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 Post subject: salutare
PostPosted: 23 Nov 2007, 00:15 

Joined: 22 Nov 2007, 23:59
Posts: 6
sunt un tanar student care a muncit din greu sa stranga niste banuti pt prima lui masina. dupa lungi cautari mam indragostit de ajuns sa am 2 optiuni fiat stilo coupe si alfa 156 ambele benzina 1.6. am decis sa merg p alfa fiind mult mai aspectuoasa si mai practica. ca tot omu am inceput sa caut p forumuri pareri cunoscand din auzite problemele de fiabilitate ale alfei. am gasit tot felul de raspunsuri insa nici unul concret....asa am dat de voi.
consider ca posesorii sunt cei mai indreptatiti sa dea sfaturi
daca aveti placerea de a ma sfatui si p mine astept raspunsuri.

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PostPosted: 23 Nov 2007, 00:58 
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Joined: 29 Jul 2005, 16:13
Posts: 5510
Car: 156 - The Red Hawk
Location: Deutschland :)
Bine ai venit pe forum!
In primul rand, scormonind prin sectiunea 156, sunt sigur ca vei gasi raspunsurile la intrebarile tale. Daca sunt intrebari fara raspuns, scrie-le aici si iti vom raspunde.


"The Red Hawk" - Alfa 156 1.9JTD 115CP
Alfa 147 2.0TS Selespeed
Fiat Punto 1.9 JTD 8v

 Post subject:
PostPosted: 23 Nov 2007, 19:31 

Joined: 22 Nov 2007, 23:59
Posts: 6
nu dispun de o suma foarte mare de invart cumva in jurul sumei de 4000 EU. am cautat p siturile de specialitate si am vazut ca se gasesc 156 incepand chiar de la 2000. citind pe forum am gasit acea discutie legata de masinile din 98. am gasit aceste masini daca va puteti uita si ma sfatui si p mine ar fi foarte bine. multumesc
link fooooarte luuuung

ME-incearca smecheria de mai sus pe viitor. :wink:

 Post subject:
PostPosted: 23 Nov 2007, 21:47 
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Joined: 21 Aug 2007, 16:46
Posts: 1019
in primul rand preturile acelea sunt foarte dubioase - sfat din toata inima mai bine nu.
chiar daca pleci cu ea pe roti.. nu vei sti cati km are, istoric accidente, iar ceva bani va trebui sa bagi daca vrei sa o tii mai mult de 1-2 luni (distributie, filtre, ulei si amortizoare sigur, posibil bucsi, turbina sau compresor AC). asta probabil iti va da peste cap calculele, ca sa nu mai vorbim de inmatriculare

vezi poate gasesti un stilo pe la 3500-4000 cu nr si asigurare valabile pana modifica astia taxa

Audi S3 1.8T
Ex: BMW 120i E87 silver
Ex: Alfa Romeo 156 TI 2.4 JTD 20V matt black
Ex: Alfa Romeo 156 2.4 JTD 10V black
Ex: Alfa Romeo 156 1.9 JTD 8V blue-cosmo

Live to drive, drive to live

 Post subject:
PostPosted: 23 Nov 2007, 22:08 

Joined: 22 Nov 2007, 23:59
Posts: 6
nu e taxa o problema suma p care o pot keltui p masina este d 4000. gasesc ceva bun in 4000 d euro...poate 4500?

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PostPosted: 24 Nov 2007, 00:53 
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Joined: 12 Apr 2007, 21:56
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Location: Bucuresti
giannidm Quote:
nu dispun de o suma foarte mare de invart cumva in jurul sumei de 4000 EU. am cautat p siturile de specialitate si am vazut ca se gasesc 156 incepand chiar de la 2000. citind pe forum am gasit acea discutie legata de masinile din 98. am gasit aceste masini daca va puteti uita si ma sfatui si p mine ar fi foarte bine. multumesc
link fooooarte luuuung

Ai grija la preturile foarte mici de pe TZEPE!!!!!!!!!! sa te feresti de parcuri-auto de turci, arabi...etc.

Stelvio 2.0 280hp Q4
ex:156 1.9Jtd-M 2004

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PostPosted: 24 Nov 2007, 01:47 
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nu cred ca exista in europa zone ferite de 'tzepari', insa fara suparare anunturile postate de tine par exact genul de anunt ptr. un credul, 'e Germania, deci e sigura'...poate suna oarecum xenofob, dar incearca sa eviti orice chestie auto care suna a baghdadi sau fener, poate treci din greseala pe langa un mare 'chilipir' insa e cu mult mai mare probabilitatea sa iei o tzeapa de zile mari de la respectivii...stiu ca e mare dorinta de a-ti procura masina dorita, dar ce te faci daca te trezesti ca-n 'Snatch', cu o rulota fara roti?

ex Alfa 159 1750TBi
ex Alfa 147 1.6 105cp

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PostPosted: 24 Nov 2007, 06:39 
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Joined: 01 Oct 2007, 08:28
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Location: Bucuresti
pe si pe multe alte site-uri de pe afara am dat peste tepari lipsiti de imaginatie, in general romani, care folosesc cam aceleasi tehnici ca cei de pe ebay... reproduc in continuare doua dintre mailuri

Sorry for my latter answer.I am glad to see a reply from you,it means that you really
have interest for my car and maybe we can close a deal together. I want to be honest with
you, I bought the car from Germany and brought the car to London, United Kingdom, my
residential place.The car has germane papers with TUV and all the taxes paid. Here in UK I cannot sell the car,since it has the steering wheel on the left side, not on the right one, and this is why many people don't want to buy the car here.
The car is in excellent condition, first hand,never involved in any accidents,the engine works perfect,
it has the technical book and all papers OK,also real km.
It can be registered in any European country and it's ready to be yours.
So if you preserve interest please reply me so I can give you more information and photos in order for you to be sure
that this is what you want to buy.If you are interested I can ship you the car and I will arrange for a 5 days inspection

Best regards


Thank you for getting back to me. I want to close
this deal as soon and as safe as possible for both,
that is why I suggest that I will send the car to
you,free to your home address, (I will handle the
delivery costs),
you will be contacted by the escrow shipping company
and they will send you a notice that the car is going
to your address.
To be more specific you will send the money for the
car to the shipping company, to be held by them in a
secure account, until you receive and inspect the car.
UNDERSTAND. You can always check that the car is on
it's way trough the escrow tracking sistem to your
address and you can contact the company at any time to
see that the car is yours already. I am an honest
person and I expect the same from you,
I want to be safe also because you are safe.This is
how it works the escrow shipping companies. Once you
receive the car and the papers and inspect them you
will tell
to the company that it's all OK and only then they
will give me the money. If there is so ething you
don't like about the car in any way you can simply
send it back on my expense, (no extra money for you)
and you will take your money back. The price is final.
I hope I am fair as this is the only way I will handle
this deal . I will find a company that offers good
prieces for shipping and a safe way for both ,and I
will give you my response.
Please think good about my offer, get your money
CASH, ready for dealing with me. I don't want to loose
money on shipping times before I have a serious buyer
and if you agree to it REPLY ME WITH YOUR FULL NAME
start the shipping process.

PS: Read carefully the things mentioned before, AND
understand,in order for me to know if I will reserve
this car for you.

Mie mi se pare mult prea ieftina harneala asta ca sa o poata hali cineva... :yousuck:

ex: Alfa Romeo 156 2.0 TS

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PostPosted: 24 Nov 2007, 07:20 
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Joined: 31 Mar 2007, 17:47
Posts: 534
Location: Oradea
Masina nigeriana se intoarce. Astea sunt de prin 2000, ma gandeam ca sau altii or fi rezolvat rahaturile de atunci. Se vede ca nu. Si se intelege din formularile boului ca e roman.

156 Sportwagon 1.9 JTD Progression 2003

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PostPosted: 06 Dec 2007, 22:41 
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Joined: 11 Jun 2007, 21:44
Posts: 696
Location: Brasov
Din 99 nu stiu daca e Euro 3. Cel mai sigur este sa te prezinti la RAR cu o copie de pe BRIEF si o cerere la care sa primesti un raspuns in scris despre norma de poluare. Mare atentie la D4..D3, nu corespund mereu cu Euro4 sau Euro3 !

Nu port bijuterii.
Le conduc.
Alfa Sportwagon

Dezmembrez motor 2.0 Twin Spark

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