Asociatia Alfa Club Romania

Alfa Romeo Brera 2.4 JTDm by radu_andry90
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Author:  ALXege [ 18 Nov 2016, 12:15 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alfa Romeo Brera 2.4 JTDm by radu_andry90


Author:  Radu_andry90 [ 18 Nov 2016, 15:47 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alfa Romeo Brera 2.4 JTDm by radu_andry90

Astazi am fost si am umplus instalatia AC cu freon, insa acel zgomot nu dispare!Cred ca ambreiajul sau rulmentul compresorului este de vina! Cum piesele nu se gasesc separat, voi cauta un compresor intreg, cu totul!

Author:  Radu_andry90 [ 21 Nov 2016, 22:25 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alfa Romeo Brera 2.4 JTDm by radu_andry90

Se pare ca problemele nu se vor sfarsi prea curand!...
Astazi, pe seara, in timp ce ma intorceam de la Pitesti la Curtea de Arges,hop, dintr-o data nema turbo..vad ca si baietii astia au mai patit-o,la fel, fara check engine, fara alte erori in bord, cu diferenta ca la mine nu trecea de 2100 rpm!(masina avea DPF si EGR off si pana astazi nu a mai avut aceste simptome) :( :
Driving home last nite in the 159, i changed from 6th to 4th for an off-slip, put the foot down to accelerate through, and the car wouldn't get up and go. I thought perhaps she was simply off boost so i put it into 3rd, still nothing.

no warning lights, no strange sounds. so i took the following roundabout and on-slip to the motorway in 2nd and tried to rev her out, she wouldn't come past 40 mph.

at this point i thought it was a seized caliper, so pulled onto the hard shoulder and had a look around her, nothing obvious was amiss. Got back in the car and tried to rev her out but she wouldn't rev past approx. 3500 rpm, but still no dash lights.

so turned her off, turned her back on again, gave her some revs and she rev'd right out not a problem and continued on home and into work this morning without a single grumble.

i'm curious if anyone else has experienced anything similar, where the car felt like it was in a limp mode but it gave no warning lights or messages on the dash??? my dad's old GT did the same from 6th into 4th on two seperate occasions, but it threw on the engine managament light each time.

any suggestions folks as this is new to me and is the first hiccup in 6 months of ownership.

thanks for reading,

Hi Phil,

I had exactly the same in my Brera 2.4JTDM. I have a 40 min journey, 25 mins on 60mph country lanes then onto dual carraigeway, 2 mins into that at 70mph, come to a roundabout and change down and the car would go into limp mode, exactly as you had. This occured more and more until every day it was doing it. No amount of stamping on the loud pedal would sort it, but a stop, switch off and back on meant I could get back to normal (obviously though something was not right).

It became a problem on a few occassions when it happened as I tried to overtake, so something had to get sorted out. The dealer scanned the car and nothing showed up, no warning lights and nothing in the error logs, but it had all the signs of entering limp mode, so I assumed that it would be normally something along the lines of a blocked DPF, a sticky EGR valve, MAF sensor issue or leaky turbo inlet etc.

I did all the usual cleaning of the inlet manifold, ran BG244 a few times (which helped), cleaned the MAF and the EGR valve etc but it still carried on doing it.

So, after much reading, I decided to have the DPF knocked out, the EGR disabled and it's been perfect (and a whole lot quicker and more efficient ) than ever..... glad I did it ..

So, it sounds like you either have a blocked (or near blocked) DPF, or the EGR valve is getting gummed up. There are some other areas to look at, MAF sensor (although don't think it would cause your problem), turbo inlet pipe (the big one at the front of the engine) can often be found loose tell tale oil deposits around it will show this, there is an easy fix by using a large jubilee clip to secure it. You could also be looking at blocked injectors, blocked/sticking swirl valves etc, but from what you've described, I'd go first with the DPF, then the EGR and problem areas to look at.

You could run some cleaners through and try the process to do a regen or get a dealer to force one. Or, do the decent thing and get the DPF and EGR sorted out....


Author:  Radu_andry90 [ 22 Nov 2016, 14:34 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alfa Romeo Brera 2.4 JTDm by radu_andry90

Si ca sa fie treaba treaba, de dimineata nu a mai pornit deloc!
Am fost la un service, am luat o baterie noua, am pus-o pe masina, m-am uitat la nivel ulei.,era pe minim! acum doua zile era ok!
am completat si cu ulei(alt drum la magazinul de piese, luat ulei si completat..) Dau cheie, porneste si pe langa turatia instabila si motorul care se smucea de parca ar fi vrut sa iasa din compartiment, fum albastru cat cuprinde!
Nu stiu ce sa mai fost bagat o gramada de bani in ea si dupa aproximativ 700 km face la fel!

Author:  nesquick [ 22 Nov 2016, 14:47 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alfa Romeo Brera 2.4 JTDm by radu_andry90

Sincer, chiar îmi pare rău. Ma așteptăm sa fie pe sufletul tău, dar se pare ca se împotrivește sa-ți facă pe plac :(

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Author:  mugurel [ 22 Nov 2016, 15:10 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alfa Romeo Brera 2.4 JTDm by radu_andry90

Poate nu e chiar asa rau mai ales ca s-a lucrat calumea la motor . Turbina a fost verificata ?

Author:  Radu_andry90 [ 22 Nov 2016, 15:18 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alfa Romeo Brera 2.4 JTDm by radu_andry90 rog scuzati limbajul!Eram disperat..ieseam de pe timp ce zgomotul persista!

Author:  Radu_andry90 [ 22 Nov 2016, 15:18 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alfa Romeo Brera 2.4 JTDm by radu_andry90

mi se rupe sufletul sincer..

Author:  Radu_andry90 [ 22 Nov 2016, 15:25 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alfa Romeo Brera 2.4 JTDm by radu_andry90

mugurel Quote:
Poate nu e chiar asa rau mai ales ca s-a lucrat calumea la motor . Turbina a fost verificata ?
pai, a fost si turbina schimbata(tot cu una sh-probabil verificata de Bogdan si amicul lui) pentru ca cea existenta anterior pe masina, avea axul cam asa:

Author:  mugurel [ 22 Nov 2016, 15:37 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alfa Romeo Brera 2.4 JTDm by radu_andry90

Atunci sigur se rezolva , probabil e o chichita tipic Alfelor :)
Ai incredere , ca sigur va fi bine :wave:

Author:  Radu_andry90 [ 22 Nov 2016, 15:43 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alfa Romeo Brera 2.4 JTDm by radu_andry90

mugurel Quote:
Atunci sigur se rezolva , probabil e o chichita tipic Alfelor :)
Ai incredere , ca sigur va fi bine :wave:
Sper sa se rezolve..Acum doua minute am vorbit cu Bogdan, a ramas sa vedem intr-un weekend cum vom fi disponibili sa venim la Arges sa vada ce are!Chiar daca 4 luni nu mai am dati seama ca nu as vrea sa ma macine atat timp problema masinii!

Author:  teo1teo [ 22 Nov 2016, 16:02 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alfa Romeo Brera 2.4 JTDm by radu_andry90

Da ce ai facut de ai ramas fara permis 4 luni ?

Author:  Radu_andry90 [ 22 Nov 2016, 16:03 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alfa Romeo Brera 2.4 JTDm by radu_andry90

viteza, contestatie si neinapoiat permisul la timp!

Author:  BZ-76-DIA [ 22 Nov 2016, 17:48 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alfa Romeo Brera 2.4 JTDm by radu_andry90

Radu_andry90 Quote:
viteza, contestatie si neinapoiat permisul la timp!
Combinatia fatala. :lol:
Nu mai faceti contestatie la cazuri de retinere permis decat daca sunt motive temeinice.
Daca iti este respinsa, adio reducere de la 90 la 30 zile.

Ti-am vazut astazi fostul 3.2 prin BZ. Bantuiam cu vlad159 si a trecut pe langa noi. Dupa cum evolueaza treaba cu Brera ma tem ca o sa incepi sa ii duci dorul... :(

Author:  Radu_andry90 [ 22 Nov 2016, 18:07 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alfa Romeo Brera 2.4 JTDm by radu_andry90

depinde..daca se rezolva, nu cred ca ii voi duce dorul!Daca nu o scot la lumina..probabil ca altele vor fi cele carora le voi duce dorul!

Author:  Radu_andry90 [ 24 Nov 2016, 14:53 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alfa Romeo Brera 2.4 JTDm by radu_andry90

Aseara m-a intrebat Bogdan daca nu cumva masina a fost alimentata cu benzina in loc de motorina-i-am raspuns ca sigur nu..dar toata seara m-am stresat cu gandul acesta-daca la benzinarie mi-au alimentat cu ce nu trebuie? :censored: Partea de 2 bani este ca nu gasesc bonul fiscal sa vad ce scrie pe el!
Este posibil ca tipul de la petrom sa-mi fi pus benzina si acest lucru sa cauzeze mersul fara turbina intre Pitesti si Curtea de Arges si apoi problema descrisa de a doua zi?
Cum pot verifica? sau ce ar fi de facut in acest sens?

Author:  ALXege [ 24 Nov 2016, 15:00 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alfa Romeo Brera 2.4 JTDm by radu_andry90

Posibil este, un alt coleg forumist s-a ales cu plinul de motorina intr-o benzinara! Noroc ca s-a uitat pe bon inainte sa dea la cheie..

Author:  nesquick [ 24 Nov 2016, 15:03 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alfa Romeo Brera 2.4 JTDm by radu_andry90

Dacă ai alimentat suficient (peste 30litri), iar in rezervor erau aproximativ 10L, poți desface filtrul de motorina și vezi a ce miroase, benzina sau motorina.

Varianta 2: mergi la benzinărie și cere un duplicat la bon. Dacă ai decondat pe firma te găsesc f repede.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Author:  Radu_andry90 [ 26 Nov 2016, 20:20 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alfa Romeo Brera 2.4 JTDm by radu_andry90

Problem solved!Din nou, mersi Bogdan!nu m-aș fi gândit in 1000 de ani ca idioții de la petrom mi au pus benzina in rezervor!Am rezolvat-o astăzi cu un mecanic, alt filtru de motorina si câteva bidoane de 5 l, am făcut plinul si merge ca noua!
Ce pot face ținând cont că nu am bonul fiscal?

Author:  mugurel [ 26 Nov 2016, 22:56 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alfa Romeo Brera 2.4 JTDm by radu_andry90

Incredibil :lol:
Nu cred ca mai ai ce face dar pe viitor te sfatuiesc sa faci un efort si sa alimentezi singur .

Hai sa auzim doar de bine de acum incolo .

Author:  ALXege [ 26 Nov 2016, 23:34 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alfa Romeo Brera 2.4 JTDm by radu_andry90

Partea proasta e ca nu cred sa scapi cu atata lucru :( ceva damage benzina aia sigur a facut!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Author:  mishu87 [ 26 Nov 2016, 23:41 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alfa Romeo Brera 2.4 JTDm by radu_andry90

Si eu cred ca benzina a facut ceva damage. La santa fe au facut ai mei aceasi eroare, au mers cu mașina 80 km cu benzina. După aventura, mașina a avut exact același simptome, fum si pornite grea. La service au identificat problema, au curățat tot, au schimbat ceva filtre, dar mașina de atunci nu a mai fost chiar aceasi, a mers ok tot timpul cu cateva inconveniente, fum negru si lag mare.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Author:  Radu_andry90 [ 27 Nov 2016, 00:33 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alfa Romeo Brera 2.4 JTDm by radu_andry90

Am venit cu cineva până în Bucuresti-fum nu a mai dat după ce am tinut-o pornită vreo 20 Min(da doar cand este accelerată, mai ales în sarcina-este fara DPF si are EGR anulat)
Cat despre lag, nu am simțit așa ceva-am condus-o si eu puțin :D

Author:  Razvan29 [ 04 Dec 2016, 19:21 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alfa Romeo Brera 2.4 JTDm by radu_andry90

Am sters ce era offtopic, adica ultima pagina.

Precum a zis si ALXege inaintea mea, lasati-o mai usor cu offtopic-ul.

Author:  Radu_andry90 [ 18 Dec 2016, 02:45 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alfa Romeo Brera 2.4 JTDm by radu_andry90

Intre timp am schimbat compresorul de AC si cele doua curele de accesorii!Acum astept sa pice urmatoarea piesa..oricare ar fi ea ..

Caut un set de distantiere 5x110 pentru Brera!Am luat niste jante R18(stiu, sunt deAlfa..sunt niste Tomason TN1 R18, ET 30, 8,5j) si ating spitele de etrieri!...Cred ca imi trebuie minim 7mm si maxim 16 mm, preferabil ceva si cu prezoane!
Daca aveti idee de ceva la preturi decente, lasati-mi un mesaj privat, va rog!Multumesc!

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