Asociatia Alfa Club Romania

Alfa Romeo Giulia
Page 11 of 178

Author:  thenuts [ 25 Aug 2014, 03:28 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alfa Romeo Giulia ... 7196_o.jpg" onclick=";return false;

Iata si poza, mixed feelings pentru mine :)

Author:  marius [ 25 Aug 2014, 09:02 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alfa Romeo Giulia

Macar de-ar fi asa. Mi-e frica insa ca testele clinice o sa-i tot taie din agresivitate ( si in cazul Giuliettei a fost refuzata o versiune mai agresiva, nu era potrivita pentru categoria de clienti careia i se adreseaza o compacta). Oricum, dupa renderingul asta un lucru mi-e confirmat: va avea faruri orizontale si prize de aer mari. Doar cu elementele astea doua de design si nu va putea fi urata!

Author:  marius [ 25 Aug 2014, 17:58 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alfa Romeo Giulia

Acum e o Alfa adevarata! :)

Author:  marius [ 27 Aug 2014, 17:29 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alfa Romeo Giulia

Cu proverbiala eficacitate nemteasca, un fotograf de la AMS a reusit sa vaneze pantera camuflata. Pozele sunt de calitate, se vede plansa de bord (cu volan de Jeep) si se poate observa si codul intern: 952.

Author:  yux_mm [ 27 Aug 2014, 17:51 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alfa Romeo Giulia

Ca si carcasa exterioara sper ca si plansa aia de bord sa fie temporara. Altfel e sinistra.

Si ca o intrebare adiacenta, Ghibli ce platforma foloseste? Ii ceva american reciclat sau e o chestie noua?

Author:  marius [ 27 Aug 2014, 17:53 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alfa Romeo Giulia

Ghibli are platforma QP scurtata si cu elemente din aluminiu, care la randul ei este o evolutie a celei folosite pentru 300C.

P.S.- daca mai era nevoie de o precizare: evident ca Ghiubliul ingustat si scurtat nu are nimic de-a face cu stilul definitiv al Giuliei, dupa cum si interiorul este doar un banc de lucru.

Author:  catalinmarin84 [ 28 Aug 2014, 18:20 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alfa Romeo Giulia ... =1&theater" onclick=";return false;

Tot in varianta Maserati Giulia

LE acum am vazut ca era postata mai sus cu 2 posturi... :ban:

10608553_10153098132196258_5032917613676108993_o_1024x682.jpg [ 168.48 KiB | Viewed 2639 times ]

Author:  marius [ 29 Aug 2014, 14:43 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alfa Romeo Giulia

Another day another Giulia rendering.

Author:  Valak [ 29 Aug 2014, 14:58 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alfa Romeo Giulia

Cum poa' s-arate aia din stanga sus ! :dribble:

alfa-romeo-giulia-2015-lidea-di-thorsten-krisch_3.jpg [ 66.7 KiB | Viewed 2648 times ]

Author:  ALXege [ 29 Aug 2014, 15:47 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alfa Romeo Giulia

asa da!

Author:  DanS [ 02 Sep 2014, 22:15 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alfa Romeo Giulia

:dribble: :dribble: :dribble:

Author:  Razvan29 [ 03 Sep 2014, 08:31 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alfa Romeo Giulia

Avem deja o strutzocamila din asta, please no.

BMW-6-Series_Gran_Coupe_2013_800x600_wallpaper_6e.jpg [ 93.71 KiB | Viewed 2523 times ]

Author:  yux_mm [ 03 Sep 2014, 09:34 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alfa Romeo Giulia

:?: :question:
Cel putin in teorie Giulia, atunci cand va aparea, insa nu stiu sa spun in ce secol, se vrea o berlina de clasa medie. Nicidecum un cupe care mai apoi sa se alungeasca pana sa ajunga berlina. Asta e cazul pozei postate de tine mai sus sau al alui Aston Martin Rapid. Deci unde vrei sa bati cu apropoul ca nu imi dau seama?

Author:  Razvan29 [ 03 Sep 2014, 10:14 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alfa Romeo Giulia

Conceptul de mai sus (QV-ul Alb) chit ca probabil nu o sa aibe nici o treaba cu realitatea, aduce super mult cu "Gran Coupe" minus partea frontala.

Mi se pare "bloated".

Author:  yux_mm [ 03 Sep 2014, 10:29 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alfa Romeo Giulia

Mie mi se pare ca mai degraba prea mult cu Ghibli. Si daca e sa fiu carcotas, spatele aduce putin a BMW, in special in laitmotivul stopurilor, si aici ma refer la elementele luminoase nu forma generala a lor. Pe de alta parte, decupatura portbagajului e tipica Alfa. O regasesti si la 56 si la 59: in V si destul de ingusta.
BMW-ul are o linie laterala destul de dreapta, pe cand sketch-ul de mai sus are umeri proeminenti in dreptul rotilor spate si fata. Linia geamurilor se arcuieste in partea de jos si urca spre montantul C. Iar montantul C e prea Maserati style. Ar fi ceva parca si din linia 56-lui, in special in modul in care se arcuieste caroseria intre roata fata si spate... Ma rog, fiecare vede ce vrea.

Author:  lucianm [ 03 Sep 2014, 19:57 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alfa Romeo Giulia

Fara pretentii de specialist: daca masina ar arata ca cea din postul lui Valak, ar avea un motor ca 3.0 de la Maserati (testat de mine pe Ghibli) si as avea banii necesari :money: , nu as ezita o clipa... :ohmy:

Author:  marius [ 04 Sep 2014, 23:18 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alfa Romeo Giulia

Acum ca Giulia este o certitudine, incep sa apara zvonuri in privinta variantelor de caroserie. Una este garantata ( berlina ), o alta care parea sigura este pusa sub semnul indoielii ( sw-ul ) dar in schimb ar putea face parte din familie o ruda mai putin asteptata : shooting brake, un 5 usi in genul 3GT, sau mult mai probabil, un coupe clasic. Ok, astea sunt speculatiile zilei, maine ar putea fi sters totul si luat de la capat. :)

Author:  marius [ 10 Sep 2014, 21:26 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alfa Romeo Giulia

A fost fixata data lansarii Giuliei : 24.06.2015, aniversarea a 105 ani de la nasterea Alfei - declaratia noului sef Ferrari astazi la conferinta de presa de la Maranello.

AMR 287. :jumpcolor:

Author:  adriand78 [ 11 Sep 2014, 09:35 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alfa Romeo Giulia

Hai ca nu mai e mult.

A mai trecut o zi :lol:

Author:  marius [ 11 Sep 2014, 23:22 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alfa Romeo Giulia

Alte poze.



Author:  marius [ 05 Oct 2014, 00:11 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alfa Romeo Giulia

Marchionne, mandru de succesul Jeep si foarte increzator in viitorul Alfei.

"When we got involved with Chrysler in 2009 we were selling roughly 200,000 Jeeps. And I remind everybody in this room that Jeep was [formerly] owned by a very competent auto maker across the border here who tried for years to grow it.

"So the, the DNA of Jeep did not transform itself post-bankruptcy and, and certainly not since I got involved in the business, but since we took it over, it went from about 200,000 vehicles to 732,000 in 2013. It's going to break 1,000,000 this year. So miracles of the ones that I made reference to are possible.

"The question is, is it likely [with Alfa]? The [successful] positioning of Alfa, in my view is contingent on two things, the ability to distribute it effectively, but more importantly it hinges on product and whether it can effectively pitch itself against German benchmark performance.

"In the absence of Chrysler, I think that the 400,000 figure that I gave you would have been an absolute nonsensical number. I could never [have suggested it] if we didn't have access to distribution in NAFTA, which the association with Chrysler has given us.

"And so our network is going to be developed from the best of breed from the US side, and it will give us the necessary capacity to make sure that if we have the product then we can effectively distribute and achieve penetration as desired.

"The more fundamental question, which I think is the one that we have been working at very diligently over the last two-and-a-half years is the product itself – product and powertrain.

"And for that I can only threaten you with a reveal of a decent product on June 24, 2015. I cannot tell you anything else other than the fact that I know what we've done.

"So I just ask you to bear with me while I continue to toil away to make that this damn thing run. I was at the circuit on Sunday, and I test drove the mules, some of which had similar technology [that will be used in production models].

"I think we're making great progress towards getting to the right end. I was a driver of German makes before I went to Fiat, so I think I understand. I used to drive a BMW M5 when I was young and foolish, and I always recognised that they had phenomenal know-how and I used to love the car.

"And I've driven other [German contenders], and I can tell you honestly that, based on what I've seen, we're on a par, if not better. Just give us time.

"You'll have a chance to drive the hell out of it and find out whether it really will withstand a head-to-head competition with the German competition. Just wait, we're less than a year away."

Author:  ALXege [ 05 Oct 2014, 13:08 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alfa Romeo Giulia

a reveal of a decent product
Asta nu-mi place cum suna, ma asteptam sa fie outstanding, nu doar decent...

Author:  thenuts [ 06 Oct 2014, 20:12 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alfa Romeo Giulia

Construieste Marchione asta un hype in jurul Giuliei ca de o da in bara poate sa isi dea demisia direct. Eu chiar sper sa fie avion masina asta pentru ca in ziua de azi nu mai poti sa vinzi minciuni. Degeaba vine el si zice ca masina e avion, traim intr-o era a informatiei , unde jurnalistii auto au un cuvant ce cantareste greu in fata cumparatorilor. Nu mai zic de faptul ca tehnologia de pe masini din ziua de azi a ajuns atat de sofisticata incat nu e asa greu sa o dai in bara cand te iei la tranta cu "aia de sus". Eu totusi sper sa fie o masina "decenta" (btw aici cred ca a vrut sa fie putin modest) si o data in viata lui sa se tina de cuvant legat de Alfa Romeo. Oricum asta e ultima sansa pentru Alfa din cate vad eu, e un make it or break it. Daca de data asta nu ii iasa probabil ca o sa dispara de pe piata mai rapid decat a facut-o Lancia. Vorba aia: om trai si om vedea.

Author:  marius [ 06 Oct 2014, 22:26 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alfa Romeo Giulia

Fiecare masina construita de Alfa in ultima duta de ani a fost make it or break it!
Am mai postat si ieri seara dar cred ca-mi murise bateria la rasnita si nu -a mai publicat mesajul...
Poate am inceput sa sufar de sindromul Raducioiu, dar pentru mine "decent" are un usor alt inteles in engleza decat in romana. Pentru ca in italiana clar are un sens pozitiv cuvantul asta.

Author:  Valak [ 07 Oct 2014, 09:38 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alfa Romeo Giulia

Si eu tot la fel inteleg "decent"-ul ala, mai inspre "proper", asa.

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