Asociatia Alfa Club Romania

Kitsch Tuning
Page 32 of 69

Author:  marius [ 09 Jul 2009, 23:29 ]
Post subject:  Re: Kitsch Tuning

Sunt impartit intre kitsch si cool. :scratch:
Masinile in sine sunt american trash,abtibildele la fel,si fara sa fiu rasist,arabii nu sunt deloc oamenii despre care am crescut visand... dar totusi e ceva fain despre masinile astea si ce reprezinta ele.Tineri arabi se maturizeaza astfel,calatorind prin toata lumea,imprastiind in dreapta si-n stanga cu banii scosi din putul din gradina.Cunosc oameni,vad lumea,descopera lucruri...
Sper ca nu se intorc acasa capabili sa povesteasca doar despre Vestul decadent.

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Author:  mox_is [ 11 Jul 2009, 10:44 ]
Post subject:  Re: Kitsch Tuning

proaspat iesit de la ITP ! :naughty:

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Author:  Alexandrus [ 13 Jul 2009, 04:51 ]
Post subject:  Re: Kitsch Tuning


Author:  ALXege [ 13 Jul 2009, 10:17 ]
Post subject:  Re: Kitsch Tuning

tuning is not a crime
It is when YOU do it, you moron..

Author:  marius [ 28 Jul 2009, 11:55 ]
Post subject:  Re: Kitsch Tuning

Lancia cu faruri de cinciar si alte embleme de Ferrari


Author:  ALXege [ 28 Jul 2009, 13:05 ]
Post subject:  Re: Kitsch Tuning

da, stiu modelul, cred ca s-a mai discutat odata de ea..
Wikipedia Quote:
The ultimate Thema, the '8.32' ("8" standing for the number of cylinders and "32" for the number of valves) was assembled at Lancia's S. Paolo plant in Turin.[3] It used a 2927 cc Ferrari V8. This engine was based on the unit used in the Ferrari 308 qv and some of the componentry was assembled by Ducati[4] from castings made at Maranello. The engine differed from other Ferrari V8s of the time in that it was equipped with a 90 degree crankpin type crankshaft rather than the usual 180 degree type, smaller valves and different firing order. All this to make the engine characteristics more suitable in a 4-door luxury saloon. Both Series 1 and 2 cars in non catalysed form produced 215 bhp (158 kW) and were capable of 0-100 km/h in 6.8 sec and 149 mph (240 km/h) whilst catalysed versions were slightly detuned to 205 bhp (151 kW) which gave 0-100 km/h in 7.2 sec and 145 mph (235 km/h).

The car offered good performance (though the Turbo version was quicker than the catalytic version from 0 to 100 km/h) and excellent refinement, including a luxurious hand made wood-and-leather interior by Poltrona Frau complete with the same luxury equipment as LX versions of the Thema. Unfortunately, a price tag of £40,000 (or more) in Britain, and the fact that only left hand drive versions were produced, limited its appeal, with only 9 being officially sold there. It was even a rare sight on Italian roads, with just 2370 Series 1 built between 1986 and 1988 and 1601 Series 2 built between 1989 and 1992. Even 64 numbered editions where made,32 series 1 and 32 series 2. These where only delivered in Ferrari-red and should be sought after examples in the future.

Five non catalyst Thema 8.32s were exported to Taiwan and 2 of them still survive today.
Ce dobitoc, a distrus o rara masina de colectie.. :bash:

Author:  Cristi99 [ 29 Jul 2009, 16:09 ]
Post subject:  Re: Kitsch Tuning

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Author:  Alexandrus [ 29 Jul 2009, 19:39 ]
Post subject:  Re: Kitsch Tuning

Passatul de mai sus se afiseaza pe la piata Veteranilor, de cite ori il vad imi pare rau ca n-am aparatul foto la mine. Evacuarea aurita mi se pare maxima.
Can I have 2 of them, please ? For me to poop on!!!!!!

Author:  Soul_assassin [ 31 Jul 2009, 13:19 ]
Post subject:  Re: Kitsch Tuning

Evacuarea aia aurita "is the shit"! :shock: Inca asa ceva nu am mai vazut.

Author:  Nicorec [ 31 Jul 2009, 14:19 ]
Post subject:  Re: Kitsch Tuning

Nu pot sa cred ca mai exista asemenea retarzi cu asemenea gusturi....

Author:  Dragos [ 31 Jul 2009, 23:33 ]
Post subject:  Re: Kitsch Tuning

Si zugravu meu distrus, evacuat din Spania tot pasat si-a luat :lol:

Author:  Alexandrus [ 01 Aug 2009, 04:54 ]
Post subject:  Re: Kitsch Tuning

Dar nu haurit....

Author:  Soprano [ 01 Aug 2009, 07:40 ]
Post subject:  Re: Kitsch Tuning

ce aveti ma cu omul?, il cunosc si e un tip cu gusturi.....................DE RAHAT :lol: :lol: :lol:

Author:  valerica [ 06 Sep 2009, 22:32 ]
Post subject:  Re: Kitsch Tuning

bling bling laguna si ii zice pe deasupra laguna II interceptor :thumbdown:

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Author:  mobyle [ 06 Sep 2009, 22:53 ]
Post subject:  Re: Kitsch Tuning

renoul de Iasi e ok. imi place. nu m-am gandit pana acum cum ar arata un grandtour tunat. daca mai insista putin la grila, iesea ca de Alfa

Author:  Allex [ 06 Sep 2009, 23:23 ]
Post subject:  Re: Kitsch Tuning

Si eu l-am vazut pe ala cu Passatu aurit, si parea un om pe la vreo 40 de ani asa, adica cu capu' pe umeri cum se zice.Cu, sa faci asa? :scratch:

Author:  marian [ 06 Sep 2009, 23:28 ]
Post subject:  Re: Kitsch Tuning

despre laguna: cred ca nu ma plimb eu destul prin iasi sau masina asta nu mai e pe aici....
oricum e urata tare....

Author:  Cristi99 [ 07 Sep 2009, 01:18 ]
Post subject:  Re: Kitsch Tuning

niciodata nu o sa pot sa inteleg ce au avut astia in cap :bash:

Author:  Alexandrus [ 07 Sep 2009, 01:21 ]
Post subject:  Re: Kitsch Tuning

Pai prostia si prostul gust sunt imposibil de extrapolat si inteles. Perpetua surpriza.

Author:  GURU [ 07 Sep 2009, 07:16 ]
Post subject:  Re: Kitsch Tuning

Laguna de Iasi o gasesti in parcarea de la Golia pe Independentei.
masina o stiu, il stiu si pe "propretar".
nu-mi place deloc si nici altora; lui ii place enorm la cati bani a bagat sa o faca asa. dar ce conteaza ca de mers cu ea merge foarte putin ca isi strica jantele Baraccuda pe care a dat aproape 3000 de euro (cu gume si cu montaj special ca buza exterioara e dubla) sau asa zice el. la motor chiar nu stiu daca are un chip tuning dar ma gandesc ca din momnet ce nu se vede ce rost ar avea sa-i faca.

Author:  valerica [ 07 Sep 2009, 12:10 ]
Post subject:  Re: Kitsch Tuning


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Author:  Cristi99 [ 07 Sep 2009, 13:27 ]
Post subject:  Re: Kitsch Tuning

astia au avut vreun concurs ceva cu tema audi? :roll2:

Author:  marius [ 08 Sep 2009, 19:18 ]
Post subject:  Re: Kitsch Tuning

Alfa Romeo 159 editie limitata pentru locuitorii cartierului chinezesc.

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Author:  toshy [ 08 Sep 2009, 19:29 ]
Post subject:  Re: Kitsch Tuning

eu (iar) nu vad nimic kitch aici.
e un ti cu bodykit-ul factory si cu un desen pe ea. poate omul e chinez si ii dragonul ala ii aduce bunastare.

Author:  cocolinoburtosu [ 09 Sep 2009, 16:50 ]
Post subject:  Re: Kitsch Tuning

silencer Quote:
Dacie din bucuresti.... :ban: :puke:
Aceste dacii au fost fabricate pt. echipa de raliu DACIA PITESTI, era masina echipei tehnice. Eu nu va dau note.

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