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PostPosted: 29 Nov 2008, 20:38 
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:scratch: mama ce forum, gasesti tot ce vrei depre Alfa Romeo!

"Ho scelto di guidare italiano...Una scelta che mi ha cambiato la vita
C'è qualcosa che lega ogni pilota alla sua Alfa Romeo
Noi lo chiamiamo:Cuore Sportivo"...

PostPosted: 04 Jan 2009, 05:49 

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Pai nu uitam ca primele doua sezoane de Formula 1, in 1950 si 1951 au fost castigate de Alfa Romeo.
Mai jos un articol de pe wikipedia....

Success, 1950-1951
In 1950 Nino Farina won the inaugural Formula One World Championship in a 158 with supercharger, in 1951 Juan Manuel Fangio won while driving an Alfetta 159 (an evolution of the 158 with a two-stages compressor). The Alfetta's engines were extremely powerful for their capacity: in 1951 the 159 engine was producing around 420 bhp (310 kW) but this was at the price of a fuel consumption of 125 to 175 litres per 100 km (1 mpg–U.S. / 2 mpg–imp). In 1952, facing increased competition from their former employee, Ferrari, Alfa Romeo, a state-owned company, decided to withdraw after a refusal of the Italian government to fund the expensive design of a new car. Surprisingly, Alfa Romeo involvement in racing was made with a very thin budget, using mostly pre-war technology and material during the two seasons. For instance the team won two championships using only nine pre-war built engine blocks.

Alfa Romeo as an engine supplier, 1961-1979
During the 1960s, several minor F1 teams used Alfa Romeo straight-4 engines in cars such as the LDS Mk1 and Mk2 "Specials", Coopers and De Tomasos.
Alfa-Romeo briefly returned to Formula One for the 1970 and 1971 seasons with a V8 engine based on their sportscar unit. In 1970 the unit was mainly entrusted to Andrea de Adamich, a long time Alfa driver, in a third works McLaren. The combination often failed to qualify and was uncompetitive when it did run in the races. In 1971 a similar arrangement saw de Adamich run most of the second half of the season in a works March car, with a similar lack of success.
For 1976 Bernie Ecclestone did a deal for the Brabham Formula One team to use Alfa-Romeo engines based on their new flat-12 sports car unit, designed by Carlo Chiti. The engines were free and produced a claimed 510 bhp (380 kW) against the 465 bhp (347 kW) of the ubiquitous Cosworth DFV. However, packaging the engines was difficult - they had to be removed in order to change the spark plugs - and the high fuel consumption engine required no fewer than four separate fuel tanks to contain 47 imperial gallons (214 L; 56 US gal) of fuel. Murray's increasingly adventurous designs, like the BT46 which won two races in 1978, were partly a response to the challenge of producing a suitably light and aerodynamic chassis around the bulky unit. When aerodynamic ground effect became important in 1978, it was clear that the low, wide engines would interfere with the large venturi tunnels under the car which were needed to create the ground effect. At Murray's instigation Alfa produced a narrower V12 design in only three months for the 1979 season, but it continued to be unreliable and fuel inefficient.

Return to Formula One, 1979-1985
During the 1979 Formula One season, and after some persuasion by Chiti, Alfa Romeo gave Autodelta permission to start developing a Formula One car on their behalf. The partnership with Brabham finished before the end of the season. The Alfa Romeo 177 made its debut at the 1979 Belgian Grand Prix. This second Alfa works Formula One project was never truly successful during its existence from the middle of 1979 until the end of 1985. During this period Alfa Romeo achieved two pole positions, three 3rd places, two 2nd places and one fastest lap, the team's best season being the 1983 season when the team achieved 6th place in the constructors' championship. The team was effectively outsourced to Euroracing in 1984, with works engines being supplied by Autodelta.

Time after constructor years
For the 1987 season, Alfa Romeo made a deal to supply engines to Ligier. A Gianni Tonti designed twinturbo 1500 cc straight-4 was tested in a Ligier JS29B by René Arnoux. When Fiat took control of Alfa Romeo, the deal was cancelled (ostensibly due to negative remarks by Arnoux about the engine) and Ligier had to use Megatron (ex BMW) engines for the entire 1987 season.
Alfa also supplied engines to the tiny and unsuccessful Italian Osella team from 1983 to 1988. Normally-aspirated (1983) and turbo (1984-1987) engines were used. In the beginning, Alfa also offered some technical input to the small Turin team; The 1984 Osella (the model FA 1/F) was based on the 1983 works Alfa Romeo 183T, indeed the first chassis was a lightly reworked 183T. All the following Osella models up to the FA 1/I in 1988 had their origins in the initial Alfa design.
By 1988, the last turbo season, Alfa was fed up with the negative publicity generated by Enzo Osella's cars, so the Milan-based manufacturer prohibited the further use of its name in connection with the engine. The 1988 engines were simply dubbed "Osella V8". At the end of that season, the relationship finished, ending Alfa Romeo's involvement in Formula One.
In 1985 Alfa Romeo started V10 Formula One engine project, engine was targeted to use with Ligier Formula One cars. This was first modern V10 Formula One engine, followed soon by Honda and Renault engines. In its first stage the 3.5 litre engine produced 583 hp (435 kW) and the last version from 1986 could produce 620 bhp (460 kW) at 13300 rpm. After the co-operation with Ligier was cancelled the engine was available to the 164 Pro Car project.
In 1988 Alfa Romeo (Fiat Group) bought Motor Racing Developments Ltd. (otherwise known as the Brabham F1 team) to built a chassis for a new ProCar series. The car developed was V10 powered Alfa Romeo 164 ProCar (Brabham BT57[10]) and was planned to race in a special racing series (as a support event to Formula One Grands Prix).

PostPosted: 16 Jun 2009, 16:22 
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Sa vorbim putin despre sezoanele 1984 si 1985 , ultimele sezoane desi ele nu sunt deloc reprezentative pentru parcursul ce l-a avut Alfa Romeo in Formula 1.

In sezonul 1984 s-a participat cu Alfa Romeo 184T la Scuderia Benetton cu pilotii Riccardo Patrese si Eddie Cheever. Masina era propulsata de un motor de cilindree 1497 cu 8 cilindrii dispusi in V la 90 grade amplasat central-posterior,motor ce dezvolta 700 CP la 11.000 rot/min. Cutia de viteze cu care era dotat dispunea de 5 trepte plus retur. Masina desenata de Marmiroli deriva din modelul 183T ce a participat in stagiunea precedenta in timp ce motorul imbunatatit de cei de la Autodelta ajungea la performante asemanatoare celui de la BMW care era punctul de referinta al sezonului. In prima cursa a sezonului din Brazilia Cheever obtine un meritat loc 4 in timp ce Patrese e obligat sa abandoneze din cauza cedarii cutiei de viteze. Situatia s-a inversat la urmatoarea cursa din Africa de Sud unde Patrese se claseaza pe locul 4 si Cheever este silit sa abandoneze din cauza radiatorului sau care a cedat. Sezonul oricum a fost controversat din prisma faptului ca regulamentul modificat la inceputul anului prevedea ca rezervorul sa fie redus la 220 l fapt ce a dus la multe abandonuri in ultimele tururi de pista cu masini ramase fara benzina :lol: . Unicul rezultat care ar mai putea fi luat in considerare in acel sezon ar fi locul 3 obtinut in Gran Premio d'Italia la Monza de catre Riccardo Patrese. La finalul sezonului Scuderia Benetton acumula 11 puncte.

185T debuteaza in 1956 si este ultima masina de Formula1 Alfa Romeo. Masina trebuia sa fie o evolutie a modeului 184T acum cu un motor ce dezvolta 720 CP insa pana la urma s-a dovedit ca nu a fost chiar asa. Rezultatele de la probele libere din Brazilia unde se desfasura primul mare premiu au fost tragice: masina a parcurs circuitul cu 4 secunde mai lent decat primul clasat Michele Alboreto cu al lui Ferrari. Acest sezon oricum a fost cu siguranta cel mai slab dintre toate, cu 24 de abandonuri din 32 de curse dupa Marele Premiu al Angliei s-a decis sa se revina la modelul 184T din anul precedent ce s-a dovedit a fi mai fiabil decat actualul. Probabil si datorita rezultatelor slabe la sfarsitul anului Alfa Romeo isi anunta retragerea din Formula 1 urmand sa furnizeze doar motoare pentru Scuderia Osella pana in anul 1987 , an de retragere definitiva a casei milaneze din competitiile de Formula 1.

alfa1985mica.jpg [ 64.76 KiB | Viewed 3579 times ]

Alfa Romeo 156 1.9 mJTD (Bella) Image
Renault Megane2 1.5 DCI (BUG) Image
Renault Clio 1.5 DCI (Barca) Image
ALFA ROMEO dauneaza grav permisului!
PostPosted: 24 Jan 2010, 00:53 
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Alfa Romeo in Formula unu 1976 <>1985
Marile rezultate obtinute de Autodelta 33 SC 12,echipata cu motorul boxer 12 cilindri 3000cc,face casa din Arese sa viseze la revenirea in formula 1.Primul campionat de F1,cistigat de Alfa Romeo in 1950 si Fagioli in 1951,au ramas amintiri indepartate.Initial se decide a se limita doar la livrarea de motoare pentru Brabham.In anul 1976 se decide pentru furnizarea de motoare in 12 cilindri,boxer de 3000cc aspirato.(cel mai avantajos a fost cel de 1500cc turbo),montat pe sasiul Brabham sponsorizat de "Martini Rancing".A fost angajat unul dintre cei mai mari piloti ai tipului ,Reutemann.In anul de debut se obtin urmatoarele rezultate:
cu nr.[7] Reutemann loc 4 -Jarama.
cu nr.[8] Pace loc 6 Jarama - 4°la Le Castellet - 4° la Nurburgring.
Scuderia Martini Rancing,obtine 9 puncte si locul 9.
In anul 1977,Reutemannn,trece la Ferrari,iar in locul lui este adus Watson,in timp ce Pace moare intr-un accident aviatic.A fost inlocuit cu Stuck.
cu nr.[8] Pace - loc 2 in Buenos Aires.
cu nr.[7] Watson - loc 6 in Africa de Sud - 5°la Anderstorp - 2°la Dijoncu.
cu nr.[8] Stuch -loc 6 la Jarama -6°la Zolder -5°laSilvestone -3°la Hockeneim -3°la Osterreicbring.
Team-ul la sfirsitul sezonului inregistreaza 27 de puncte,4 podiumuri cu care sint pe locul 5.
Anul 1978,este anul cu cele mai mari sadisfacti.Brabham obtine angajamentul lui Niki Lauda(campion mondial in 1977 cu Ferarri) si o noua sponsorizare (Parmalat),un motor mai puternic :BT 46, boxer,3000cc,aspiranto.
cu nr.[1] Lauda -loc 2 in Argentina -3° in Brazilia -2°la Monaco -1°in Elvetia -2°in Marea Britanie -3 in Olanda -1°la Monza
cu nr.[2] Watson -loc 3 Sud Africa -4°la Monaco -5°in Spania -4°in Franta -3°Marea Britanie -4 in Olanda -5°in Spania
Scuderia cu 53 de puncte se califica a 4-a.
In anul 1979,vede la noua motorizare BT48,un 12 cilindri in V la 60°.Este angajat Lauda si Piquet,dar rezultatele au fost sub asteptari,iar la sfirsitul anului contractul de livrare a motoarelor la Brabham,nu a mai fost reinoit.Numai 3 rezultate in puncte:
cu nr.[5] Lauda -loc 6 in Africa de Sud -4°la Monza.
cu nr.[6] Piquet -loc 5 in Olanda.
Scuderia obtine 7 puncte.
In 1979,Alfa Romeo /Autodelta,simultan cu livrarea de motoare ptr. Brabham,a decis sa produca o masina Alfa Romeo.Se realziaza Alfa Romeo 177,cu un motor boxer,cu care debuteaza la jumatatea campionatului,pentru inceput cu una singura masina data lui Bruno Giacomelli,urmind apoi ca la Gran Premio di Monza,sa fie livrata a 2-a masina data lui Vittorio Brambilla.La ultimele 2 gare ,era gata noua AR 179 ,cu un motor in V,de 60°.
In 1979 nu a fost obtinut nici un punct.
Anul 1980,rezultate:
cu nr.[23] Bruno Giacomelli -loc 5 Buenos Aires -5°la Hockenheim(1 pol.poz.).
cu nr.[22] Patrick Dapailler -a disputat 5 gare.
cu nr,[22] Vittorio Brambilla cu 2 gare.
cu nr.[22] Andrea de Cesaris cu 1 gara.
Alfa Romeo pe locul 11,cu 4 puncte.
Rezultate 1981:
cu nr.[22] Mario Andretti un loc 4,la Long Beach.
cu nr.[23] Bruno Giacomelli un loc 4, la Montreal -3°in Las Vegas.
Alfa Romeo pe locul 9,cu 10 puncte.
Anul 1982 / Alfa Romeo rezultte:
cu nr.[22] Andrea De Cesaris,loc 3,la Montecarlo.
cu nr.[23] Bruno Giacomelli,loc 5,la Hockenheim.
Alfa Romeo -loc 9,cu 7 puncte.
Anul 1983,rezultate:
cu nr.[22] Andrea De Cesaris loc 2 la Kalami -2° la Hockenheim -4 la Brandshatch.
cu nr.[23] Mauro aldi loc 6 la Montecarlo si loc 2 la Zandvoort.
Alfa Romeo pe locul 6,cu 18 puncte.
Alfa -Alfa,isi termina cariera in F1,dar continua si aul succesiv cu livrarea de motoare ptr.Benetton.
Anul 1984 (Benetton/motoare alfa):
cu nr.[22] Patrese un loc 4 la Kyalami -3°la Monza -6° la Nurburgring.
cu nr.[23 Cheever un loc 4 la Rio de Janeiro.
Benetton locul 8,cu 11 puncte.
Anul 1985:
cu nr.[22] Paterse.
cu nr.[23] Cheever.
Benetton - 0 puncte.
Pole position Alfa Romeo:
1978 - circutul Anderstop -Niki Lauda -motor Alfa Romeo BT46 3000 12 boxer aspirato.
1980- circuitul Watkins Glen -Brunno Giacomelli -motor Alfa Romeo AR 179 3000 V 12 boxer aspirato.
1982-circuitul Long Beach -Andrea De Cesaris -motor Alfa Romeo Ar 182 3000 V 12 aspirato.
preluat:ClubSpider it

Foto 01:Lada cu un motor Alfa Romeo,il Depaseste pe Villeneuve-Ferrari.
Foto 02:1976,Carlos Reutemann pe Martini Raning-motor Alfa Romeo-BT 45 boxer aspirato.
Foto 03:Pace pe Martin Rancing-motor Alfa Romeo BT45 12 cilndri-boxer.

Anul 1977
Foto 1:Jon Watson pe Matini Racing,motor BT 45b -Alfa Romeo.
Foto 2:Carlos Pace pe Martini Racing,motor BT 45b -Alfa Romeo 12 cilindri boxer.
Foto 3:Hans Joachim Stuck,inlocuindul pe Pace.
Anul 1978
Foto 4: Lauda pe Brabham /Alfa Romeo,sponsrizata de Parmalat,motor BT 46 (pe masina are numarul cistigat cu un an in urma pe Ferrari).
Foto 5: Watson pe Brabham,motor Alfa Romeo BT46.
Foto 6:Motorul Alfa Romeo BT 45.
Anul 1979
Foto 7: Niki Lauda pe Brabham /Alfa Romeo BT48.
Foto 8: Nelson Piquet pe Brabham Alfa Romo BT48.
Foto 9: Motorul Alfa Romeo BT48.
Anul 1979 /1980
Foto 10: Cu nr.35 Bruno Giacomelli / cu nr. 36 Vittorio Brambilla ,pe Alfa Romeo 179.
Foto 11: 1980 -Bruno Giacomelli pe Alfa Romeo 179b.
Foto 12: Patric De Pailler pe Alfa Romeo 179b.
Anul 1980 /1981
Foto 13:Andrea de Cesaris pe Alfa Romeo 179b.(1980)
Foto 14:Giacomelli pe Alfa Romeo 180.-(1981)
Foto 15:Mario Andretti pe Alfa -Alfa 180.-(1981)
Anul 1981 /1982
Foto 16:Mario Andretti pe Alfa -Alfa 180.-(1981)
Foto 17:Andrea De Csaris pe Alfa-Alfa 182.-(1982)
Foto 18:Giaconelli pe Alfa-Alfa 182.-(1982)
Anul 1983
Foto 19: Andrea De Cesaris pe Alfa Romeo -Alfa Romeo 183T. -(1983)
Foto 20: Mauro Baldi pe Alfa Romeo -Alfa Romeo 183T. -(1983)
Anul 1984
Foto 21: Patrese pe Benetton /Alfa Romeo 184T. -(1984)
Anul 1984 /1985
Foto 22:Cheever pe Benetton /Alfa Romeo 184T. -(1984)
Foto 23:Patrese pe Benetton /Alfa Romeo 185T. -(1985)
Foto 24:Cheever pe Benetton /Alfa Romeo 185T -(1985)

File comment: Cheever pe Benetton /Alfa Romeo 185T -(1985)
1985CheeverPatreseAR185T_1_.jpg [ 24.67 KiB | Viewed 3471 times ]
File comment: Patrese pe Benetton /Alfa Romeo 185T. -(1985)
1985PatreseCheeverAR185t_1_.jpg [ 66.23 KiB | Viewed 3471 times ]
File comment: Cheever pe Benetton /Alfa Romeo 184T. -(1984)
1984CheeverAR184t_1_.jpg [ 28.28 KiB | Viewed 3471 times ]
File comment: Cheever pe Benetton /Alfa Romeo 184T. -(1984)
1984PatreseAR184T_1_.jpg [ 33.25 KiB | Viewed 3471 times ]
File comment: Mauro Baldi pe Alfa Romeo -Alfa Romeo 183T. -(1983)
183BaldiAR183T_1_.jpg [ 28.03 KiB | Viewed 3471 times ]
File comment: Andrea De Cesaris pe Alfa Romeo -Alfa Romeo 183T. -(1983)
1983decesarisAR183T_1_.jpg [ 37.63 KiB | Viewed 3471 times ]
File comment: Giaconelli pe Alfa-Alfa 182.-(1982)
1982GiacomelliAR182_1_.jpg [ 39.31 KiB | Viewed 3471 times ]
File comment: Andrea De Csaris pe Alfa-Alfa 182.-(1982)
1982decesarisAR182b_1_.jpg [ 44.05 KiB | Viewed 3471 times ]
File comment: Mario Andretti pe Alfa -Alfa 180.-(1981)
1981marioandrettiAR179_1_.jpg [ 30.49 KiB | Viewed 3471 times ]
File comment: Mario Andretti pe Alfa -Alfa 180.-(1981)
1981GiacomelliAR1792_1_.jpg [ 28.3 KiB | Viewed 3471 times ]
File comment: Andrea de Cesaris pe Alfa Romeo 179b.(1980)
194_88_148_40.jpg [ 24.38 KiB | Viewed 3471 times ]
File comment: Patric De Pailler pe Alfa Romeo 179b.
194_88_148_41.jpg [ 27.13 KiB | Viewed 3471 times ]
File comment: 1980 -Bruno Giacomelli pe Alfa Romeo 179b.
1980GiacomelliAR179_1_.jpg [ 30.77 KiB | Viewed 3471 times ]
File comment: Cu nr.35 Bruno Giacomelli / cu nr. 36 Vittorio Brambilla ,pe Alfa Romeo 179.
1979GiacomelliBrambillaAr179_1_.jpg [ 51.73 KiB | Viewed 3471 times ]
File comment: Motorul Alfa Romeo BT48.
BT48h_1_.jpg [ 53.86 KiB | Viewed 3471 times ]
File comment: Nelson Piquet pe Brabham Alfa Romo BT48.
194_88_148_41.jpg [ 28.13 KiB | Viewed 3471 times ]
File comment: Niki Lauda pe Brabham /Alfa Romeo BT48.
1979LaudaBrabhamBT48_1_.jpg [ 33.74 KiB | Viewed 3471 times ]
File comment: Motorul Alfa Romeo BT 45.
1976BT45%252520boxer[1].jpg [ 35.19 KiB | Viewed 3471 times ]
File comment: Watson pe Brabham,motor Alfa Romeo BT46.
1978WatsonBrabhamBT46_1_.jpg [ 32.63 KiB | Viewed 3471 times ]
File comment: Lauda pe Brabham /Alfa Romeo,sponsrizata de Parmalat,motor BT 46 (pe masina are numarul cistigat cu un an in urma pe Ferrari).
194_88_148_41.jpg [ 30.38 KiB | Viewed 3471 times ]
File comment: Hans Joachim Stuck,inlocuindul pe Pace.
1977bt45Stuck_1_.jpg [ 34.33 KiB | Viewed 3471 times ]
File comment: Carlos Pace pe Martini Racing,motor BT 45b -Alfa Romeo 12 cilindri boxer.
1977PacebrabhamBT45_1_.jpg [ 33.77 KiB | Viewed 3471 times ]
File comment: Jon Watson pe Matini Racing,motor BT 45b -Alfa Romeo.
1977bt45JohnWatson-Kylami_1_.jpg [ 34.51 KiB | Viewed 3471 times ]
File comment: Pace pe Martin Rancing-motor Alfa Romeo BT45 12 cilndri-boxer.
1976bt45CarlosPace_1_.jpg [ 29.8 KiB | Viewed 3471 times ]
File comment: 1976,Carlos Reutemann pe Martini Raning-motor Alfa Romeo-BT 45 boxer aspirato.
1976bt45CarlosReutemann_1_.jpg [ 34.5 KiB | Viewed 3471 times ]
File comment: Lada cu un motor Alfa Romeo,il Depaseste pe Villeneuve-Ferrari.
1978imola_1_.jpg [ 55.93 KiB | Viewed 3471 times ]

"Ho scelto di guidare italiano...Una scelta che mi ha cambiato la vita
C'è qualcosa che lega ogni pilota alla sua Alfa Romeo
Noi lo chiamiamo:Cuore Sportivo"...
PostPosted: 30 Dec 2013, 23:39 
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Brabham BT46 B - "The Fan Car"

156 2.0 TS
156 SW 2.0 JTS
166 2.4 JTD TI
916 Spider 3.0 Arese
159 SW 1.9 JTDm

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