Asociatia Alfa Club Romania

automotive news
Page 77 of 81

Author:  yux_mm [ 05 Mar 2021, 19:21 ]
Post subject:  Re: automotive news

Monocromatica e de milioane de asemenea.

Author:  Razvan29 [ 30 Mar 2021, 21:10 ]
Post subject:  Re: automotive news

VW isi va schimba numele in "Voltswagen" pentru modelele electrice din zona US.
“We might be changing out our K for a T, but what we aren’t changing is this brand’s commitment to making best-in-class vehicles for drivers and people everywhere,” - Scott Keogh, VW of America CEO

Author:  centurion [ 30 Mar 2021, 23:08 ]
Post subject:  Re: automotive news

Este doar o chestie de marketing. Asa spun surse din Volkswagen citate de Reuters si altii. "Voltswagen of America" nu va exista.

Author:  toshy [ 31 Mar 2021, 15:03 ]
Post subject:  Re: automotive news

A fost o pacaleala proasta de 1 Aprilie.

Author:  Razvan29 [ 31 Mar 2021, 16:55 ]
Post subject:  Re: automotive news

toshy Quote:
A fost o pacaleala proasta de 1 Aprilie.
Yep, a fost un leak care a prins. Si-au facut reclama oricum.

Eu am avut un moment scurt de dubiu, dar am zis, cate "miscari" aferente vremurilor actuale apar, asta ar fi 100% in concordanta cu ele. :?

Author:  dand [ 31 Mar 2021, 18:05 ]
Post subject:  Re: automotive news

Umor german :roll:

Author:  Vlzz [ 30 Apr 2021, 14:40 ]
Post subject:  Re: automotive news

Se pare ca gluma le-ar fi propulsat valoarea actiunilor de la bursa, iar acum s-ar putea sa plateasca pentru asta :lol:

"Just over a month ago, Volkswagen USA caused a media storm by forgetting that an April Fool’s joke doesn’t quite work if it’s released in March. First revealed via a press release posted by ‘accident’, company insiders insisted an apparent name change to ‘Voltswagen of America’ wasn’t a joke, and there was even an official announcement two days before 1 April.

The gag was taken so seriously that US-held shares rose by 12.5 per cent, and that’s caught the attention of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). According to Der Spiegel, the organisation is investigating correlations between the stunt and stock market rises."

Author:  tomi_alfa [ 04 May 2021, 20:36 ]
Post subject:  Re: automotive news

In arrivo una benzina che riduce le emissioni del 20% - Forza benzina!!! :twisted: ... sioni.html

Author:  Valak [ 05 May 2021, 00:01 ]
Post subject:  Re: automotive news

Unul dintre cele mai mari cosmaruri pentru constructorii traditionali devine realitate, furnizorii de servicii de mobilitate isi construiesc singuri masinile. Primii sunt cei de la Uber. ... ectric-car

Author:  BFX [ 05 May 2021, 08:07 ]
Post subject:  Re: automotive news

Genesis vine in Europa.
Interesantă abordarea vis-a-vis de garanție și contact. ... ng-britain

Author:  ALXege [ 05 May 2021, 12:51 ]
Post subject:  Re: automotive news

In sfarsit, un usage misto al blockchain-ului, nu doar monede speculative :D

Author:  dand [ 05 May 2021, 13:27 ]
Post subject:  Re: automotive news

A trecut oarecum neobservata in perioada de pandemie, colaborarea intre BMW si Blockchain-ul VeChain (anuntata inca din 2019) are ca scop utilizarea tehnologiei blockchain ptr un 'digital vehicle passport' care stocheaza toate datele referitoare la reparatii, mentenanta si kilometraj. App-ul respectiv (VerifyCar) va facilita verificarea datelor masinii astfel incat sa previna 'datul inapoi al kilometrilor' practicat la scara larga la ora actuala.

"The new app, VerifyCar, will be a decentralized application built on the VeChain Blockchain. Once the new car security platform is installed, VeChain says it will be able to collect important data such as mileage, repairs, and additional services of a vehicle. This data will then be automatically uploaded to the Blockchain in encrypted form. The app thus functions like a distributed “digital passport” that cannot be manipulated.

Complete control over data exchange
If users decide to register for the app, they have the unlimited right to determine to whom what information is made available. What is effectively stored in the public Blockchain is a reference of the data as a “digital fingerprint”. This can then be used to verify the authenticity. The unique data itself therefore remains in the owner’s vehicle and cannot be accessed by everyone.

Fraud becomes almost impossible
Mileage fraud is a widespread problem. The IT manager of the BMW Group Singapore Cihan Albay explained at the “VeChain Summit” last year that every third used car sold in Germany had a manipulated mileage counter. According to him, the average impact on the price of a vehicle is 3,000 euros, and the total annual damage amounts to 6 billion euros.
The VerifyCar App wants to solve this exact problem. Through the app, the car owner is able to prove in a verified way to what extent the vehicle was used. The VeChain Blockchain verifies the data accordingly and proves its authenticity. Fraudsters are thus easily exposed and can no longer manipulate the vehicle parts at will."

Author:  BFX [ 12 May 2021, 11:56 ]
Post subject:  Re: automotive news

Noul Genesis G70 in varianta mult asteptata: Shooting Brake. Misto dpmdv. ... _copy_link ... brake.html

Author:  tomi_alfa [ 12 May 2021, 12:32 ]
Post subject:  Re: automotive news

Era mai frumos vechiul model. Farurile alea ca de Jeep Cherokee arata ca naiba. :thumbdown: Si tot vechiul model avea si manuala. Se si contrazic ... tion-info/ . Pe site-ul Genesis una n-are manuala...

Author:  tomi_alfa [ 13 May 2021, 23:24 ]
Post subject:  Re: automotive news

Au idei in curand. Cine vrea sa-si ia o moderna clasica sau chiar clasica, sa aiba grija, ca animalele astea vor sa rupa pasiunea auto, dar si vanzarile. :thumbdown: :death: ... xa-1528241

Author:  tomi_alfa [ 23 May 2021, 13:28 ]
Post subject:  Re: automotive news

Vesti bune. Stellantis va produce piese noi pentru clasica Lancia Delta Integrale dar si pentru Alfele noastre dragi. Eu sper sa nu avem nevoie de ele, dar daca e cazul avem pe ce pune mana. :D
"Other models also being focused on as part of the expansion include more modern Alfa Romeo models like the GTV and Spider, GT, 147 and 156, plus the Fiat Coupe and Barchetta sports cars." ... -integrale

Author:  goldfinger [ 23 May 2021, 14:03 ]
Post subject:  Re: automotive news

Bun. Ia sa le scriu si eu un mail. :lol: Poate ofera si niste stopuri de Brera. Deocamdata se gasesc greu, la niste preturi de te ia ameteala. Cumperi doua stopuri, dublezi valoarea masinii :naughty: :censored:

Daca le fac si bine, sa nu se mai abureasca, fara optiunea de acvariu, ar fi chiar de laudat.

Author:  sorin147 [ 23 May 2021, 15:01 ]
Post subject:  Re: automotive news

goldfinger Quote:
Bun. Ia sa le scriu si eu un mail. [emoji38] Poate ofera si niste stopuri de Brera. Deocamdata se gasesc greu, la niste preturi de te ia ameteala. Cumperi doua stopuri, dublezi valoarea masinii :naughty: :censored:

Daca le fac si bine, sa nu se mai abureasca, fara optiunea de acvariu, ar fi chiar de laudat.
Opțiunea de acvariu este tradiționala, se păstrează și în ziua de Stelvio și Giulia [emoji1787]

Trimis de pe al meu motorola razr 5G folosind Tapatalk

Author:  BFX [ 25 May 2021, 07:37 ]
Post subject:  Re: automotive news

Kimera's Lancia 037 restomod :dribble: :dribble: :dribble: ... 7-restomod

Author:  centurion [ 08 Jul 2021, 20:12 ]
Post subject:  Re: automotive news

Rimac a achizitionat Bugatti. Croatii detin 55% din Bugatti, Porsche detine 45% din Bugatti. Iar Porsche detine 24% din Rimac. ... w-venture/

Sunt curios ce viitor are Lamborghini in cadrul grupului VW.

Author:  dand [ 08 Jul 2021, 20:29 ]
Post subject:  Re: automotive news

centurion Quote:
Sunt curios ce viitor are Lamborghini in cadrul grupului VW. ... mborghini/

Author:  centurion [ 09 Jul 2021, 12:42 ]
Post subject:  Re: automotive news

Motorul este oare TDI?

Author:  yux_mm [ 10 Jul 2021, 01:36 ]
Post subject:  Re: automotive news

Eu ma intreb daca Lambo-doors is pe lista de optionale :roll:

Author:  dand [ 10 Jul 2021, 09:24 ]
Post subject:  Re: automotive news

Sunt standard, am vazut Clarkson’s Farm pe Amazon, asa am vazut tractorul si are Lambo doors😊
Dar toate instructiunile sunt in germana, JC a pierdut o zi de cultivat din cauza unui mesaj de eroare care n-a stiut ce inseamna:)

Author:  tomi_alfa [ 02 Aug 2021, 20:24 ]
Post subject:  Re: automotive news

Treaba cu masinile mai vechi se impute si chiar vor sa-ti distruga bucuria si placerea de a detine o masina care chiar iti place, si nu, nu e vorba doar de Iasi! :censored: :censored:
"Guvernul României lucrează la majorarea impozitului pentru vehicule, valoarea anuală a acestuia urmând a fi stabilită de primării, dar în limite minime stabilite de Guvern. Noile sume de plată ar putea să pornească de la 900 de lei pe an pentru vehiculele mai vechi de 15 ani, măsură prin care autorităţile îşi doresc descurajarea circulaţiei şi a importurilor de vehicule vechi" ... 95982.html

Degeaba avem Alfe clasice moderne, unele, ca acesti dezaxati vor sa ne distruga! :bash:

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