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PostPosted: 07 May 2006, 02:11 
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Zvonuri de pe combinat mai multe surse cat mai concis...

Dupa declaratiile recente ale oficialilor Alfa Romeo in privinta unei iminente reintoarceri pe piata americana,si tinand cont si de viitorul comun Alfa-Maserati se pune problema rentabilizarii platformelor premium folosite(tractiunea spate sau integrala este absolut necesara la modelele de varf).Sunt luate in calcul mai multe posibilitati,nu este exclus un model nisa gen CLS pe baza viitorului 169(s-ar relua astfel traditia clasicului nume Villa d'Este).La randul lui mult intarziatul prototip Kamal ar primi unda verde,tinand cont de trendul actual si de popularitatea SUV-urilor,iar o ultima propunere vehiculata ar fii aceea a unui crossover de lux,situat peste Kamal,concurent al clasei R de la Mercedes,tintint tot spre profitabila piata americana.

File comment: crossover Alfa concurent R-class
posibil.jpg [ 28.36 KiB | Viewed 7327 times ]

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PostPosted: 10 May 2006, 01:29 
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PostPosted: 06 Nov 2006, 17:02 
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Iata si prima Alfa din noua generatie pozata pe strazile din Los Angeles.


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Last edited by marius on 25 Mar 2008, 16:25, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: 03 Mar 2007, 21:51 
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Alexandrus Quote:
pe piata nord americana nu cred ca sunt foarte interesati de greutatea masinilor, judecind dupa modelele ce au succes acolo ;)
Piata nord-america este un aparte,ceva gen "make it or break it".Ori reusesti si iti realizezi "visul american" ori dai faliment.
Nu uita ca Alfa in State este inconjurata de o aura exotica,majoritatea oamenilor nu stiu prea multe despre marca dar o asociaza cu ceva italian,stilat si de calitate.Reintoarcerea trebuie pregatita in amanunt,dar produsul care se va vinde va fi cel care va reusi sau nu se se impuna. Adevarul este ca se asteapta foarte multe,mai ales tinand cont ca reteaua de dealeri care va fi folosita va fi cea Maserati.In plus,majoritatea americanilor asociaza Alfa Romeo cu Spiderul din "The Graduate" .
Asa cum spuneam si aici , sunt diferente mari intre masinile produse in anii ' 70 si noua generatie de modele Alfa.

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PostPosted: 16 Dec 2007, 02:17 
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Marchionne a declarat de curand ca pentru a fi cu adevarat profitabila,chiar si dupa 3-4 ani de la intoarcerea in America,Alfa are nevoie sa construiasca masini local.
Nu este pentru prima oara cand grupul Fiat isi deschide o fabrica in US of A.S-a mai intamplat acum un secol,in 1909.

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PostPosted: 18 Dec 2007, 00:42 
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Sper din tot sufletul daca Alfa va intra pe piata americana, sa nu aiba soarta BMW, adica sa fie adusa intr-un hal fara de hal de un nenorocit de american idiot , arogant si ingamfat pe deasupra. Sper inca odata din tot sufletul sa ramina in continuare cea mai frumoasa masina europeana care intruchipeaza 100% spiritul Cuore Sportivo, importiva tendintelor comerciale americane de prost gust, si a unor fiinte asemanatoare lui Chris Bangle omul care a distrus BMW.

Ni Ten Ichi Ryu

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PostPosted: 25 Mar 2008, 16:31 
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Ultimele declaratii ale Donului Marchionne vin sa confirme oficial iminenta intoarecere in America a grupului Fiat.Iveco se afla deja in discutii de mai multa vreme cu un mare producator din zona,iar pentru ca afacerea Alfa sa fie rentabila,este nevoie ca modele marcii sa fie produse local,cel mai tarziu incepand cu 2011.Mai mult,dupa succesul peste asteptari din Europa al lui Fiat 500,Marchionne este de parere ca acelasi lucru se poate inampla si in SUA,mai ales ca precedentul exista - Mini-ul lansat de BMW care a devenit foarte cautat pe piata nord-americana.


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PostPosted: 26 Mar 2008, 15:55 
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Zvonurile potrivit carora BMW ar intentiona sa cumpera Alfa se transforma in planuri de colaborare ? :?


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PostPosted: 16 Oct 2008, 19:59 
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Marchionne a declarat oficiaal la Salonul Auto de la Paris ca Alfa va relua vanzarile in State in primul trimestru al anului 2010,la 15 ani dupa intreruperea lor.


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PostPosted: 26 Oct 2008, 23:56 
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Un fan al designului german vorbeste porno despre intoarcerea Brerei in America

Alfa Romeo's American Orgasm
Will the hot Italian brand's U.S. homecoming mean more sex for you? The Alfa Brera says, Hell yes

I never owned an old Alfa. I know almost nothing about the renowned Italian brand's heritage or their politics or design manifesto, and hence have almost zero nostalgia for antique Alfa automobiles or Dustin Hoffman's cool little car in "The Graduate".

Truly, my modern German engineering-loving heart does not really beat for creaky old automobiles in general, and when it comes to Italian cars I still tend to refer to the great line I read somewhere: "When you buy an Italian car, you get a great engine with some other stuff thrown in for good measure." Rim shot.

Well, not anymore.

To my mind, there is but one reason for celebrating the news that Alfa Romeo will finally be returning to the U.S. auto market in 2009 after a nearly 15-year absence: the Alfa Romeo Brera. A.k.a. the sexiest coupe ever. A.k.a. an orgasm on wheels. A.k.a. another precious reason to live, to pray that the world's petroleum reserves hold out just a little longer, to blithely ignore the fact that we all really should be turning our national attention to alternative fuels and Earth-friendly transportation and that we are ruining the planet with our gluttony and our oily wars and our Bush. I know.

But sweet Jesus with a leather chamois and a tub of warm carnauba wax, have you seen this car?

I'm rather shocked to admit it, but something good finally seems to be happening to modern car design. Which is a very wonderful thing indeed, given how we've endured over 20 years (30? More?) of horrible aesthetics and tepid imagination and lumpy jelly-bean sedans and the numb Honda Accordization of America. The good news is there now appears to be a return to sensuality and subtle curviness in car design, to sleek lines and slippery ergonomics where there was once only bulbous futuristic experimentation and/or random angular dissonance and (in America, certainly) never-ending macho piggishness.

Is the Brera the sexiest production car on the road today? Very possible. But we also have the Merc CLS, the visual equivalent of having hot sex with your best friend's mom in a wine cellar. And the new Porsche Cayman has an ass that makes J.Lo look like an amateur. The Audi TT is like a naked yoga teacher, tight and athletic and built to bend roads backward. Then there's the new BMW Z4 Coupe, looking like the mutant offspring of an angry reef shark and a Goethe love poem. Beautiful.

But the Brera, with its pinched razor headlamps and glass roof and edible rakish tail and lines like a Prada sports shoe, makes them all seem like so many VW Jettas. Well, OK, maybe not that boring. But you get the idea.

Maybe it's new sheet-metal-bending technology. Maybe it's the general mainstreaming of porn, a yummy salacious energy that's titillated all the design school geeks and exploded onto their sketch pads. Maybe it's a new generation of car designers raised on Apple iMacs and Photoshop's Trace Contour filter and the Internet's design library, all overlaid by a quiet resurgence of divine feminine sensibility as evidenced by a swarm of sleek new ergonomic vibrators. Whatever.

Alas, all this talk of sexy design really only refers, of course, to the European brands. Here in the United States it remains a slightly different, uglier, more macho story. All we get is the low-slung, cartoonish, overcooked Corvette. Or the Dodge Caliber. Or the 2009 Camaro, all wide stances and thick necks and the finesse of an NFL linebacker on steroids. That's essentially our value system in a nutshell: We've always valued fat shoulders over tight hips, stubble over silk, grunt over grace.

Hell, there hasn't been a truly luscious, sensual American car design since ... since ... oh right, there isn't one. Maybe the Saturn Sky? Sure, a little. But sadly, there remains this decidedly American need in auto design to always show off some hint of dumb muscle, to flex our cars in front of the mirror like frat boys at the gym. Cars like the Brera can only look over at these preening boys, grin slyly, order more Chianti.

Quick backstory: Alfa Romeo, faced with a stack of complaints about quality and reliability, slumped away from the American car market in 1995 with a whimper. They have barely been missed. But then corporate parent Fiat kicked the brand into gear, reworked everything, unveiled a new design direction, a reinvigorated aesthetic and dedication to quality and a whole new corporate structure. The brand came back to life in Europe, started winning awards and getting heaps of new praise and saving innocent kittens from burning buildings. Or something. Does it matter? I mean, have you seen this car?

According to Car & Driver, Alfa will kick off its U.S. return with the dazzling, ultra-lux $200K 8C supercar. This is merely the attention-getter. The flash and the glitter. Who buys silly $200K supercars? Arab sheiks? Jay Leno? Exactly.

Ignore the 8C. Focus on the more affordable Brera, which, along with the lovely 159 sedan, should soon follow, in both coupe and Spider iterations. Let us now celebrate the resurgence of sex and lust in automotive design. And thank Italy (and Brera designer Giorgio Giugiaro) once again for replanting its design aesthetic on our shores via something other than cute overpriced Alessi teapots and B&B Italia sofas, as it helps us forget all about the grunting thugs of the Italian World Cup soccer team. There -- I said it.

Oh, I know, it's enviro-blasphemy to worship internal-combustion cars in this day and age. Hell, I've argued this very point myself, even in the face of my unashamed love for my gem of an Audi A3. I know. But sometimes -- especially in the case of sex and design and beauty in the face of a torrent of skanky sheet metal and snot-ugly SUVs and a decidedly tepid, fear-based American agenda of sameness and uniformity -- a little juicy blasphemy is good for the soul. I mean, sweet Jesus with leather seats and a Bluetooth integration kit, have you seen this car?


Alfa Romeo 147 1.6 TS - ERZ
"Alfa cannot live by charm alone. Oh... hang on, yes it can."

PostPosted: 27 Oct 2008, 00:31 
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Nu cred ca am citit pe tot forumul asta un asemenea elogiu la adresa Brerei . Si asta venind de la un impatimit al marcilor germane ! Cred ca ar trebui cerut acordul autorului pentru a folosi anumite citate pe viitorul site .


AR 156 2.5 V6

PostPosted: 27 Oct 2008, 03:52 
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Uf... Am ramas fara cuvinte...
Articolul e foarte fain, si pot spune ca tipul asta stie sa scrie... bine!... 8)

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PostPosted: 27 Oct 2008, 15:58 
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Alfa amana reintoarcerea in State...Sau inceputul sfarsitului intentiei de reintoarcere pe piata americana. :(


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PostPosted: 27 Oct 2008, 16:15 

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Era de asteptat, data fiind criza mondiala si mai ales problemele economice ale SUA. Cand toti gigantii isi reduc productia si concediaza oameni, cand toate prognozele arata ca vanzarile de automobile vor scadea peste tot (in primul rand datorita lipsei creditarii), ar fi fost culmea ca tocmai Fiat sa se puna pe investitii majore in State si sa cheltuie bani cu nemiluita.

 Post subject: Prima Alfa 8C in State
PostPosted: 14 Nov 2008, 20:41 
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And the first one goes to...

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 Post subject: NEWS - Alfa Romeo
PostPosted: 01 Dec 2008, 12:38 
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Mesaj mutat.

"Ho scelto di guidare italiano...Una scelta che mi ha cambiato la vita
C'è qualcosa che lega ogni pilota alla sua Alfa Romeo
Noi lo chiamiamo:Cuore Sportivo"...

PostPosted: 06 Dec 2008, 17:13 
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8C competizione debarca in SUA :shock:

"Ho scelto di guidare italiano...Una scelta che mi ha cambiato la vita
C'è qualcosa che lega ogni pilota alla sua Alfa Romeo
Noi lo chiamiamo:Cuore Sportivo"...

PostPosted: 15 Dec 2008, 20:42 
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Dupa prima livrare iata ca si celelalte incep sa ajunga in posesia fericitilor clienti platitori,in uralele multimii. :clapping:


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PostPosted: 16 Dec 2008, 03:11 
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Extraordinar poate sa arate masina asta...
Parca e construita dintr-o singura bucata de un bijutier... :dribble:

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PostPosted: 16 Dec 2008, 11:59 
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Huh ?
Toate Alfele au stopuri simetrice,2 albe pentru marsarier,2 rosii pentru ceata.

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PostPosted: 16 Dec 2008, 12:03 
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marius Quote:
Huh ?
Toate Alfele au stopuri simetrice,2 albe pentru marsarier,2 rosii pentru ceata.
147FL nu... :(

1 5 9 T I
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PostPosted: 16 Dec 2008, 12:18 
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nici 147 MK1

Si nu cred ca e vorba de legislatie, cred legislatia ii obliga doar sa aiba cel putin un stop de marchearriere si un stop suplimentar de ceata, este fix alegerea producatorilor sa aiba unul sau doi, functie de spatiul disponibil in stop..

4C | Spider S4 2.0
ex Stelvio 2.0T | GTV 916 3.0 V6 | GTV 916 2.0TS | Spider 916 2.0TS | MiTo 1.4TB | Spider 939 2.4JTDm | Brera 2.4JTDm | Spider 916 2.0TS | GT 1.9mJTD | 147 1.6TS

PostPosted: 16 Dec 2008, 12:24 
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Eu stiam ca sedanurile au doua becuri pentru stopurile de ceata si doua pentru marsarier. Iar hatchback-urile au cate unul... Cel putin asa am observat pe strazi.

God drives Alfa Romeo!
Alfa 147 1.6 "Foxy"

PostPosted: 16 Dec 2008, 16:23 
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Mea culpa. :oops:
Ar fi trebuit sa spun "toate Alfele pe care le-am avut eu". :mrgreen:

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PostPosted: 16 Dec 2008, 19:30 
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Deci sa ne clarificam putin.
Nici Brera nu are 2... 1 alb si 1 rosu.

Nu exista nici o regula ca trebuie sa ai 1 bec sau 2.
Unde e diferenta si regula: In tarile cu volanul pe partea "corecta"
trebuie inversate cele 2 becuri in spate. Eh, cand produc masini,
unii pun 2 becuri din fiecare si au scapat de stres.

Dar de exemplu la Honda Civic era prevazut in spate 2 locuri pentru
fiecare culoare dar becurile inauntru lipseau. Deci intelegeti ce vreti. :)

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