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 Post subject: Re: Alfa Romeo Giulia
PostPosted: 07 Mar 2016, 00:27 

Joined: 01 Dec 2008, 23:24
Posts: 1368
Location: Lisbon
Giulia are "Drag coefficient" de 0.25 iar 159 are 0.33. Not bad.

Alfa Romeo Giulia 2.0 RWD
Alfa Romeo 147 GTA

 Post subject: Re: Alfa Romeo Giulia
PostPosted: 07 Mar 2016, 00:27 
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Joined: 19 May 2008, 23:49
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Mult mai multe in minus, kg. Aproape de 1500kg

contact: 0756044202


Maserati 4200 Coupe Cambiocorsa
Alfa Romeo Giulia Quadrifoglio Verde Montreal
Alfa Romeo 164 3.0 v6 Q4
Alfa Romeo 166 3.2 v6 24v TI
Alfa Romeo 156 GTA 3.2 v6 24v
Alfa Romeo 156 2.0 JTS Scuola Sportiva
Ex many others…

 Post subject: Re: Alfa Romeo Giulia
PostPosted: 07 Mar 2016, 00:30 
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Joined: 02 Jul 2008, 15:15
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159 1.8tbi are 1430 kg conform carfolio.

Sent from my m8 using Tapatalk

alfas don't break down... they stop to be admired
my fiat is fantastic:
Ex: 156 SW 1.9 JTD 16V
Ex: 159 SW 2.4 JTD Q-tronic
Ex. Jeep GC 2005 3.0 crd

 Post subject: Re: Alfa Romeo Giulia
PostPosted: 07 Mar 2016, 16:28 
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Joined: 28 Oct 2012, 15:57
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ibiza Quote:
10Nm în plus față de 1.8tbi de pe 159. Viteza maximă cu 5 km mai mică și ajunge la sută cu 1,1 secunde mai repede. Probabil o cutie de viteze cu rapoarte ceva mai scurte... și câteva kg în minus, sunt curios câte. ... car=195701" onclick=";return false;

Sent from my m8 using Tapatalk
159 TBi stoc nu a reusit in teste sub 7.9, ba chiar unii au sustinut ca nu au reusit sub 8.1 (de consum nu mai zic nimic), la QV in schimb s-au obtinut performantele indicate de producator, daca si la Giulia mentin linia corectitudinii parametrii prezentanti sunt de luat in seama. Astept si varianta 2 de putere :naughty:

Stelvio QV
Stelvio Veloce 280cp - Visconti viewtopic.php?f=91&t=29263

Am avut:
1. 156 GTA viewtopic.php?f=17&t=28029
2. 2xStelvio 2.2 jtdm 210 CP Q4
3. Giulia Veloce viewtopic.php?f=90&t=27090
4. Brera 1.750 TBI viewtopic.php?f=22&t=27532
5. GT 1.9 JTDM
6. Giulietta 1.4 Mair 170 CP
7. Giulietta QV
8. 159 TBi ti 250 CP
9. Giulietta 1.4 Mair 170 CP
10. 159 2.4 JTDM 200 CP
11. 159 TBi 200 CP


 Post subject: Re: Alfa Romeo Giulia
PostPosted: 08 Mar 2016, 11:50 
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Joined: 18 Feb 2006, 19:39
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Wester demonteaza articolul din automotive news ce pretindea ca Alfa nu reuseste sa treaca de crash teste:
Why the Alfa Giulia was delayed

Alfa Romeo originally intended, when it announced the Giulia, that some Cloverleafs would be in buyers’ hands by the end of last year. Three months after that, it’s only just coming off the production line. Good news is, so is the rest of the range.
Harald Wester, Alfa CEO, says that the delay was needed to make sure all systems on the car “had the necessary maturity”.
We ask him about a report in a well-sourced industry newspaper that the car was delayed because it failed crash tests. He looks TG dead in the eye and calmly raises a single finger in the air.
So we ask him for a quote. “Nothing of this is true. Absolutely nothing. When it [the story] was written, we had homologation in the US and Europe and we had five stars. The only thing we were working on was the very difficult small-overlap test.” He explains they were trying to get a common structure that would work both for the Giulia and the next new Alfa, a heavier crossover. And they succeeded.
A crossover is on course for launch at the turn of the year. During 2017 there will be a bigger saloon, and a bigger crossover by 2018. Alfa now plans to launch four more cars by 2020 (two more SUVs and a likely a coupe and convertible).
Last year the plan called for a rollout of all eight of those cars by 2018, but the dealers said they couldn’t cope. “They were complaining it would be difficult for them to manage a new product every five to six months. We need to give them time.”
Top Gear

156 2.0 TS
156 SW 2.0 JTS
166 2.4 JTD TI
916 Spider 3.0 Arese
159 SW 1.9 JTDm

 Post subject: Re: Alfa Romeo Giulia
PostPosted: 08 Mar 2016, 13:56 
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Joined: 21 Jun 2009, 16:29
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O sa fie o mare presiune pe dealeri, asta e clar. Una e sa vinzi si sa repari Fiat 500, Panda, Grande Punto si Doblo si alta e sa te trezesti cu niste Maserati-uri cu sigle de Alfa Romeo in curte.

Alfa Romeo Giulietta 1.8 TBi - Valeria
Alfa Romeo GTV 2.0 V6 TB - Carla
“La Bellezza è lo splendore del Vero.”

 Post subject: Re: Alfa Romeo Giulia
PostPosted: 08 Mar 2016, 15:29 
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Joined: 29 Oct 2008, 12:44
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Scuza asta e cusuta cu ata alba... :lol:

147 1.9 Mjet 16V
166 3.2 v6

 Post subject: Re: Alfa Romeo Giulia
PostPosted: 08 Mar 2016, 15:31 

Joined: 12 Jan 2006, 19:55
Posts: 367
Car: Giulia Competizione
Location: Bucuresti
Poza cu motorul 2.0 TBi/200Cp.

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Alfa Giulia Competizione
Alfa 159 TBI
(ex) Alfa 156 JTS FL
(ex) Alfa 33 16v
 Post subject: Re: Alfa Romeo Giulia
PostPosted: 08 Mar 2016, 15:34 
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Alt lucru bun e ca ai loc gramada si in fata si in spate iar interiorul arata bine . Nu vorbesc doar de QV , toate combinatiile de interior sunt ok .

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 Post subject: Re: Alfa Romeo Giulia
PostPosted: 08 Mar 2016, 15:50 
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Joined: 23 Nov 2013, 20:25
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tdanut Quote:
Poza cu motorul 2.0 TBi/200Cp.
o sa se schimbe ceva mai usor filtrul de aer fata de cum e pe 159. Sper ca acel ECU, ascuns dupa cutia filtrului de aer, sa fie suficient ventilat, per total: oamenii astia chiar nu dau importanta de cum arata sub capota, abrambureala :disgust1:

Alfa 159 2.4 200+CP - "Angry"
ex: Fiat Stilo 1.6 16v- "Kicsi"

 Post subject: Re: Alfa Romeo Giulia
PostPosted: 08 Mar 2016, 16:11 
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Joined: 29 Mar 2007, 19:02
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Ce e asa abrambureala?

Numa ingineri paici

1. Denial 2. Anger 3. Bargaining 4. Depression 5. Acceptance ...

The 5 stages of buying petrol.

 Post subject: Re: Alfa Romeo Giulia
PostPosted: 08 Mar 2016, 16:30 
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Joined: 31 Mar 2011, 10:41
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Pina acum lucrurile se prezinta in regula. Sa vedem cum stam cu fiabilitatea, mai ales ca vin cu sistemele alea de suspensie noi, plus alte atitea chestii pe care nu prea au avut timp sa le testeze eficient.

Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk

Alfa Romeo 156 JTDm

 Post subject: Re: Alfa Romeo Giulia
PostPosted: 08 Mar 2016, 17:54 
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Joined: 21 Sep 2013, 21:36
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mai trebuie completat putin la antigel :))
in alta ordine de idei ma bucura faptul ca s-au gandit si la pasageri, era cam problematic aspectu asta la 159

Alfa Romeo 159 2.4 Q4 Turismo Internazionale
Ex: Alfa Romeo 159 Nero Oceano 1.9 jtdm 16v (150++ HP by ILuzoriu)

Toată ziua la volan Răsfăţat ca un motan, Rezervorul mereu plin, Nici o grijă, nici un chin, Şi-apoi cînd ieşi pe şosea Tot apare cîte cineva...
Femei goale cîte vrei Din reviste de doi lei, Unghii negre plus tutun, Băutură şi drum bun! Pot oricînd să susţină teze Despre cutia de viteze
Poa' să fie profesor, Medic sau aviator, Avocat sau conţopist, Inginer, frizer, dentist, Pictor sau electrician, Toţi înjură la volan !

 Post subject: Re: Alfa Romeo Giulia
PostPosted: 08 Mar 2016, 20:42 
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Valak Quote:
O sa fie o mare presiune pe dealeri, asta e clar. Una e sa vinzi si sa repari Fiat 500, Panda, Grande Punto si Doblo si alta e sa te trezesti cu niste Maserati-uri cu sigle de Alfa Romeo in curte.
Toata reteaua de dealeri e in lucru. Chiar si in Italia, sau in primul rand incepand de acolo. Se face trecerea catre showroom-uri stand alone, sau cel mult comune cu Jeep, dar cu zone si ambiente diferite (acolo unde nu este fizic posibil sa able si intrari separate). Am vazut multe exemple pe tema asta, am crezut ca pusesem si aici ceva updateuri, dar sunt sigur ca daca vrei sa aprofundezi subiectul se gasesc deja destule informatii on line. Dar in esenta so dreptate. Partea "simpla" a fost asta, sa cheltuie 1 sau 2 sau 5 miliarde pentru o platforma best of Italy. Partea mai complicata urmeaza de acum incolo, atragerea clientilor si mentinerea lor, iar asta trebuie sa implice schimbari profunde in atitudinea dealerilor.
yux_mm Quote:
Scuza asta e cusuta cu ata alba... :lol:
Pentru ca "duma" lui Cifferi era mai credibila?! Cum era, Giulia a esuat in crash testele frontale, laterale si posterioare... noroc ca nu exista si teste de impact de jos in sus. Pe bune bune acum, omul asta zice ceea ce spunea si Marchionne, ca au preferat sa intarzie lansarea decat sa aduca pe piata un produs nedezvoltat corespunzator. Poate s-au grabit cu prezentarea de anul trecut, poate au suflat si-n iaurt testand tot ce era de testat in conditii reale.

156 2.0 TS
156 SW 2.0 JTS
166 2.4 JTD TI
916 Spider 3.0 Arese
159 SW 1.9 JTDm

 Post subject: Re: Alfa Romeo Giulia
PostPosted: 08 Mar 2016, 21:07 
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Joined: 06 Nov 2006, 23:31
Posts: 2270

“Nothing of this is true. Absolutely nothing. When it [the story] was written, we had homologation in the US and Europe and we had five stars. The only thing we were working on was the very difficult small-overlap test.” He explains they were trying to get a common structure that would work both for the Giulia and the next new Alfa, a heavier crossover.
Nici Basescu nu era asa de iscusit cand prostea prostii in fata.

Dar, imi place cum unde si cum e pus motorul.


 Post subject: Re: Alfa Romeo Giulia
PostPosted: 08 Mar 2016, 23:15 
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L-au impins cat au putut de mult, intr-adevar e pozitionat asa cum trebuie sa fie, pentru o dinamica cat mai buna.
Eu astept insa mai multe detalii tehnice despre transmisie, ce diferential va exista...inclusiv la versiunile 4x4...

Alfa Romeo 156 JTDm

 Post subject: Re: Alfa Romeo Giulia
PostPosted: 09 Mar 2016, 10:25 
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Mi se par interesante aceste elemente de ranforsare, nu-mi aduc aminte sa fi mai vazut pana acum. Prima data am zis ca sunt capace din plastic.


Giulia Quadrifoglio - Technologies

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La Veloce Vita: Olio Acqua Benzina & Veloce

It`s an Alfa Romeo thing, you wouldn`t understand.

 Post subject: Re: Alfa Romeo Giulia
PostPosted: 09 Mar 2016, 11:04 
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Joined: 09 Sep 2010, 10:01
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specialitatea casei :lol:

File comment: ghibli
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"If you can't go fast with 90 horsepower, 900 horsepower won't help you" - B.H.
 Post subject: Re: Alfa Romeo Giulia
PostPosted: 09 Mar 2016, 11:11 
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Marius, nici pe aia cu picatul testelor n-am crezut-o, stai chill. Pur si simplu au pariat pe un timp mult prea scurt pentru dezvoltare. Da oricum, da bine oricand sa ai o scuza solida care implica pe altcineva fiind de vina.
Plus factorul Marchione...

147 1.9 Mjet 16V
166 3.2 v6

 Post subject: Re: Alfa Romeo Giulia
PostPosted: 09 Mar 2016, 11:38 
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Sunt convins ca viteza cu care au dezvoltat Giulia va avea urmari in fiabilitatea anumitor componente asa ca, sincer, au dreptul la multe scuze, indiferent cat de solide sau nu ar fi.
Pur si simplu mie mi se pare ca au creat o masina de la zero!!! Ceea ce nu e un lucru chiar simplu cand nici timp sau bani nu prea ai la dispozitie...

From Phone

Alfa Romeo 156 JTDm

 Post subject: Re: Alfa Romeo Giulia
PostPosted: 09 Mar 2016, 12:04 
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Eu inteleg carcoteala, mai ales cand ani de-a randul au fost vorbe in vant si amanari peste amanari, dar de la un punct incolo devine obositoare, mai ales cand avem in sfarsit "obiectul muncii"..

4C | Spider S4 2.0
ex Stelvio 2.0T | GTV 916 3.0 V6 | GTV 916 2.0TS | Spider 916 2.0TS | MiTo 1.4TB | Spider 939 2.4JTDm | Brera 2.4JTDm | Spider 916 2.0TS | GT 1.9mJTD | 147 1.6TS

 Post subject: Re: Alfa Romeo Giulia
PostPosted: 09 Mar 2016, 12:15 
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Joined: 09 Sep 2010, 10:01
Posts: 3215
ce e cu adevarat interesant la compartimentul motor, QV vs. non-QV :P
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"If you can't go fast with 90 horsepower, 900 horsepower won't help you" - B.H.

 Post subject: Re: Alfa Romeo Giulia
PostPosted: 14 Mar 2016, 00:22 
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culori + jante
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10410578_10153418494521863_6937064853705656988_n.jpg [ 73.59 KiB | Viewed 1163 times ]

Alfa 159 2.4 200+CP - "Angry"
ex: Fiat Stilo 1.6 16v- "Kicsi"

 Post subject: Re: Alfa Romeo Giulia
PostPosted: 14 Mar 2016, 10:43 
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Excelenta selectia de jante, pacat de paleta de culori care este cam boring, observ ca e o problema generala pe piata auto, aproape toti producatorii sunt conservatorii; este adevarat ca un sedan ca si Giulia nu se preteaza la culori tipatoare, dar un verde brooklands, poate chiar un prugna ar fi mers.

La Veloce Vita: Olio Acqua Benzina & Veloce

It`s an Alfa Romeo thing, you wouldn`t understand.


 Post subject: Re: Alfa Romeo Giulia
PostPosted: 14 Mar 2016, 23:03 
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Joined: 28 Oct 2012, 15:57
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jantel 16" base sunt aproape identice cu cele de la VW Jetta si modelul mai este pe Audi S Line, in rest sunt super toate mai ales 19-le

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Stelvio QV
Stelvio Veloce 280cp - Visconti viewtopic.php?f=91&t=29263

Am avut:
1. 156 GTA viewtopic.php?f=17&t=28029
2. 2xStelvio 2.2 jtdm 210 CP Q4
3. Giulia Veloce viewtopic.php?f=90&t=27090
4. Brera 1.750 TBI viewtopic.php?f=22&t=27532
5. GT 1.9 JTDM
6. Giulietta 1.4 Mair 170 CP
7. Giulietta QV
8. 159 TBi ti 250 CP
9. Giulietta 1.4 Mair 170 CP
10. 159 2.4 JTDM 200 CP
11. 159 TBi 200 CP

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