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PostPosted: 26 Nov 2007, 16:50 

Joined: 07 Jul 2006, 17:28
Posts: 31
Location: Sofia-Bulgaria
This is the post from our Greek Alfisti friends;

This post for our alfisti friends that can not read greek text.

We fixed and booked the dates 23 & 24/2/2008 for our trackday (alfisti trackday) at Serres Racing Circuit.
The initial cost for participation at both days calculated at 60 Euros for each car, but after last discuss with the responsible people there, it seems that it would be lower - it will depent of the final number of cars.
We have to pay in advance an amount until 10/12/07, so we started to collect 20 Euros for each car. We will publish soon a bank account for this reason.

We started the list of the cars that will participate, at
We will be glad to have alfisti and Alfa Romeo for other countries (Bulgaria, Rumania, etc), so in the last publish ( ... post847143) I added the section for international participates in the lower part of the table.
Every alfisti that is willing to participate may add his name and his car in this section of the table.
Please don’t add comments in that topic with the table, but only in this one, which is used for comments.
If there are any questions in English language, please feel free to ask here - we will try to reply the soonest possible in English.

Link for the thread here: ... post847153

If any if you is interested I can arrange for your participation.

Please fell free to translate that into Romanian and place it as well in the appropriate place in the forum.

Anyone that wants to join, please write here as well.

147 QVD and 159 2.4JTDm

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PostPosted: 28 Nov 2007, 03:04 

Joined: 07 Jul 2006, 17:28
Posts: 31
Location: Sofia-Bulgaria
ALFA Romeo

1. Thanassis -------------------- AR GT 3.2
2. endless ---------------------- AR 156 2.0
3. alfetta ----------------------- AR 156 GTA
4. De Perni ---------------------- AR Brera 3.2
5. xdream ----------------------- AR 147 GTA
6. REDMAN ---------------------- AR GT 3.2
7. ΒΕΡΝΑΡΔ ΜΠΑΦΙΣΤ------------ AR 156 2.0
8. Cloverleaf ---------------------AR 145 1.4
9. extacy------------------------ AR 156 1.6
10. Steven ----------------------- AR GT 2.0
11. Alfa Romeo Lover-------------- AR GT 1.8
13. Timos ------------------------ AR 147 1.6
14. ΔΙΑΜΑΝΤΗΣ ------------------ AR 33 1.7
15. The-------------------------- AR 156 1.8 SW
16. C.P.C.------------------------AR 147 1.6

Άλλα αυτοκίνητα

1. Ρενέ (φίλος thanos28 )------------------ Honda typeR
2. ΛΕΥΤΕΡΗΣ (πατερας ΔΙΑΜΑΝΤΗ) --------- Peugeot 306
3. Stilatos (Παντελής - StiloClub) -----------Fiat Stilo 1.6lt
4. Verone (Μπάμπης - StiloClub) ------------Fiat Stilo 1.2lt
5. ΜΠΑΜΠΗΣ ------------------------------ Fiat Coupe 20V


ALFA Romeo

1. alfiman ----------------------- AR 146 1.4
2. spiderman -------------------- AR Spider 2.0
3. Nικος Λιουφης ---------------- AR 156 1.6
4. Λαζαρος ---------------------- AR 33 1,5
5. Φωτης 75 -------------------- AR 75 2.0 TS
7. teo156. ---------------------- AR 156 2.0 TS
8. thanos28 --------------------- AR GTV V6 TB
9. Tasos156 --------------------- AR 156 2.0 JTS
10. Angel6 ----------------------- AR GTV V6 TB
11. MANOΣ ----------------------- AR 147 1.6
12. Makedonas ------------------- AR 147 1.6
13. johnmarra -------------------- AR 156 V6 2.5
14. haris ------------------------- AR 146 1.4
15. Yannisgtv3200 ---------------- AR GTV 3.2
16. mythos ------------------------AR 145 1.4
17. Xαραλάμπιδης Ιωάννης--------- AR 33 1.7 16v
18. Χαχόπουλος Απόστολος -------- AR 156 2.0 Selespeed
19. Χαχόπουλος Ιωάννης ---------- AR 156 1.8
20. NHP 7156 --------------------- AR 156 gta
21. Μαργαρίτης Κατσανίδης -------- AR 75 1.8 Turbo
22. nasos/sti-----------------------AR 156 1.8 Turbo
23. BILL ---------------------------AR 147 1.6
24. pyrate ------------------------ AR 146 1.4
25. fotis147------------------------AR 147 1.6
26. chris-alfa 147-------------------AR 147 1.6

Άλλα αυτοκίνητα

1. sv2 (alfisti ...) ----------------------------- Ferrari 430
2. vagmag ----------------------------------- Lotus Elise 111s
3. Arf (Άρης - StiloClub) -----------------------Fiat Stilo 1.4lt
4. Nikos (StiloClub) ----------------------------Fiat Stilo 1.6lt Turbo

Άλλες περιοχές

ALFA Romeo

1. looneytoon (Κοζάνη) ----------------------- AR 156 1.8
2. Nick G.D. (Tρικαλα) ------------------------ AR 147 2.0
3. Nikos-axel-147 (Λαμια) --------------------- AR 147 1.6
4. Περικλής (Καρπενήσι) ----------------------- AR 156 GTA
5. Ξανθοπουλος Γιαννης (Σερρες) -------------- AR Alfasud 1.5
6. Ξανθοπουλος Κωστας (Σερρες) -------------- AR 145 1,4
7. Σταυρακακης Αθανασιος (Σερρες)------------ AR 75 1.6
8. GT-GTA (Πύργος) ---------------------------AR GT 3.7 Compressor

Άλλα αυτοκίνητα

1. Λαζος (Κοζανη - φίλος looneytoon)---------- VW GOLF GT
2. Νικος Κ. (Κοζανη - φίλος looneytoon)-------- HONDA CIVIC TYPE R
3. Νίκος Β. (Λάρισα - φίλος Thanassis)--------- Octavia RS
4. faCe (Βόλος - Πέτρος - StiloCluΒ -------------Fiat Stilo 1.6lt
5. Παντελής (Βόλος - StiloClub)-----------------Fiat Stilo Abarth
6. s6_sot (Λάρισα - Σωτήρης - StiloClub)--------Fiat Stilo 1.6lt

International (Bulgaria etc)

ALFA Romeo

1. KGB ---------------------------------------AR 147 1.9 JTD Q2
2.Grigor................................................AR 164 2.0v6 Turbo Q2
3.Neo....................................................AR145 1.6 tuned..or QV
4.Mariana-------------------------------------AR 147 2.0Selespeed
5.Vencei---------------------------------------AR 159 1.9JTDm
6.Pinko----------------------------------------AR 166 2.4 JTD Q2
7.Stavros--------------------------------------AR GT 3.2 Q2
8.Alfamaniak----------------------------------AR 156 2.4 JTD Q2

147 QVD and 159 2.4JTDm

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PostPosted: 29 Nov 2007, 04:08 

Joined: 07 Jul 2006, 17:28
Posts: 31
Location: Sofia-Bulgaria
Anyone :(

147 QVD and 159 2.4JTDm

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PostPosted: 29 Nov 2007, 08:55 
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Joined: 29 Jul 2005, 16:13
Posts: 5510
Car: 156 - The Red Hawk
Location: Deutschland :)
Maybe me with Razvan (alfa33). We must discuss it and when we take a decision i will tell you.


P.S.:how about the photos and the movie with our meeting???

"The Red Hawk" - Alfa 156 1.9JTD 115CP
Alfa 147 2.0TS Selespeed
Fiat Punto 1.9 JTD 8v

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PostPosted: 29 Nov 2007, 11:17 
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Joined: 09 Feb 2006, 03:12
Posts: 1861
Location: Bucuresti
If I will still have my alfa this spring, you can count on me, but until then I cannot promise anything, I sure hope you don't mind a short notice, we'll see....
So you can put a defintely maibe on me: Alfa 147 GTD Q2

BMW Z4 sDrive 3.5i
Renault Clio Sport 197
Alfa 159 1.9 mJTD
ex: Alfa Brera '08 2.4mJTD
ex: Alfa 147 1.9mJTD [/b]" onclick=";return false;

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PostPosted: 29 Nov 2007, 11:57 
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Joined: 11 Jan 2006, 12:06
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Location: Brasov
I will try to came, as Alex Mirica said allready :) I understand that we have to pay a fee of 20 euro for each car till 10 december. I will let you know for shure next week if we can come.

The list could be:
Alex Mirica.......Alfa 75 3.0 V6 24V
Alexx...............Alfa 147 JTD Q2
Razvan ............Alfa GTV V6 2.0 Turbo

Please tell us how can transfer the money if we decide to come.
Best regards

Razvan Patrascu

Alfa Romeo 159 1.9 JTDm 120 CP
Alfa Romeo GTV V6 3.2 270CP
Alfa Romeo 147 1.9 JTD 101CP
Alfa Romeo 33 boxer 1.7 16V QV 140CP
Ex. Alfa Romeo GTV V6 2.0 Turbo 240CP

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PostPosted: 03 Dec 2007, 04:04 

Joined: 07 Jul 2006, 17:28
Posts: 31
Location: Sofia-Bulgaria
Ok, let me know...

I will post tomorrow the bank account in Greece where you should deposit the money and I will give you the contact person from the Greek Alfa Club.

If you decide to come, we can wait for you in Sofia and we can travel together there. We can arrange the hotel as well, I will be around 10-20Euro per person per night....but this is in Bulgaria in a very nice a very old small will like it.

Best regards,


147 QVD and 159 2.4JTDm

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PostPosted: 03 Dec 2007, 09:22 
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Joined: 29 Jul 2005, 16:13
Posts: 5510
Car: 156 - The Red Hawk
Location: Deutschland :)
Sounds good :D
Thanks, Petko!!!

"The Red Hawk" - Alfa 156 1.9JTD 115CP
Alfa 147 2.0TS Selespeed
Fiat Punto 1.9 JTD 8v

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PostPosted: 07 Dec 2007, 15:19 

Joined: 07 Jul 2006, 17:28
Posts: 31
Location: Sofia-Bulgaria
Tomorrow I will send you all the information need to transfer the money.

I hope that you will be able to participate.

Best Regards,


147 QVD and 159 2.4JTDm

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PostPosted: 28 Feb 2008, 23:20 

Joined: 07 Jul 2006, 17:28
Posts: 31
Location: Sofia-Bulgaria
At the thread over here you can see some pictures from the event. We really had wonderful time and next time you should be there as well. ... 03&start=0

147 QVD and 159 2.4JTDm

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PostPosted: 02 Mar 2008, 09:36 
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Joined: 18 Feb 2006, 19:39
Posts: 10325
Car: o cisterna
Location: Kronstadt
Nice one KGB !
Good to see an old Alfa giving the Fezza a thrash around the circuit! As for the guy driving the Beemer,he deserves a prize or something.:twisted:

156 2.0 TS
156 SW 2.0 JTS
166 2.4 JTD TI
916 Spider 3.0 Arese
159 SW 1.9 JTDm

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