Dupa ce ne-au potcovit cu plasticaraie si electronice, fabricantii auto (amerloci, deocamdata) vor sa ne interzica sa ne reparam singuri masinile.
https://www.yahoo.com/autos/s/gm-ford-o ... 00229.html
Citatul asta e chiar remarcabil:
"What GM, and even tractor companies like John Deere, argues is that you, as an owner, don’t actually own your car. Rather, you’re sort of just borrowing it for an extended amount of time and paying for the rights to use the technology. If it sounds ridiculous— it is. But it gets even more ludicrous.
According to the Electronic Frontier Foundation, John Deere argued that “letting people modify car computer systems will result in them pirating music through the on-board entertainment system.”
That’s right— pirating music. Through a tractor."
In acelasi spirit se pare ca pe modele recente de BMW si Audi nu mai exista joja de ulei, e optionala si tre sa dai banu' jos, daca te crezi mai dastept decat Prealuminatu' Senzor.
Asta va da si mai multa greutate celebrei fraze a mecanicilor de reprezentanta cand iti pica ceva in garantie : "Da n-are nimic, dom'le, e normal!"
Daca stirea ajunge realitate, cre' ca-mi iau un UAZ 469b si ma retrag in Muntii Altai sau in Siberia. Probabil vine si tov. Coman, sper!