Asociatia Alfa Club Romania

Maserati Bellagio
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Author:  tzzivii [ 04 Feb 2009, 02:35 ]
Post subject:  Maserati Bellagio

The fascinating coachbuilding heritage of the Bianchi Alderloni family has entered an inspired new chapter in automotive history. Hence the birth of the actual Carrozzeria Touring Superleggera S.r.l. in Rozzano, on the outskirts of Milan, thanks to the European holding company Zeta Europe, owner, among many, of Ruote Borrani, Carrozzeria Touring and Carrozzeria Granturismo trade marks. Carrozzeria Touring Superleggera S.r.l. consists of a team of very motivated designers, body engineers and master coachbuilders in combination with an international management team. At the occasion of the 2008 Villa d’Este Concours d’Elegance weekend, they are both thrilled and honoured to unveil two of their new creations, both as a world première.

Both projects, although based on completely different briefings, represent contemporary interpretations of very important traditional Carrozzeria Touring parameters: elegant sportiveness, quality of design, well-thought proportions and meticolous execution.

The Bellagio Fastback Touring forms a tribute to Maserati successful Quattroporte model. The most luxury Italian saloon car of the post-War period has in fact been transformed in a sports fastback with rear door and large loading space, to offer the market a top level sportcar, never realized before. The Bellagio Fastback Touring has dimensions and performance identical to the saloon’s, it weighs only 50 kg more and doesn’t need particular homologations. It’s the ideal car for those who need a high standing and perfomance car also for leasure, able to accomodate four persons in maximum comfort and a series of sports equipments, luggages and whatever you need in your spare time. The Bellagio Fastback Touring can therefore be made to measure not only in colours, interiors and desired accessories, but also in tailor-made solutions for its owner: spaces for shotguns, ski, golf and all big objects in general.

The start of the 21st century is witnessing a true renaissance of special automotive coachbuilding and custom automotive design. The factor of personal expression is still of growing importance. The complexity of modern cars seems contradictory to the profession of special coachbuilders. The spectrum of possibilities is however fascinating and broad. It forms a challenge for new generations of automotive designers and engineers. Modern technologies and materials, in combination with traditional skills and know-how, open new windows for tailor-made high quality products. Laptops and hammers, software and steel, laser and rulers: this is the workfloor of Carrozzeria Touring Superleggera for 2008.
si uite o masina practica. "de familie"

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Maserati_Fastback-Touring_94_1024x768.jpg [ 44.14 KiB | Viewed 3592 times ]

Author:  ALXege [ 04 Feb 2009, 13:55 ]
Post subject:  Re: Maserati Bellagio

arata ca un dric..

Author:  tzzivii [ 04 Feb 2009, 14:00 ]
Post subject:  Re: Maserati Bellagio

dap, dar totusi are niste cai :lol: .
daca nu iti place asta uite-te la panamera (panarama). sa vezi acolo uratenie.
oricum imi place la nebunie sedan-ul. si e on my list.

te salut

Author:  radu [ 04 Feb 2009, 14:45 ]
Post subject:  Re: Maserati Bellagio

O fi fost facut special pentru seicul Bruneiului, mare amator de break-uri :)).

Author:  marius [ 04 Feb 2009, 16:01 ]
Post subject:  Re: Maserati Bellagio

Nimeni nu a produs pana cum un break in clasa de lux. Toate incercarile de acest gen au ramas la stadiul de protip,nici macar Mercdes, ce parea campionul niselor, si la un moment dat chiar prezentase un S-Klasse SW nu a pus in practica ideea. Intre timp locul pe piata care l-ar fi putut ocupa un carator de lux a fost ocupat de SUV-uri de mari dimensiuni, gen Q7 sau GL. Nici macar un crossover ca R-Klasse,foarte apropiat ca si concept de ideea un break de mare lux, nu a avut succesul scontat.
Strict on topic, legat de un Maserati SW de care amintisem deja pe undeva pe aici prin forum, mai exista si o alta incercare a celor de la Studio Torino.

Maserati Cinque Porte by Studio Torino.jpg
Maserati Cinque Porte by Studio Torino.jpg [ 37.62 KiB | Viewed 3504 times ]

Author:  ALXege [ 04 Feb 2009, 17:51 ]
Post subject:  Re: Maserati Bellagio

citisem undeva (cu foarte mult timp in urma) de un break in 2 usi in clasa de lux, tin minte ca parca era ceva britanic! Oricum, ceva deosebit de interesant la vremea respectiva..

Author:  marius [ 04 Feb 2009, 18:01 ]
Post subject:  Re: Maserati Bellagio

Aston Martin Virage. :wink:

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Author:  Jaggguar [ 04 Feb 2009, 18:07 ]
Post subject:  Re: Maserati Bellagio

ALXege Quote:
arata ca un dric..
io las vorba sa ma duca cu dricul asta cand o tare urat nu e

Author:  tzzivii [ 04 Feb 2009, 23:01 ]
Post subject:  Re: Maserati Bellagio

marius Quote:
Nimeni nu a produs pana cum un break in clasa de lux.Toate incercarile de acest gen au ramas la stadiul de protip,nici macr Mercdes,ce parea campionul niselor si la un moment dat prezentase un S-Klasse SW nu a pus in practica ideea.Intre timp locul pe piata care l-ar fi putut ocupa un carator de lux a fost ocupat de SUV-uri de mari dimensiuni,gen Q7 sau GL.Nici macar un cross-over ca R-Klasse,foarte apropiat ca si concept de ideea un break de mare lux,nu a avut succesul scontat.
Strict on topic,legat de un Maserati SW pe care amintisem deja pe undeva pe aici prin forum,mai exista si o alta incercare a celor de la Studio Torino.
arata mult mai bine in poza ta. scuze dar nu gasisem nimic despre el.

va salut

Author:  marius [ 11 Feb 2009, 21:12 ]
Post subject:  Re: Maserati Bellagio

Unul din cele 25 de exemplare produse pentru pretul de 200.000 de euro in drum spre un fericit posesor din Olanda.
Oare prin tarile astea cu apa calda n-or avea oamenii retineri fata de masinile astea de carat varza ? :scratch:

Maserati_Bellagio_Fastback pe trailer in Olanda.jpg
Maserati_Bellagio_Fastback pe trailer in Olanda.jpg [ 21.85 KiB | Viewed 3362 times ]

Author:  ibiza [ 03 Mar 2009, 02:30 ]
Post subject:  Re: Maserati Bellagio

nu arata a dric, doar ca la spate seamna putin cu pejo 407 break... adica montantul D si luneta...

PS: e SUBZERO cool :)

Author:  Soul_assassin [ 11 Mar 2009, 15:57 ]
Post subject:  Re: Maserati Bellagio

Foarte urat spatele. Nu credeam ca Maseratti o sa faca un nenorocit de break. :thumbdown:

Author:  vip007 [ 11 Mar 2009, 21:31 ]
Post subject:  Re: Maserati Bellagio

l-a facut deja...

Author:  Alexx [ 11 Mar 2009, 22:09 ]
Post subject:  Re: Maserati Bellagio

Olandezii (si nu numai ei) au o problema cu taxele mari care se aplica pentru sedanurile sau masinile sport cu capacitate cilindrica mare. Breakurile, pick-up-urile si alte asemenea utilaje se impoziteaza altfel. Uitati-va sa vedeti in Benelux cate Porsche pickup sunt. Pi cuvant!

Author:  marius [ 15 Feb 2010, 23:29 ]
Post subject:  Re: Maserati Bellagio

Daca aia de mai sus arata ca un dric, asta de mai jos chiar este unul, realizat de InterCar Modena.

maserati quattroporte funebra.jpg
maserati quattroporte funebra.jpg [ 40.31 KiB | Viewed 2968 times ]

Author:  antonelcodreanu [ 16 Feb 2010, 01:41 ]
Post subject:  Re: Maserati Bellagio

"Eram precisa!"

Author:  tzzivii [ 28 Sep 2010, 14:53 ]
Post subject:  Re: Maserati Quattroporte Sport GT S

nooooooo :( :( :(

Author:  cristih [ 29 Sep 2010, 08:51 ]
Post subject:  Re: Maserati Quattroporte Sport GT S

incredibil :bash:

Author:  marius [ 04 Oct 2010, 18:56 ]
Post subject:  Re: Maserati Bellagio


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Author:  tm08alt [ 06 Oct 2010, 11:24 ]
Post subject:  Re: Maserati Bellagio

ALXege Quote:
citisem undeva (cu foarte mult timp in urma) de un break in 2 usi in clasa de lux, tin minte ca parca era ceva britanic! Oricum, ceva deosebit de interesant la vremea respectiva..
Acum probabil ca nu e o noutate, dar englezii au acest concept de shooting brake - un fel de masina sport, luxoasa in 2 usi dar cu spate de break. Istoric, se spune ca era folosita de sportivi (a se citi vanatori si golf-eri) pentru a schimba rapid locatiile si a avea acces usor la echipament.
Cel mai bun exemplu "continental" mai recent este BMW Z3 coupe (chiar si VW Scirocco nou dupa unele pareri ) iar in trecut Volvo p 1800 ES - masina "Sfântului" Roger Moore.
Si, by the way a fost si o Lancia in aceeasi configuratie, prin anii 70 - Lancia Beta HPE, un model care pana acum vreo 2 ani l-am mai vazut pe strazile din Timisoara.

Author:  marius [ 27 Apr 2013, 20:16 ]
Post subject:  Re: Maserati Bellagio

Pe 25 Mai unul din cele 4 exemplare realizate va fi vandut la o licitatie organizata cu ocazia Concursului de Eleganta Villa d'Este 2013. Fabricata special si dupa cerintele lui Carlo Bonomi ( ex-proprietarul Ducati) masina este vopsita in Verde Stupinigi cu decoratiuni aurii si are jante Borrani. Intre specificatii sunt de mentionat scaunele posterioare reglabile, ecrane de 7 inch pentru pasageri, compartimentul refrigerat, compartiment ascuns pentru pustile de vanatoare. Pretul estimat este intre 80 si 120 de mii, dar licitatia va porni fara un pret minim de siguranta.

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maserati_quattroporte_bellagio_fastback_17 (Custom).jpg [ 65.24 KiB | Viewed 2433 times ]

Author:  marius [ 02 Jun 2013, 21:23 ]
Post subject:  Re: Maserati Bellagio

Si s-a vandut. 117.600 euro.
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villa deste 2013-crop (Custom).jpg [ 58.73 KiB | Viewed 2395 times ]
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villa deste 2013 2-crop (Custom).jpg [ 52.74 KiB | Viewed 2395 times ]
Si un exemplar englez, vopsit in traditionalul albastru inchis.
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maserati_quattroporte_bellagio_fastback_19 (Custom).jpg [ 102.93 KiB | Viewed 2395 times ]

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