Asociatia Alfa Club Romania

Alfa Romeo Giulia
Page 55 of 178

Author:  dertymon [ 09 Oct 2015, 12:22 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alfa Romeo Giulia

Alfa Romeo Giulia 2.0 TBI = 330 CP
Aprox. 8min/tur la Nurburgring ... 95661.html" onclick=";return false;

Author:  zveroboy78 [ 09 Oct 2015, 14:26 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alfa Romeo Giulia

Asta da breaking news.
Sunt curios dac-o sa-si lanseze tot așa restul de motorizări :) Începând cu timpul scos pe N-ring. :D
Ar fi prea de tot!

Author:  Valak [ 09 Oct 2015, 14:45 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alfa Romeo Giulia

Asta e cea mai importanta motorizare pentru Giulia, sper sa-si fi facut bine temele.

Author:  ALXege [ 09 Oct 2015, 15:09 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alfa Romeo Giulia

[quote=autoevolution]Alfa Romeo did something similar with the new Giulia, unveiling what they said was the production-ready Quadrifoglio version to sprinkle some hype over the rest of the yet-unseen model range. Alfa went as far as revealing a pretty fantastic-sounding 'Ring time, which would make it the fastest sedan on the Green Hell by a pretty long shot. That all sounds awesome, even if the Giulia's design is maybe a bit too polarizing for some. So, when can we buy it? Well, that is a bit more difficult to find out, since the model is yet to finish testing, and the initial November 2015 start of production could be delayed until sometime in 2016. According to some supplier sources, the Giulia's development was rushed to meet Alfa's 105th anniversary, so there are some quality glitches concerning noise, vibration and harshness (NVH). [/quote]

Author:  dertymon [ 09 Oct 2015, 16:54 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alfa Romeo Giulia

,,The news will come as a godsend to Alfisti, a generation brought up on rear-wheel drive Alfas. The platform is based on the RWD matrix of the Ghibli, but mated to smaller-capacity engines.
The four-cylinder motors are understood to be a 1.4 turbo (110 or 180bhp) and a 1.8 available with 200 or 330bhp.
But to compete in the executive heartland, Alfa must offer multi-cylinder engines too. CAR understands a Maser-twinned petrol V6 will be offered in 2.5 and 3.0 capacities, developing up to 510bhp in later, more sporting, twin-turbocharged iterations rolled out over the lifecycle of the car.
A suite of diesel engines will also be available, from a 1.6 four-cylinder to a 3.0 V6 common-rail TD''

Sursa: Carmagazine UK

Author:  dertymon [ 09 Oct 2015, 17:13 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alfa Romeo Giulia

ALXege Quote:
autoevolution Quote:
Alfa Romeo did something similar with the new Giulia, unveiling what they said was the production-ready Quadrifoglio version to sprinkle some hype over the rest of the yet-unseen model range. Alfa went as far as revealing a pretty fantastic-sounding 'Ring time, which would make it the fastest sedan on the Green Hell by a pretty long shot. That all sounds awesome, even if the Giulia's design is maybe a bit too polarizing for some. So, when can we buy it? Well, that is a bit more difficult to find out, since the model is yet to finish testing, and the initial November 2015 start of production could be delayed until sometime in 2016. According to some supplier sources, the Giulia's development was rushed to meet Alfa's 105th anniversary, so there are some quality glitches concerning noise, vibration and harshness (NVH).
Au dezvoltat timp de 5 ani urmasul lui 159 dupa care a venit Marchione si Wester si au aruncat proiectul la gunoi . As fi vrut sa vad cum arata prima varianta a Giuliei dar cred ca total diferit de ceea ce ni serveste acum . Actuala Giulia cica ar fi fost dezvoltata in 2-3 ani . Nu mai gasesc interviul in care chiar Wester a recunoscut acest lucru.

Author:  dertymon [ 09 Oct 2015, 17:21 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alfa Romeo Giulia

dertymon Quote:
ALXege Quote:
autoevolution Quote:
Alfa Romeo did something similar with the new Giulia, unveiling what they said was the production-ready Quadrifoglio version to sprinkle some hype over the rest of the yet-unseen model range. Alfa went as far as revealing a pretty fantastic-sounding 'Ring time, which would make it the fastest sedan on the Green Hell by a pretty long shot. That all sounds awesome, even if the Giulia's design is maybe a bit too polarizing for some. So, when can we buy it? Well, that is a bit more difficult to find out, since the model is yet to finish testing, and the initial November 2015 start of production could be delayed until sometime in 2016. According to some supplier sources, the Giulia's development was rushed to meet Alfa's 105th anniversary, so there are some quality glitches concerning noise, vibration and harshness (NVH).
Au dezvoltat timp de 5 ani urmasul lui 159 dupa care a venit Marchione si Wester si au aruncat proiectul la gunoi . As fi vrut sa vad cum arata prima varianta a Giuliei dar cred ca total diferit de ceea ce ni serveste acum . Actuala Giulia cica ar fi fost dezvoltata in 2-3 ani . Nu mai gasesc interviul in care chiar Wester a recunoscut acest lucru. ... -engineer/" onclick=";return false;

Author:  ibiza [ 10 Oct 2015, 17:48 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alfa Romeo Giulia

20 sau 30 de minute inca poti da edit la post...

Author:  marius [ 11 Oct 2015, 12:33 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alfa Romeo Giulia

Mici elemente ale designului ce ies la iveala doar dupa o a doua sau chiar a treia privire... mie detaliul asta de exemplu imi scapase pana acum.
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Dupa cum spunea un designer din echipa ce a proiectat Giulia, nu si-a gasit inspiratia in modelele concurente, ci in Alfele mai vechi, al caror stil a fost intre timp copiat de catre ceilalti constructori.

Author:  dertymon [ 11 Oct 2015, 21:59 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alfa Romeo Giulia

Giulia Normal Version. Has bumper more relaxed, smaller alloy wheels and door handles black which leads us to believe that this is probably the most economic version. Judging by the orange lights incorporated in the headlights, could be a model for the United States .
Source: Passion Italian car

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Author:  dertymon [ 11 Oct 2015, 22:09 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alfa Romeo Giulia

Poze cu posteriorul Giuliei :mrgreen: . Se pare ca e versiunea 2.2 Multijet . poza a fost facut intr-un orasel de langa Torino.

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Author:  ibiza [ 11 Oct 2015, 22:11 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alfa Romeo Giulia

De unde știi că e 2.2?
Pune și o poză cu farurile alea cu lumini portocalii te rog

Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk

Author:  dertymon [ 11 Oct 2015, 22:13 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alfa Romeo Giulia

Se pare ca asa va arata spatele in versiunile normale ." onclick=";return false;

Ti-am mutat link-ul de Youtube din ultima postare aici.

In momentul in care postezi ai 30 min sa-ti editezi postarea, poti completa ulterior cu alte informatii - mult mai ok decat sa postezi consecutiv "x" nr de posturi.

Te rog sa folosesti "edit" de acum inainte.

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Author:  marius [ 14 Oct 2015, 19:34 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alfa Romeo Giulia


Author:  triesse [ 14 Oct 2015, 23:30 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alfa Romeo Giulia




Author:  marius [ 15 Oct 2015, 13:27 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alfa Romeo Giulia

Infotainment MM
Pentru ca este un produs italian iar italienilor le place sa gesticuleze sistemul preia si comenzi prin gesturi. :mrgreen:

Author:  toshy [ 19 Oct 2015, 20:45 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alfa Romeo Giulia

Deci... pana la urma o sa existe si un motor intre pocnitorile l4 si QV?

Author:  dertymon [ 19 Oct 2015, 22:21 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alfa Romeo Giulia

,,Nuove indiscrezioni sui prezzi
Infine per quanto riguarda i prezzi della nuova berlina Alfa Romeo Giulia, confermiamo che la versione sportiva Quadrifgolio dovrebbe avere un prezzo di partenza pari a 79 mila euro. Per quanto riguarda il modello 'normale' ancora non vi sono notizie ufficiali, tuttavia le ultime indiscrezioni parlano di un prezzo di partenza che potrebbe avvicinarsi molto ai 35 mila euro. Questo anche per fare una maggiore concorrenza alle agguerrite rivali del settore. Ci riferiamo ovviamente alle case automobilistiche tedesche Audi, Mercedes e Bmw. "

Author:  marius [ 20 Oct 2015, 22:41 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alfa Romeo Giulia

toshy Quote:
Deci... pana la urma o sa existe si un motor intre pocnitorile l4 si QV?
Vrei sa stii daca V6-le de pe Quadrifoglio va avea si o versiune mai putin extrema? Altfel spus, daca va avea diferite declinari precum V6-le Busso (2.0TB, 2.5, 3.0, 3.2)? Nu pe Giulia. Pentru ea sunt prevazute un 2.0 benzina si un 2.2 diesel cu diferite praguri de putere care sa acopere toate cerintele. Benzinarul ar avea si o varianta de 300/330 cp...

Author:  toshy [ 20 Oct 2015, 23:10 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alfa Romeo Giulia

Cum am mai zis... o pocnitoare de motor l4 (indiferent cate sute de cai are) n-o sa ma intereseze niciodata, iar QV-ul este inutil pe strada si imbecil din punct de vedere tehnic. Ma gandeam ca poate vor pune v6-le de pe Ghibli/QP, dar n-o sa mai fac greseala de anul trecut sa astept, ca iar o sa raman cu ochii in soare din diverse motive.

Author:  georgeg [ 20 Oct 2015, 23:21 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alfa Romeo Giulia

Toacse, ce vrei tu de fapt ? Ghibli la pret de Alfa ? Sau Alfa cu aer de Ghibli ?
Ai dreptatet cu asteptatul insa, am acelasi feeling ca asteptam ceva ce ori nu va fi, ori se va lasa mult prea mult asteptata.

L. E. 2.0 tbi cu vreo 300 cai si q4 nu cred sa fie pocnitoare. Daca anunta direct v6 tot nu va fi bine ca dehhh, sar aparatorii focilor din oceane cum ca le strica habitatul. Si sare si unu-altu de te miri unde ca nu are multi cai, ca consuma mult, etc etc...

Author:  toshy [ 21 Oct 2015, 03:43 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alfa Romeo Giulia

georgeg Quote:
Toacse, ce vrei tu de fapt ? Ghibli la pret de Alfa ? Sau Alfa cu aer de Ghibli ?
Nu, n-ai inteles. Masina cu motor l4 n-o sa-mi mai iau niciodata, sunt pocnitori pentru mine, mai ales in clasa asta si la banii pe care toti ii cer pe asa ceva - downsizing-ul asta este cea mai idioata chestie, nici 45 AMG-urile nu-mi schimba parerea. Poate as astepta sa vad cum e Giulia daca ar avea un motor v6 decent (de genul XE-R, S4, 335/340, C400) singurul v6 decent din grup e cel de pe Ghibli, de asta am zis de el. QV-ul e interesant pe hartie, dar e prea mult si prea scump pentru cat si cum folosesc eu masina.

Daca eram convins ca Ghibli-ul merita mai mult decat emblema, acum aveam Ghibli. Probabil ca si tu esti in situatia asta.

Author:  yux_mm [ 21 Oct 2015, 10:06 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alfa Romeo Giulia

Pai dupa L4 tunate si rastunate urmeaza aspiratoare gen Tesla si/sau L3-uri + motor de aspirator.
Asa ca, make your move. Ca daca astepti dupa macaronar...

Author:  ibiza [ 21 Oct 2015, 10:28 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alfa Romeo Giulia

yux_mm Quote:
Pai dupa L4 tunate si rastunate urmeaza aspiratoare gen Tesla si/sau L3-uri + motor de aspirator.
Asa ca, make your move. Ca daca astepti dupa macaronar...
Te adaptezi sau dispari...

Author:  ALXege [ 21 Oct 2015, 11:38 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alfa Romeo Giulia

Eu cred ca va alintati... Nici macar in State, unde V6 era motorul saracului si oamenii au condus toata viata V8 sau V12, nu-s asa reticenti la schimbarea asta, si ne-am trezit noi, care am invatat sa conducem pe Dacie si un diesel de 150-200cp a fost pana mai zilele trecute avion? :nono:

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