Asociatia Alfa Club Romania

Strategie Alfa Romeo 2018-2023 - Presentation as of June 1st 2018
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Author:  FM7 [ 01 Jun 2018, 18:35 ]
Post subject:  Strategie Alfa Romeo 2018-2023 - Presentation as of June 1st 2018

Document prezentat astăzi. Foarte interesant, fiecare Alfa va avea versiune electrică și vor elimina complet motorul diesel.

FCA June 1 2018 CMD_Alfa Romeo Brand.pdf [7.64 MiB]
Downloaded 139 times

Author:  radu.dandu [ 01 Jun 2018, 19:44 ]
Post subject:  Re: Strategie Alfa Romeo 2018-2023 - Presentation as of June 1st 2018

Sper sa nu o dea in bara cu GTV-ul. O Giulia taiata cu ciobul nu o sa fie GTV... ar fi cazul sa puna osul la treaba...bine de tot! Monsieur Ralph ... e momentul sa te implici! :bash:

In rest....hai cu Alfa resurrection !!! :clapping:

Author:  FM7 [ 01 Jun 2018, 20:48 ]
Post subject:  Re: Strategie Alfa Romeo 2018-2023 - Presentation as of June 1st 2018

Interesant, GTV o să aibă 600+cai putere. :)

Noua Giulietta un 2019 :)

Screenshot_20180601-204543.png [ 1.25 MiB | Viewed 2654 times ]

Author:  yux_mm [ 02 Jun 2018, 15:10 ]
Post subject:  Re: Strategie Alfa Romeo 2018-2023 - Presentation as of June 1st 2018

Mai e un topic Planurile Alfa Romeo. Ar trebui acolo mutata discutia...
Poate un moderator se ocupa.

Author:  lucianm [ 18 Dec 2018, 15:05 ]
Post subject:  Re: Strategie Alfa Romeo 2018-2023 - Presentation as of June 1st 2018

Cica se pregateste lansarea Giulietta 2019. Cei de la Autoitalia nu mai iau comenzi pana prin februarie, fiindca se asteapta lansarea noii versiuni.
Stie cineva, ceva? Exista informatii credibile?

Author:  Valak [ 18 Dec 2018, 15:25 ]
Post subject:  Re: Strategie Alfa Romeo 2018-2023 - Presentation as of June 1st 2018

O sa fie un facelift, modificari minore.

Author:  centurion [ 18 Dec 2018, 21:53 ]
Post subject:  Re: Strategie Alfa Romeo 2018-2023 - Presentation as of June 1st 2018

Deci inca un model fara caroserie break?

Author:  stig53 [ 18 Dec 2018, 23:40 ]
Post subject:  Re: Strategie Alfa Romeo 2018-2023 - Presentation as of June 1st 2018

In auto motor si sport se vorbeste de lansarea noii Giulietta la mijlocul lui 2019 pe platforma giuliei :dribble: . Eventual poate vedem o versiune deja in martie la Geneva :naughty:

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Author:  lucianm [ 19 Dec 2018, 11:15 ]
Post subject:  Re: Strategie Alfa Romeo 2018-2023 - Presentation as of June 1st 2018

Eu am gasit aceasta prezentare:
Aici nu e vorba doar de un facelift, ci de utilizarea unei versiuni scurtate a platformei Giorgio, tractiune spate, etc.

Author:  cristih [ 20 Dec 2018, 12:59 ]
Post subject:  Re: Strategie Alfa Romeo 2018-2023 - Presentation as of June 1st 2018

Interesant este cum un clasic, Seria 1, trece la tractiune fata si altii se duc spre propulsie. Pe mine ma bucura, insa altii vor pune lanturi la rotile din fata :)

Author:  dand [ 20 Dec 2018, 18:54 ]
Post subject:  Re: Strategie Alfa Romeo 2018-2023 - Presentation as of June 1st 2018

Doar un 'restyling', nimic semnificativ pana in 2021. ... 29214.html

Author:  cristih [ 21 Dec 2018, 00:31 ]
Post subject:  Re: Strategie Alfa Romeo 2018-2023 - Presentation as of June 1st 2018

Mai citisem acum vreo luna juma' in alta parte ca vine in 2019 pe noua platforma...

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