Asociatia Alfa Club Romania

Kitsch Tuning
Page 35 of 69

Author:  ibiza [ 02 May 2010, 17:27 ]
Post subject:  Re: Kitsch Tuning

"oare ce jante sa cumpar?"

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Author:  mugurel [ 06 May 2010, 18:27 ]
Post subject:  Re: Kitsch Tuning

eu zic ca aici e locul ei . nu stiu dar cand vad hota aia din fata ...... poate daca nu circula prin oras si era doar de expozitie mai intelegeam . dar am vazut masina asta prin oras de mai multe ori asa ca de la mine are un :thumbdown:

File comment: avion ?
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File comment: aragaz ?
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Author:  valerica [ 06 May 2010, 18:30 ]
Post subject:  Re: Kitsch Tuning

am vazut-o si eu, dar nu din fata, trapez isoscel :D
rea nu e, dar daca tot a facut atatea, putea alege ceva mai bun pt fata.

Author:  Alexandrus [ 06 May 2010, 18:41 ]
Post subject:  Re: Kitsch Tuning

Cum naiba nu e rea, e un Clio Symbol, crapiest car, facuta jumate din fibra de sticla si vopsita auriu. trebui introdusa in lege o pedeapsa pentru genul asta de crima.

Author:  mugurel [ 06 May 2010, 18:48 ]
Post subject:  Re: Kitsch Tuning

fac pariu ca omu` se faleste cu ea ....
da fatza aia e crima ... ma gandesc ca daca nu esti atent poti sa iti pierzi cainele .

Author:  Alexandrus [ 06 May 2010, 18:56 ]
Post subject:  Re: Kitsch Tuning

Nu doar fatza, ci toata masina mi se pare de un prost gust ceva de speriat, mai ales tinand cont de la ce s-a pornit.

Author:  valerica [ 06 May 2010, 18:56 ]
Post subject:  Re: Kitsch Tuning

mugurel Quote:
ma gandesc ca daca nu esti atent poti sa iti pierzi cainele .
:roll2: :roll2:
hai ca nu e bataie de joc, omu' a depus suflet si cap, oricum e mai bine decat multe alfa de la kitsch tuning

Author:  yux_mm [ 09 May 2010, 19:59 ]
Post subject:  Re: Kitsch Tuning

am vazut si eu masina de mai multe ori in trafic. dar niciodata din fata. e adevarat, fata arata rau de tot. in rest mi s-a parut o lucratura destul de buna si coerenta, chiar daca modelul de masina nu se preteaza deloc la tuning.

Author:  AlfaRomeoLover [ 10 May 2010, 01:53 ]
Post subject:  Re: Kitsch Tuning


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Author:  zmarius [ 10 May 2010, 22:44 ]
Post subject:  Re: Kitsch Tuning

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Author:  Nea Victor [ 10 May 2010, 23:08 ]
Post subject:  Re: Kitsch Tuning

@AlfaRomeoLover : Lasa volanul , arata-ne si bordul !

Author:  mitza [ 10 May 2010, 23:11 ]
Post subject:  Re: Kitsch Tuning


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Author:  Alexandrus [ 10 May 2010, 23:58 ]
Post subject:  Re: Kitsch Tuning

Maxim fail acest lookalike de Sean Connery.

Author:  mox_is [ 31 May 2010, 07:27 ]
Post subject:  Re: Kitsch Tuning ... =208061319 ... =125817442

si e roman de-al nostru!

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Author:  yux_mm [ 31 May 2010, 09:21 ]
Post subject:  Re: Kitsch Tuning

ceva frumos, ceva deosebit!
totusi nu am inteles de ce interiorul este albastru cu gri iar portbagajul cu rosu?!

Author:  valerica [ 31 May 2010, 10:13 ]
Post subject:  Re: Kitsch Tuning

yux_mm Quote:
totusi nu am inteles de ce interiorul este albastru cu gri iar portbagajul cu rosu?!
tine cu Steaua!

Author:  drz [ 31 May 2010, 13:25 ]
Post subject:  Re: Kitsch Tuning

Tiganie... :bash:

Author:  cristialex80 [ 31 May 2010, 13:35 ]
Post subject:  Re: Kitsch Tuning

Imi vine sa bune.

Author:  mugurel [ 31 May 2010, 18:11 ]
Post subject:  Re: Kitsch Tuning

oare se descalta de tarlicii cu ciucurasi cand se urca la volan ?

Author:  Xdye [ 31 May 2010, 19:49 ]
Post subject:  Re: Kitsch Tuning

De pe facebook luata ... Trist.


Author:  zmarius [ 31 May 2010, 20:49 ]
Post subject:  Re: Kitsch Tuning

156 de sus e photoshop din fericire.
Am gasit insa un interior de gtv si mai trist, real de data asta, si nu la noi:

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Author:  mobyle [ 31 May 2010, 21:29 ]
Post subject:  Re: Kitsch Tuning

Ce loc a gasit :popa: ... daca se chinuia putin, putea pune doo dif-uri si in loc de tetiere spate putea inventa doo gauri sa aibe si bass reflex.

Author:  mitza [ 04 Jun 2010, 17:06 ]
Post subject:  Re: Kitsch Tuning

Restul pozelor aici :thumbdown:

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Author:  mox_is [ 12 Jun 2010, 10:00 ]
Post subject:  Re: Kitsch Tuning

hmmm...unele mai reusite decat altele..dar daca asta e conceptul de tuning, asta e!
intrebare e..poti sa faci un tuning reusit fara sa dai in kitsch?...sau termenii sunt inseparabili in peste 95% din cazuri? :lol:

"Car tuning is both an industry and a hobby, in which an automobile, motor bike, scooter or moped is modified in order to improve its performance, handling and presentation and improve the owner's driving style. As most vehicles leave the factory set up for average driver expectations and average conditions, tuning has become a way to personalize the characteristics of the vehicle to the owner's preference. For example, they may be altered to provide better fuel economy, produce more power at high RPM or the ride comfort may be sacrificed to provide better handling.
Car tuning is related to auto racing, although most performance cars never compete. Rather they are built for the pleasure of owning and driving such a vehicle. Another major facet of tuning includes performance modification to the car exterior. This includes changing the aerodynamic characteristics of the vehicle via side skirts, front and rear bumpers, adding spoilers, splitters, air vents and light weight wheels"


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Author:  ALXege [ 12 Jun 2010, 12:12 ]
Post subject:  Re: Kitsch Tuning

GTAul rosu, inafara unor mici detalii discutabile, nu-mi pare kitsch..

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