valentinp Quote:
Dar orice benzinar aspirat normal, calcat tare sub 2k ture nu prea pleaca in tromba.
eu merg normal in 95% din timp(adica foarte rar merg mai tare in oras) cu masina asta si nu am avut niciodata probleme. Si am mers de multe ori si prin bucuresti atat in aglomeratie cat si cand era traficul mai lejer. Daca esti un pic subturat si te grabesti atunci retrogradezi. Daca nu te grabesti o accelerezi incet in aceeasi treapta.
PS:Eu mai am si un Leon Cupra care acum are peste 300cp si are un comportament similar. Sub 2k ture, calcata la maxim abia se misca. m-am facut inteles....cred ca s-a inteles ca nu stiu eu sa schimb vitezele cand trebuie..
Am condus pana acum f multe masini, multe tipuri de motoare si mari si mici si benzina si diesel.
Alexandrus a punctat bine cu ce a ex v6-le rupe de la 1200 ture chiar, puteam sa plec la ralanti cu frana de mana trasa.
Depinde cum e gandit motorul si alimentarea de pe el. Am fost de ex impresionat de cat de jos pleaca cuplul la...culmea....un chevrolet kalos 1.4, la megane 1.6....varza etc etc.
pun aici o traducere de pe site-ul squadra pentru ca mi se pare ca explica foarte bine ce vreau eu sa zic (eu ma exprim mai greu ca sunt injinier).
"The 2.2 JTS engine has an engine based on GM / Holden. The motor is within the Fiat group also used in the Fiat Croma and former partner in several Opel models. However, Alfa Romeo Alfa Romeo would not be satisfied if they would take the power of this relatively low standard 2.2 liter engine. That is only 150 hp, a relatively low specific power. Alfa Romeo has all the technical capabilities of the closet to make a decent ability to conjure. Higher compression, and adjustable variable exhaust timing and direct fuel injection (JTS). The latter causes inflammation in terms very close to the knock limit can be worked. All this makes for a power increase of 35 hp. The 2.2 JTS delivers standard 16v 185 bhp at 6500 rpm and 230 Nm of torque at 4000 rpm. That means a specific output of 84 hp / liter. There is no other Alfa Romeo atmospheric production motorcycle with a high specific power. Here is the output torque of 230 Nm from a 2.2 liter engine is also very high. In addition, the 2.2 JTS engine is totally not the typical problems of the previous generation 2.0 JTS engine.
In short, Alfa Romeo 2.2 JTS engine with a wonderful job.
With the development of the modified software 2.2 JTS we quickly walked to the border of the maximum possible. Because the JTS principle of the factory ignition already put so sharp that there are hardly margin Sat In short, the gains are small. The same applies to the torque.
But the Alfa engineers have a nasty accelerator strategy in programmed injection. The system looks not only at the current state of the accelerator but also how quickly the accelerator pedal. It also looked at another speed and engine load. In short, when a little quickly want to drive away, the system shows considerable gas. The car is so jumpy and unpredictable. It's like the throttle response of the ever-changing. Given that we are far beyond chiptuning torque and capital gains, this was a challenging task for us. Unfortunately we could not manage the strategy completely off. But we did manage the phenomenon with 80 to 90% removed. In practice a near normal accelerator delivers responsive.
The 1.9 JTS and 2.2, however, a very annoying trait. It is the throttle response. There apparently had been at the factory on a deeper rationale. The strategy is such that the throttle position is not only dependent on throttle position and speed but also the speed with which the accelerator pedal is depressed. There's nothing wrong but it has exaggerated the effect. This makes the 1.9/2.2 JTS an agitated car driving away. The engine always seems to react differently than before. The chart below shows what we mean. This is a printout of the diagnosis which in turn appartuur speed, throttle angle (= throttle position) and throttle position is shown. The course has been set at the time."
PS. Nu vreau sa se inteleaga ca JTS-urile sunt motoare proaste sau puturoase, depinde de fiecare ce inseamna "putere". Pt. mine nu inseamna putere 180CP, DAR asta nu inseamna ca nu e suficient pt o masina care arata in marele fel in care arata
159 si mai ales cum sta pe sosea!!