MariLuc Quote:
Gojifruit Quote:
Vibratia pe care o simti cand brachezi maxim sau aproape de maxim este specifica arhitecturii pe care au folosit-o la puntea fata. Rotile nu mai sunt paralele in acel punct. Dar pentru ca ai aceasta arhitectura, masina sta in curbe altfel.decat oricare alta.
Problema este destul de cunoscuta si, daca nu ma insel, este mentionata chiar in cartea masinii.
Mi-ati luat o piatra de pe suflet! Deci pot sa o "antrenez" dupa rodaj fara teama!
Las aici si explicatia oficiala, pentru orice nevoi bibliografice ulterioare:
Official bulletin copied below:
Chattering Noise While Steering
This bulletin involves discussing a chattering that might be heard from the Alfa Romeo
Giulia front suspension.
2017 (GA) Alfa Romeo Giulia
The Alfa Romeo Giulia is characterized by unique suspension characteristics featuring
patented AlfaTM Link technologies, developed in order to deliver the best dynamic
performance in any driving condition.
In particular, the front double-wishbone with semi-virtual steering axle scheme allows an
“Ackermann” angle change with the variation of the steering angle. Ackerman angle is
described by the different steering angle between the left/right front wheels.
This feature, which is normally reserved for premium sport cars, has been the object of
specific tuning by Alfa Romeo engineers to ensure the lowest vehicle understeer in any
driving condition and to achieve a breakthrough in Giulia driving dynamic best in class
steering feeling, enhanced safety and driving pleasure.
At the maximum steering wheel angle, the specific tuning above mentioned makes the
front suspension deliver a lower steering angle from the right to left front wheels,
generating a perceivable dragging phenomenon on the inner wheel, which can be
perceived as a “chattering” accompanied by some noise which is influenced by one or
more the following conditions:
· Driving surfaces and air temperature.
· Tires pressures.
· Tire specification, size and brand.
· Steering angle and speed of the vehicle.
NUMBER: 02-003-17
GROUP: Front Suspension
DATE: March 10, 2017
Such behavior may be noticed in the different conditions is only correlated to the above
mentioned parameters, and is no indication there is an issue with the vehicle.
This behavior is inherent to very specific Alfa Romeo engineering development, which is
the maximization of the vehicle safety, and does not affect in any way the vehicles safety,
tires, or indicate a mechanical part failure.
Information Only.