock. Sure, if your basis of comparison is an old Hummer, any modern SUV looks good. What those executives never mention is that passenger cars have also become more efficient, and that those cars still use decisively less fuel than a taller, heavier, comparably-powered truck. When gasoline tops $5 a gallon, consumers will have no trouble telling the difference.

The other fuzzy line of thinking says that, if consumers start caring about cars and fuel efficiency, FCA (or Ford) can just flip a switch and start building cars again. But it's not that simple. Maybe a Honda or Toyota could temporarily drop out of the passenger-car game (but why would they?) and then jump back in. But Chrysler? This is a company whose cars often struggled to compete at the best of times, and were rarely first on the lips or lists of consumers. You can’t just walk away from the game, then suddenly declare "We're back!" and expect a warm consumer embrace. Ask Cadillac or Lincoln how that’s worked out in luxury cars.

Bottom line, if FCA doesn’t commit to restoring itself as a full-line, diversified automaker, its only value will be as an acquisition target—which is to say, the valuable Jeep and Ram brands would likely be acquired, and most other brands shuffled off the mortal coil. Marchionne himself suspected as much; he believed that only a handful of global automakers were big enough to survive, and that FCA likely was not one of them. This lifelong corporate fixer had one other goal that he couldn't realize: Another shotgun marriage for FCA, which had already been dolled up and passed through careless hands—a rapacious New York private equity group, a distracted Daimler—before falling to Fiat. Still, Marchionne saw one last merger in FCA’s future: he dangled the company before GM (talk about questionable taste in suitors, verging on Detroit incest) only to be publicly spurned in 2015.

On balance, Marchionne, and his stewardship of FCA, deserve a hearty round of applause, even a few tears. But without the great man in charge, let’s see what FCA does for an encore.

PostPosted: 30 Jul 2018, 22:23 
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In ani de gratie pentru industria auto Daimler preia Chrysler si esueaza lamentabil. Incearca si Fiat, dar intr-o perioada de criza, fiindca lor le plac provocarile si le iese intr-un mare fel. Dati dracului macaronarii astia de la Fiat !

Alfa Romeo Giulietta 1.8 TBi - Valeria
Alfa Romeo GTV 2.0 V6 TB - Carla
“La Bellezza è lo splendore del Vero.”

PostPosted: 30 Jul 2018, 22:36 
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Marchionne’s Fiat made a bold, zero-money offer to become Chrysler’s primary stakeholder in 2009. The Treasury Department blinked, largely to help save up to a million industry jobs (including at General Motors and other automakers and suppliers) that were threatened by the global financial crisis. So Fiat and Marchionne inherited Chrysler and its assets, however troubled—brands, factories, headquarters, engineering, design, a dealer network—without investing a penny, following a government-lubed zip through bankruptcy court. And not merely “free,” but free-and-clear of plenty of pesky secured debt, pension obligations, and 25 percent of its bloated dealer network. Marchionne’s deal-making made Trump look like an amateur.

Newly married, Fiat Chrysler’s generous dowry brought $12.5 billion in federal relief loans, a government signal to Wall Street investors that FCA would not and could not fail. If you didn’t hear that message, President Obama would happily deliver it; the White House itself announced the deal and pushed Chrysler to accept Fiat's terms. (Chrysler had already received a $4.5-billion bailout courtesy of President George W. Bush.) FCA debuted on the New York Stock Exchange for just $9 a share. The industry then embarked on a giddy golden age that included six consecutive years of rising and ultimately record sales, the first time that had happened in the industry’s century-plus history. Those record sales were driven by two more epic windfalls, especially for this most truck-centric of all Detroit automakers: Plummeting gasoline prices, and a massive consumer shift toward SUVs. (Subaru, whose AWD lineup is the closest analog to Jeep’s, saw its own U.S. sales more than double, despite adding just one new nameplate throughout that blistering run.)

Jeep and Dodge had been building trucks for decades before Marchionne got there, and those booming sales fell into FCA’s lap. In this environment, the world’s worst auto CEO could have minted money. And that’s exactly what happened. Every global automaker posted record sales and profits. While their success was by no means guaranteed, Chrysler (and GM) were able to start from scratch, with the biggest head start, their debts largely forgiven, the United Auto Workers bought off, and their next-generation products funded via government largesse. (And I say that as a full supporter of the bailout.)

Dati dracului, intr-adevar. Si ce le mai plac provocarile astea gratis... o nebunie!

PostPosted: 30 Jul 2018, 22:47 
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Am inteles, ceilalti au considerat ca e sub demnitatea lor sa primeasca atata banet degeaba. Ce imbecili ! Iti dai seama ? Daca un contabil de doi bani ca Sergio a reusit, nici nu vreau sa ma gandesc ce ar fi reusit aia de la Daimler, daca mai bagau o fisa, sau aia de la BMW, dupa ce au acumulat experienta ducand in cap Rover-ul, sau chiar si aia de la Ford (nu, astia nu, ca erau si ei in canal), care aveau si ei experienta lor cu Volvo si Land Rover si lista poate continua. Adica de ce tocmai Fiat ?

Alfa Romeo Giulietta 1.8 TBi - Valeria
Alfa Romeo GTV 2.0 V6 TB - Carla
“La Bellezza è lo splendore del Vero.”

PostPosted: 31 Jul 2018, 10:45 
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Nu are rost sa ne confruntam cu tot felul de argumente, oarecum nepalpabile, si care pot fi dezbatute si intoarse pe toate fetele in o mie de feluri.
Viitorul ne va spune cat de genial a fost Marchionne, sau nu. Indubitabil este ca, pentru Alfa Romeo, a facut cateva lucruri bune (platforma Giorgio, relansarea ADN-ului sportiv cu 4C si intrarea in F1, etc), dar prost sustinute, neduse pana la capat si cu mare intarziere, ceea ce, iarasi indubitabil, a facut sa rateze tinta, care, pana la urma, era cea care conta: relansarea marcii. E concluzie a oricarui analist serios, mai ales de dincolo de ocean: relansarea Alfa Romeo a esuat!
Pentru asta nu il pot ierta pe Marchionne, chiar daca a facut Fiat sa se simta mai bine (stiti ca si bolnavii de cancer au o perioada mai buna, chiar inainte sa se duca...) si a vandut milioane de pick-up-uri stupide in America.

Ford Focus Wagon ST-Line
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PostPosted: 05 Sep 2018, 16:40 
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Baietii astia se lauda cu 21 pagini dedicate Alfa Romeo in numarul lor din Septembrie 2018, poate intereseaza pe cineva :)
Eu azi-maine am sa comand o bucata, daca e cineva din Bucuresti interesat sa facem comanda comuna, PM me. Costa 4,40 lire revista, iar livrarea in Romania inca 4,90. Nu e un pret astronomic, dar parca ma zgarie pe creier sa dau mai mult pe livrare decat pe produs. :bored:

Youtube 100 Kmph
Alfa Romeo MiTo MY2016 1.4 TB MA 140 TCT
Alfa Romeo Giulietta MY2017 2.0 175 TCT
Ex: Alfa Romeo 147 '03 1.6 Twin Spark
Ex: Alfa Romeo 159 SW '06 1.9 JTDm
Ex: Alfa Romeo 156 '02 JTS Selespeed
Ex: Fiat Punto '97 - 1.1 - "Fortosul"

 Post subject: Re: Alfa Romeo Giulia
PostPosted: 26 Sep 2018, 19:43 
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Everybody say "Alfa" in 3, 2, 1: Superspeed cu Giurgea si Bratu

 Post subject: Re: Alfa Romeo Giulia
PostPosted: 26 Sep 2018, 19:52 
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Cum dracu ii alege AutoItalia pe dobitocii ăștia sa testeze alfa nu stiu[emoji35][emoji35][emoji35][emoji35][emoji2961]

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Alfa Romeo Giulia Quadrifoglio 2.9 V6 510+CP
Alfa Romeo Stelvio First Edition 2.0 280CP
ex. Alfa Romeo Giulia Veloce 2.0 280+CP
ex. Alfa Romeo 159 TBI 200+CP
ex. Alfa Romeo 147 2.0 T.S 150CP

 Post subject: Re: Alfa Romeo Giulia
PostPosted: 26 Sep 2018, 20:29 
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Dar n-au testat la Fest ? Iar le-a venit pofta? :lol:

Alfa Romeo GT 2.0 JTS
EX: Alfa Romeo 156 2.0 TS
EX: Alfa Romeo 156 2.0 TS
Redline it once a day, keeps the mechanic away 8)

 Post subject: Re: Alfa Romeo Giulia
PostPosted: 26 Sep 2018, 22:25 
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le era dor de noi si ce au primit atunci :))

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Toată ziua la volan Răsfăţat ca un motan, Rezervorul mereu plin, Nici o grijă, nici un chin, Şi-apoi cînd ieşi pe şosea Tot apare cîte cineva...
Femei goale cîte vrei Din reviste de doi lei, Unghii negre plus tutun, Băutură şi drum bun! Pot oricînd să susţină teze Despre cutia de viteze
Poa' să fie profesor, Medic sau aviator, Avocat sau conţopist, Inginer, frizer, dentist, Pictor sau electrician, Toţi înjură la volan !

 Post subject: Re: Alfa Romeo Giulia
PostPosted: 26 Sep 2018, 23:17 
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lauraplugaru Quote:
Everybody say "Alfa" in 3, 2, 1: Superspeed cu Giurgea si Bratu
Mie mai interesante mi se par comment-urile :D

'16 Alfa Romeo Giulia 2.2 Rosso Alfa

 Post subject: Re: Alfa Romeo Giulia
PostPosted: 27 Sep 2018, 03:57 
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Bre, sunteti pe topicul gresit. Aici se vorbeste despre o masina, nu despre SUV-ul ala neinteresant sau despre mascaricii aia doi. :censored:

 Post subject: Re: Alfa Romeo Giulia
PostPosted: 27 Sep 2018, 09:29 
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Clar , ar fi mers pe topicul cu Alfa in presa.
Pe de alta parte refuz sa citesc toate mizeriile debitate de analfabetii care comenteaza pe pagina lor . Incredibil cati prosti aduna astia doi . Iar ei doi sunt niste terminati lingai .

 Post subject: Re: Alfa Romeo Giulia
PostPosted: 27 Sep 2018, 09:34 

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Or fi ei doi idioți dar aduc multă atenție asupra alfa Romeo în presa, pana la urma de asta are nevoie alfa, presa chiar și negativa de multe ori aduce beneficii.

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 Post subject: Re: Alfa Romeo Giulia
PostPosted: 27 Sep 2018, 13:42 
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andrey_r Quote:
Or fi ei doi idioți dar aduc multă atenție asupra alfa Romeo în presa, pana la urma de asta are nevoie alfa, presa chiar și negativa de multe ori aduce beneficii.

Trimis de pe al meu LG-H870 folosind Tapatalk
I beg to differ. Am trecut de punctul in care Giulia si Stelvio aveau nevoie de awareness (pozitiv sau negativ). Dupa 2 ani de zile, ar trebui sa ne aflam intr-o strategie cu totul diferita. Pe international, puteti vedea deja spoturi care comunica pachet Safety All Included sau noi versiuni de styling. La noi, inca se rupe fasul si se face gargara ieftina.
(Putem muta conversatia pe topicul dedicat, m-am grabit sa postez ieri).

PostPosted: 30 Sep 2018, 19:55 
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Nu este de domeniul meu de interes dar sunt constient ca asta e viitorul care ne asteapta: masina electrica.
Nu mi-a placut niciodata Musk.

147 1.9 Mjet 16V
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PostPosted: 30 Oct 2018, 00:22 
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De la masina electrica din postarea de mai sus trec la ceva mai...clasic.
De urmarit pana la capat, se pare ca stiam eu ceva cand m-am apucat de modificat masina personala. :peace:

now: 2023 Stelvio Competizione 2.0 280hp Q4
ex: Stelvio 2.2Mjet 210hp Q4 Veloce
ex: 156 3.2v6 24v GTA
ex: Giulietta M-air TCT 170hp
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PostPosted: 12 Jun 2019, 15:17 
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forza alfa! ... 0_9xdeeq23

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GQV 1750 TCT 2014 -
Stelvio 2.0 Q4 2019 -
Giulia Quadrifoglio 2.9 AT 2024 -

PostPosted: 12 Jun 2019, 15:50 
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Joined: 10 Aug 2016, 16:29
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si cat de fain arata Misano Blue (daca nu ma insel). Nu cred ca este vreo culoarea in care Giulia sa nu arate bine...

Enjoy the simple things in life!

//Alfa Romeo Giulietta QV
//Alfa Romeo 159 2.4 Q4
//Lancia Y 1.4 12V

PostPosted: 25 Aug 2019, 20:43 
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Joined: 18 Oct 2016, 10:08
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Am postat pe topicul de mai jos o propunere pentru Giulia & Stelvio Owners Meeting #2.

Let me know daca va doriti.

Giulia & Stelvio Owners Meeting

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