Asociatia Alfa Club Romania

automotive news
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Author:  toshy [ 01 Jul 2020, 17:53 ]
Post subject:  Re: automotive news

Maserati Nettuno primul motor 100% Maserarti dupa 20 de ani.

Filmul de prezentare

Inca nu inteleg de ce e la 90 de grade, mai ales ca nu e hot vee, dar poate au un plan si un V8. Oricum e un pas important ca au renuntat la mizerabilii de Ferrari si acum nu mai li se impun limite.

Author:  Razvan29 [ 02 Jul 2020, 08:32 ]
Post subject:  Re: automotive news

toshy Quote:
Maserati Nettuno primul motor 100% Maserarti dupa 20 de ani.

Filmul de prezentare

Inca nu inteleg de ce e la 90 de grade, mai ales ca nu e hot vee, dar poate au un plan si un V8. Oricum e un pas important ca au renuntat la mizerabilii de Ferrari si acum nu mai li se impun limite.
Nu vreau sa fiu hater,dar miroase a vrajeala de marketing italian :mrgreen:
Maserati presents Nettuno: the new 100% Maserati engine that adopts F1 technology for a road car
Si asa zisa tehnologie din F1 de unde o au, nu de la Ferrari, sau au gasit-o prin niste sertare prafuite de prin 1950? :lol:
The soul of the engine is the innovative pre-chamber combustion system featuring twin-spark plugs. This technology is derived from Formula 1 and is now available, for the first time, on an engine destined for the road.
Ok. Regulamentul F1 2014-2020
Ignition systems :
Ignition is only permitted by means of a single ignition coil and single spark plug per cylinder.
No more than five sparks per cylinder per engine cycle are permitted.
The use of plasma, laser or other high f
requency ignition techniques is forbidden.
Only approved ignition coils
may be used and the list of parts approved by the FIA, and the
approval procedure, may be found in the Appendix to the Technical Regulations.

Author:  centurion [ 02 Jul 2020, 09:41 ]
Post subject:  Re: automotive news

toshy Quote:
Maserati Nettuno primul motor 100% Maserarti dupa 20 de ani.

Filmul de prezentare

Mai important decat ceea ce ai prezentat mi se pare asta: ... il-15-july
Chiar vazusem in dimineata asta, la mine in urbe, un Cayenne pe care scria 'eHybrid'. E bine deci ca si Maserati a inceput electrificarea pentru ca e nevoie de asa ceva pentru viitorul lor.

Author:  centurion [ 02 Jul 2020, 11:13 ]
Post subject:  Re: automotive news

Razvan29 Quote:
The soul of the engine is the innovative pre-chamber combustion system featuring twin-spark plugs. This technology is derived from Formula 1 and is now available, for the first time, on an engine destined for the road.

Corectati-ma daca zic vreo prostie. Stiu ca Alfa Romeo foloseste inca din anii 90 tehnologia 'Twin-spark'. 147, 156, 166 sunt modele ce folosesc motoare cu 'twin-spark'. Cu ce difera deci ceea ce foloseste acum Maserati?

Author:  Valak [ 02 Jul 2020, 12:05 ]
Post subject:  Re: automotive news

Aici e vorba de o tehnologie complet noua, TJI - Turbulent Jet Ignition, care foloseste o precamera de ardere. Sunt doua bujii fiindca sunt si doua injectoare, unul pentru injectia de inalta presiune, undeva la 300 bar si unul pentru injectia de joasa presiune. Motorul e dezvoltat tot de Gianluca Pivetti, inginerul Ferrari care a proiectat si V6-le de pe Giulia QV. Blocul motor e aproximativ acelasi, arhitectura la 90 de grade pentru V6 fiind preferata inca de la 155-ul V6 TI care alerga in DTM.

Mahle - MJI.jpg
Mahle - MJI.jpg [ 71.88 KiB | Viewed 2653 times ]

Author:  Razvan29 [ 02 Jul 2020, 13:21 ]
Post subject:  Re: automotive news

In plus la cele adaugate de colegul Valak, motorul TS, la randul lui a avut mai multe evolutii si mod de functionare. TS-ul din F1 functiona cu aprinderea bujiilor concomitent, iar TS-ul contemporan pe rand, intai admisie, apoi evacuare, in cazul in care una din bujii se defecta, motorul putea rula cu o singura bujie.

Author:  Valak [ 02 Jul 2020, 16:20 ]
Post subject:  Re: automotive news

Las si eu asta aici. Da, TSLA inseamna mai mult decat partea de automotive si da, cotatia bursiera e intotdeauna una volatila, dar e evident pentru toata lumea ca in timp ce toti ceilalti se duc vertiginos in cap, Tesla creste in mod exponential, de la an la an. Momentan se descurca, sunt cand pe locul 1, cand pe 2, dupa ce termina si fabrica din Berlin si vor putea vinde masini in Europa fara sa mai plateasca taxe de import, ma astept sa se instaleze confortabil pe 1. Au depasit de mult faza in care erau luati la misto de toti cei cu care au incercat sa faca un parteneriat, acum nu mai au nevoie de asa ceva.

Market Cap.jpg
Market Cap.jpg [ 84.89 KiB | Viewed 2598 times ]

Author:  Razvan29 [ 02 Jul 2020, 17:05 ]
Post subject:  Re: automotive news

Cand va fi online plant-ul din Berlin? Intelesesem ca aveau ceva probleme logistice...

Citeam ca guvernul german investeste deja masiv in "electrificare" pentru anul viitor, va fi interesant (si bun pentru consumatori) lupta dintre urmatoarele modele ID de la VW si Tesla.

Author:  toshy [ 02 Jul 2020, 17:52 ]
Post subject:  Re: automotive news

Nu ma uit la F1 sa stiu despre ce tehnologii este vorba, dar cea despre care vorbesc ei este asta: MAHLE Jet Ignition

Si... 155 TI DTM avea v6 la 60°...

centurion Quote:
Chiar vazusem in dimineata asta, la mine in urbe, un Cayenne pe care scria 'eHybrid'. E bine deci ca si Maserati a inceput electrificarea pentru ca e nevoie de asa ceva pentru viitorul lor.
Nu stiu daca e bine, pentru ca o fac cu motorul de 2l de pe Giulia. Nu zic ca nu e un motor bun, dar parca nu prea da bine un motor l4 pe un Maserati.

Author:  Valak [ 02 Jul 2020, 18:30 ]
Post subject:  Re: automotive news

toshy Quote:
Si... 155 TI DTM avea v6 la 60°...
In primii trei ani a fost la 60°, ulterior s-a trecut la 90° si i-a fost marita puterea de la 420 la 490 de cai.

Author:  toshy [ 02 Jul 2020, 19:20 ]
Post subject:  Re: automotive news

Interesant, chiar nu stiam asta, dar se pare ca in 1996 au trecut de la clasicul v6 60°, la alt motor. Daca informatiile de pe Wiki sunt corecte, e un motor bazat pe motorul V6 PRV PSA/Renault/Volvo

The 1996 version had a 2.5 L 90° V6 engine based loosely on the PRV engine rated at 490 PS (360 kW; 483 hp) at 11,900 rpm. The car has a top speed of around 300 km/h (190 mph) and weighed 1,060 kilograms (2,340 lb).

The original engineering work done on the V8 engine can still be seen in the resulting V6 engine: its cylinder banks are arranged at 90°, instead of the much more common 60°. V8 engines nearly universally feature 90° configurations, because this allows for a natural firing order. V6 engines, on the other hand, produce even firing intervals between cylinders when their two banks of cylinders are arranged at 60°. 90-degree V6 engines, like the PRV, experience uneven firing, which can be addressed using split crankshaft journals. 90° V6 engines are shorter and wider than 60° engines, allowing lower engine bay hood/bonnet profiles.

The PRV was also the basis for the 90° V6 engine used by Alfa Romeo in the 155 V6 Ti in the 1996 DTM/ITC season from Silverstone onwards. The engines in that series required the use of bank separation angle and cylinder bore spacing from a production based engine, and as a 90° V6 has greater room between banks than a 60° V6 for a more optimal induction system, Alfa Romeo used the PRV as a basis as it had been used in the Lancia Thema, a car which shared its platform with the Alfa Romeo 164, as well as the Fiat Croma and Saab 9000.

Other sources declare that the 90° V6 engine in 1996 Alfa Romeo 155 V6 Ti is based on a 2.6 L V8 from 1970 Alfa Romeo Montreal with 2 cylinders removed, as allowed by the rules, however the FIA homologation documentation shows the homologated production engine was a "2850cm³" capacity "V6” engine. The bore spacing of the Montreal engine was too close to be suitable for the 155 V6 Ti in any case. Limone invented the "Montreal V8" story to throw the press off the scent and to satisfy FIAT management who were unhappy that a non-FIAT group developed engine was being used.

Author:  stig53 [ 02 Jul 2020, 19:53 ]
Post subject:  Re: automotive news

toshy Quote:
Interesant, chiar nu stiam asta, dar se pare ca in 1996 au trecut de la clasicul v6 60°, la alt motor. Daca informatiile de pe Wiki sunt corecte, e un motor bazat pe motorul V6 PRV PSA/Renault/Volvo
Asa este, povestit aici de responsabilul insusi a proiectului DTM:

Author:  centurion [ 03 Jul 2020, 09:26 ]
Post subject:  Re: automotive news

toshy Quote:
Nu stiu daca e bine, pentru ca o fac cu motorul de 2l de pe Giulia. Nu zic ca nu e un motor bun, dar parca nu prea da bine un motor l4 pe un Maserati.
Motive de cost.
Sa vedem insa partea pozitiva: electrificarea.

Author:  centurion [ 04 Jul 2020, 11:23 ]
Post subject:  Re: automotive news

Suferă cineva pe aici? 😀
Nu am oricum mari pretenții de la bufonii ăștia.

Screenshot_20200704-110243.png [ 824.95 KiB | Viewed 2416 times ]

Author:  toshy [ 04 Jul 2020, 18:01 ]
Post subject:  Re: automotive news

Optionale cu abonament.

De abia astept sa vad cum o sa sune anunturile de vanzare "full option fara piele" peste 10 ani. :lol:

Author:  Razvan29 [ 04 Jul 2020, 18:43 ]
Post subject:  Re: automotive news

Da, da, am downloadat crack de pe torrente si merge incalzirea in scaune nelimitat acum :lol:

Omg ce echipa comerciala au astia, totul o sa ajunga un serviciu pe baza de subscriptie. :uhuh:

Author:  mugurel [ 10 Jul 2020, 11:14 ]
Post subject:  Re: automotive news

Nu imi vine sa cred ca se gandesc si la lucruri pentru oameni. Daca se va implementa va fi o mare realizare ... 58838.html

Author:  tudyniuz [ 10 Jul 2020, 12:21 ]
Post subject:  Re: automotive news

Imediat cer dealerii taxa de 200eur pentru inmatriculare.

Author:  Razvan29 [ 15 Jul 2020, 21:47 ]
Post subject:  Re: automotive news

Merger-ul FCA - PSA se va numi oficial STELLANTIS

Author:  goldfinger [ 16 Jul 2020, 12:50 ]
Post subject:  Re: automotive news ... many.html
German Court Says Tesla Self-Driving Claims Are Misleading

nytimes Quote:
The court determined those claims were misleading.

“The use of the term ‘Autopilot’ and other formulations suggest that the vehicle is technically capable of fully autonomous driving,” the court said. Autopilot is “a driver assistance system,” the court said. “While underway, driving without human intervention is not possible.”

Author:  Valak [ 16 Jul 2020, 13:14 ]
Post subject:  Re: automotive news

Atunci cand incep nemtii sa se agite stii ca faci ceva bine.

Author:  alfetta [ 16 Jul 2020, 15:44 ]
Post subject:  Re: automotive news

chiar si asa , toti mai au de lucru :

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Author:  Razvan29 [ 22 Jul 2020, 15:33 ]
Post subject:  Re: automotive news

German prosecutors search offices in Fiat, Iveco emissions probe
FRANKFURT/MILAN (Reuters) - German prosecutors said on Wednesday they were searching offices at Fiat Chrysler and CNH Industrial as part of an international fraud investigation over emissions.

The investigation targets potentially illegal emissions software found in engines used in Fiat Chrysler’s (FCA) Fiat, Alfa Romeo and Jeep vehicles and in CNH Industrial’s Iveco trucks.
Fix ce le mai trebuia acum.

Author:  goldfinger [ 22 Jul 2020, 15:48 ]
Post subject:  Re: automotive news

"Selon ce rapport, les systèmes de dépollution de cette voiture étaient réglés pour passer la norme en laboratoire, mais quasiment inopérants dans d'autres conditions. Ceux-ci se désactivent automatiquement après 22 minutes, alors qu'un test d'homologation dure 20 minutes ! Par ailleurs, la boîte de vitesses automatique de la Fiat 500X semblerait détecter les moments où le véhicule passe un test, et changerait ses réglages en conséquence…"

Author:  Razvan29 [ 22 Jul 2020, 15:55 ]
Post subject:  Re: automotive news

goldfinger Quote:
"Selon ce rapport, les systèmes de dépollution de cette voiture étaient réglés pour passer la norme en laboratoire, mais quasiment inopérants dans d'autres conditions. Ceux-ci se désactivent automatiquement après 22 minutes, alors qu'un test d'homologation dure 20 minutes ! Par ailleurs, la boîte de vitesses automatique de la Fiat 500X semblerait détecter les moments où le véhicule passe un test, et changerait ses réglages en conséquence…"
Hahahahaha, dieselgate 2.0

Diferenta e ca FCA nu-si permite sa duca asa ceva. Singura parte buna e ca n-au vandut aproape nimic in comparatie cu VW.

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