Astea le stiam eu cand eram tanar:
Piatra crapa capul caprei in patru.
Sase sasi in sase saci.
Dar uite ce am gasit acum:
> Eu pup poala popii, popa pupa poala mea.
> Un sas cu glas de bas cam gras si ras pe nas sta la taifas de-un ceas la parastas despre un extras din pancreas.
> Capra calca-n piatra, piatra crapa-n patru, crape capul caprei in patru precum a crapat piatra-n patru.
> Capra neagra calca-n clinci. Clinciul crapa-n cinci, crape capul caprei-n cinci, precum a crapat clinciul-n cinci.
> Duc in bac sac de dac, aud crac, o fi rac? O fi drac? Face pac, aud mac, aud oac, nu e rac, nu-i gandac, nu e cuc, nu-i brotac, il apuc, il hurduc. E tot drac.
> Cosasul Sasa când coseste, cât sase sasi sasul coseste. Si-s sus si-n jos de casa sa, coseste sasul si-n sosea. Si sase case Sasa-si stie. - Ce sansa… Sasa-si spuse siesi
> Un cocostârc s-a dus la descocostârcarie, unde se descocostârcareau si alti cocostârci nedescocostârcariti, ca sa se descocostârcareasca de cocostârcaria lui.
> Bucura-te cum s-a bucurat Bucuroaia cand s-a intors Bucurel bucuros de la Bucuresti.
> Un vultur sta pe-un pisc c-un pix in plisc
> Un caricaturist care caricaturizeaza caricaturi caricaturistice nu poate caricaturiza caricatura sa.
> Ceea ce cerea celebrul cicero gemand geniilor degenerate ,n-au acceptat-o cezar si ceata ingeniosilor cetateni certati cu cerintele cercurilor centrale!
> Patrusprezece pritocitori intr-o pritocitorica mica.
> Colo-n vale p-un pitroi sta o codobatura si un codobaturoi,codobaturoiu codobatureste codobatura, codobatura nu poate codobaturi codobaturoiu.
> Rege Paragarafaramus, cand te vei desoriginaliza? Ma voi desoriginaliza cand cel mai original dintre orginali se va desoriginaliza, Dar cum ce mai original dintre originali nu se va desoriginaliza, regele Paragarafaramus, nu se va desoriginaliza.
> If a shipshape shipshop stocks six shishape shop-soiled ships, how many shipshape shop-soiled ships would six shipshape ship shops stock?
> A noise annoys an oyster, but a noisy noise annoys an oyster more
> Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers, a peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked. If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers, where’s the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?
> Betty bought some butter, ‘but’ she said, ‘this butter’s bitter’ and a bit of better butter would make a better butter. So she bought a bit of butter better than the bitter butter and it made her butter better, so it was that Betty bought a bit of better butter
> Three tree toads tied together tried to trot to town
> Amidst the mists and coldest frosts, with barest wrists and stoutest boasts, he thrusts his fists against the posts and still insists he sees the ghosts
> Two witches had two watches. Which watch did which witch watch?
> A tutor who tooted a flute tried to teach two teachers to toot. Said the two to the tutor ‘is it harder to toot or tutor two tutors to toot?’
> Sheila uttered a sharp shrill shriek and shrunked from the shrivelled form that slumbered in the shadows
> I slit the sheets. The sheets I slit are on the slitted sheets I slit.
Thank god for the internet...
_________________ “The only way to get smarter is by playing a smarter opponent.â€