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PostPosted: 09 Apr 2007, 23:30 
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Daca prima parte a disparut, pana reapare, incep eu :D

Oxia - Domino imi place la nebunie :D

Alfa Romeo 156 1.6 TS 120hp +Chiptuning +Cold Air Intake

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PostPosted: 10 Apr 2007, 08:00 
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Oxia - Domino una dintre cele mai tari piese.....are un bass exceptional...
Gooooooood choice!

"It's better to keep your mouth shut and give the impression that you're stupid than to open it and remove all I Am so Clever That Sometimes I Don't Understand a Single Word of What I Am Saying"

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PostPosted: 13 Apr 2007, 02:40 
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pe exista multe mix-uri de buna calitate apartinand unor dj in devenire sau chiar consacrati (Nic Fanciulli)...chiar daca insula da si numele unei masini apartinand unei companii mai fade, s-ar preta mai bine la spiritul Alfa, numitorul comun fiind pasiunea...
si ca tot s-a amintit pe un thread de remixurile lui Jacques Lu Cont (cel mai faimos fiind la The Killers - Mr. Brightside), un clip scurt cu un alt rmx de exceptie marca JLC - Depeche Mode 'A Pain That I'm Used To' din Space...

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PostPosted: 13 Apr 2007, 23:10 

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Tocmai ce am descoperit azi o super melodie pe care o voi pune repejor pe CD-ul de masina.
Outlandish - Callin' U
si e ..superba :oops:

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PostPosted: 14 Apr 2007, 00:26 
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Va recomand Tiziano Ferro - Nessuno E Solo. Suna chiar bine, si impacati si scaunul din dreapta :wink:

1 5 9 T I
There are many things in life that attract the eyes but very few capture the heart

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PostPosted: 14 Apr 2007, 00:35 
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frate ....cineva imi sterge posturile....

frate...(ca sa zic asa) nu stiu despre posturile sterse,dar pe asta ti l-am editat eu. :wink:

Alfa Romeo 156 sw 1.9 jtd - 140 cp
"Sa iti iei Alfa Romeo este ca si cum ai avea prietena stripteuza: toata lumea considera ca e proasta dar toti te vor invidia"

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PostPosted: 14 Apr 2007, 11:09 
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vezi ca pentru mine editat si sters e tot una :lol:

Alfa Romeo 156 sw 1.9 jtd - 140 cp
"Sa iti iei Alfa Romeo este ca si cum ai avea prietena stripteuza: toata lumea considera ca e proasta dar toti te vor invidia"

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PostPosted: 15 Apr 2007, 01:46 
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ATB - renegade (ronsky speed remix)
Deep Dish - we gonna feel it

4C | Spider S4 2.0
ex Stelvio 2.0T | GTV 916 3.0 V6 | GTV 916 2.0TS | Spider 916 2.0TS | MiTo 1.4TB | Spider 939 2.4JTDm | Brera 2.4JTDm | Spider 916 2.0TS | GT 1.9mJTD | 147 1.6TS

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PostPosted: 15 Apr 2007, 09:11 
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ALXege Quote:
ATB - renegade (ronsky speed remix)
Deep Dish - we gonna feel it
Tu asculti de mult Renegade :)))! F misto p[iesa!

"It's better to keep your mouth shut and give the impression that you're stupid than to open it and remove all I Am so Clever That Sometimes I Don't Understand a Single Word of What I Am Saying"

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PostPosted: 15 Apr 2007, 10:56 
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corect, dar in sfarsit o ascult in alfa :lol:

4C | Spider S4 2.0
ex Stelvio 2.0T | GTV 916 3.0 V6 | GTV 916 2.0TS | Spider 916 2.0TS | MiTo 1.4TB | Spider 939 2.4JTDm | Brera 2.4JTDm | Spider 916 2.0TS | GT 1.9mJTD | 147 1.6TS

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PostPosted: 15 Apr 2007, 10:57 
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The migrants- I tought that

A fost :( Alfa 147 1.6 TS 105CP

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PostPosted: 22 Apr 2007, 18:54 
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si pentru ca se apropie un drum lung va recomand Dr. ALban, o sa specific si cateva melodii
Dr. Alban- Sing hallelujah
Dr. Alban- Long time ago
Dr. Alban- Mr. Dj
Dr. Alban- Born in Africa
Dr. Alban- Look who's talking
Dr. Alban- It's my life
Dr. Alban- Let the beat go on
Dr. Alban- Feel the rythm

A fost :( Alfa 147 1.6 TS 105CP

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PostPosted: 23 Apr 2007, 14:57 
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DJ Tiesto - Elements of life (tot albumul!)
si ca veni vba de Fest si de drum, nu uitati acasa Prodigy - Hotride si Chemical Brothers - Galvanize :wink:

4C | Spider S4 2.0
ex Stelvio 2.0T | GTV 916 3.0 V6 | GTV 916 2.0TS | Spider 916 2.0TS | MiTo 1.4TB | Spider 939 2.4JTDm | Brera 2.4JTDm | Spider 916 2.0TS | GT 1.9mJTD | 147 1.6TS

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PostPosted: 06 May 2007, 21:00 
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ALXege Quote:
Deep Dish - we gonna feel it
Ah, acuma am vrut sa o scriu si eu pe forum dar vad ca era deja recomandata :D
E super 8)

Alfa Romeo 156 1.6 TS 120hp +Chiptuning +Cold Air Intake

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PostPosted: 07 May 2007, 16:51 
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DAca vad ca se poarta oldies...
hai si un oldies de la RMB:

Spring -

Experience - ... ed&search=

Members of mayday (aceasta melodie se afla pe toate cd-urile mele, considerand-o un must be)- SONIC EMPIRE : ... ed&search=

Dune -Hardcore vibes

Remix: ... ed&search=

sa va mai zic ca recomand un sistem perormant de sunet?? pentru a le asculta la adevarata valoare.....

"It's better to keep your mouth shut and give the impression that you're stupid than to open it and remove all I Am so Clever That Sometimes I Don't Understand a Single Word of What I Am Saying"

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PostPosted: 07 May 2007, 23:17 
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ATB - Desparate Religion

4C | Spider S4 2.0
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PostPosted: 08 May 2007, 00:08 
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[quote="occ"]DAca vad ca se poarta oldies...
hai si un oldies de la RMB:

Spring -

Experience - ... ed&search=

ai uitat de "reality" :D

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PostPosted: 28 May 2007, 19:39 
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o melodie mai veche dar care mie imi place mult

DJ Sava feat. Elena-Gone Away (Original Club Mix)

A fost :( Alfa 147 1.6 TS 105CP

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PostPosted: 28 May 2007, 19:55 
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Gui Boratto 'Beautiful Life' clipul e foarte ingenios :)

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PostPosted: 29 May 2007, 00:44 
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Ca sa mai schimb registrul:
Sido - Mein Block
Sido - Aggro Teil4

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PostPosted: 31 May 2007, 21:15 
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Imogen Heap - Hide and Seek (Tiesto remix)
Am auzit melodia la Bucuresti cu ocazia concertului de lansare I-mode si de at o tot urmaresc pe net, daca o are/gaseste cineva rog cu disperare sa mi se dau un semn :)

4C | Spider S4 2.0
ex Stelvio 2.0T | GTV 916 3.0 V6 | GTV 916 2.0TS | Spider 916 2.0TS | MiTo 1.4TB | Spider 939 2.4JTDm | Brera 2.4JTDm | Spider 916 2.0TS | GT 1.9mJTD | 147 1.6TS

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PostPosted: 31 May 2007, 21:38 
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Buddha bar imi par perfecte pentru masina. Volumele 8 si 9 in special. Ascult Buddha Bar in masina de doi ani (cam 60% dpdvd al timpului petrecut in masina) si nu m-am plictisit nici acum. Partea mai putin buna e ca pentru a fi cu adevarat grozave a fost nevoie sa le recompilez, in sensul ca din doua cd-uri fac cate unul,eliminand cam jumatate din piese, care nu mi se par prea stralucite . Si asta de la vol 1 pana la 9. Oricum, foarte incantat de compilatii. Merge si Hotel Costes, cam tot in acelasi stil , dar densitatea de piese ce merita mentinute mult mai mica. Cam din 3 volume (6 cd-uri) am reusit sa scot un cd f bun. Lenny Kravitz - Baptism, l-am pastrat intreg, si Stadium Arcadium de la RHCP tot din 2 cd-uri am facut unul f bun.

156 Mk2 1.9 Jtd Multijet
147 Mk1 1.6 ECO

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PostPosted: 31 May 2007, 21:45 
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@ALXege : am gasit-o la mine in retea. Incerc sa dau de tine pe Ym!

156 Mk2 1.9 Jtd Multijet
147 Mk1 1.6 ECO

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PostPosted: 02 Jun 2007, 11:58 
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This kind of music is like .... the best :)

Alfa Romeo 156 sw 1.9 jtd - 140 cp
"Sa iti iei Alfa Romeo este ca si cum ai avea prietena stripteuza: toata lumea considera ca e proasta dar toti te vor invidia"

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PostPosted: 06 Jun 2007, 18:36 

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.......LIBERTY PARADE 2006.....


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