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articol interesant despre ‘criza greaca’ intr-un mod mai impartial decat cel oficial EU.
The reason is that once high-value industries are established in particular places, it is very difficult for other regions to fully catch up — New York, London, Frankfurt, Milan, and Toronto all serve as draws for talent from throughout the country and absent ongoing transfer payments back to poorer regions you would see a path of endless divergence.
To function smoothly, the Eurozone would need to have some of these cross-subsidies. Taxpayers in Germany and the Netherlands would have to commit to subsidizing Greece and Portugal on a constant, ongoing basis without fussing the Greeks and the Portuguese about it too much.
That German and Dutch voters aren’t excited about this idea is perfectly understandable. That they think it’s reasonable for a currency union to work despite these kinds of transfers is less understandable.
De citit mai e si unul dintre cei mai apreciati economisti din lume, profesorul american Paul Krugman (laureat Nobel ptr. economie printre altele), care are o serie ampla de articole pe tema crizei din Grecia.
Europe should be ashamed of its campaign of bullying Greece. The truth is that Europe’s self-styled technocrats are like medieval doctors who insisted on bleeding their patients — and when their treatment made the patients sicker, demanded even more bleeding.
Asta apropos ca la inceputul crizei nivelul datoriei era de 127% din GDP, dupa ‘bailout’ a ajuns la 178% pe fondul distrugerii complete a economiei prin masurile intelepte ale IMF&co. Era iarasi un articol in Bloomberg – targetul setat de desteptii de la IMF Greciei la nivel de deficit bugetar ar fi un vis si ptr Norvegia (cu tot petrolul).