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PostPosted: 31 Jul 2006, 15:19 
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Joined: 11 Jan 2006, 15:53
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Location: Bucuresti
Bucuresti - Sinaia - Bucuresti, plus ceva inarteala pe acolo: 7.2% fara aer ca n-a fost nevoie :D

147/ 1.6 TS 120cp

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PostPosted: 09 Aug 2006, 18:11 

Joined: 09 Aug 2006, 17:51
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6% alfa 33 1.5 2 carb buc-vama veche-bucuresti 5 oameni +bagaje la greu. 90-100 cu portiuni de 130/h.
In Bucuresti nu am avut curaj sa ii fac un consum, oricum peste 10.

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PostPosted: 09 Aug 2006, 18:14 
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Slatina-2mai si retur consum mediu 5,8% mers extrem de lejer si potolit cu limitatorul in dreapta si un matiz in fata. :lol:

BMW Z4 sDrive 3.5i
Renault Clio Sport 197
Alfa 159 1.9 mJTD
ex: Alfa Brera '08 2.4mJTD
ex: Alfa 147 1.9mJTD [/b]" onclick=";return false;

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PostPosted: 09 Aug 2006, 22:12 
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Car: 156 - The Red Hawk
Location: Deutschland :)
Bucuresti - Balchik/Albena (Bulgaria) + retur + plimbari prin orase, mers cu 180-220 pe autostrada (cca 450km total) pana la Vama si legal (relativ legal :ph34r:) la bulgari = 8,55% masurati cu metoda plin-plin. E bine, consuma Vali mult mai putin acuma! :jumpcolor:

"The Red Hawk" - Alfa 156 1.9JTD 115CP
Alfa 147 2.0TS Selespeed
Fiat Punto 1.9 JTD 8v

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PostPosted: 09 Aug 2006, 23:01 
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Joined: 23 May 2006, 10:58
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alex, esti constient ca viteza maxima constructiva pentru 147 2.0 TS e de 208km/h :) ?
Apropos, sa ne spui si noua cum a fost pe la bulgari, daca sunt adevarate povestile, etc, ca sunt foarte foarte curios.

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PostPosted: 10 Aug 2006, 01:01 
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La Albena - e bine sa nu mergeti acolo... nu am stat acolo decat 1h, am facut cale intoarsa. Cel putin pentru mine era insuportabil.
La Balchik a fost parfum, nesperat chiar!
Sunt perfect constient de viteza maxima constructiva = 208kmh, dar oricand te invit, cu orice aparat de masurat viteza vrei (exceptand radarul :ph34r:) si ai sa vezi ca o depaseste lejer.

"The Red Hawk" - Alfa 156 1.9JTD 115CP
Alfa 147 2.0TS Selespeed
Fiat Punto 1.9 JTD 8v

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PostPosted: 10 Aug 2006, 01:40 
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Ce era asa nasol la Albena ? Detalii daca se poate, te rugam.
Pe topicul de concedii eventual, sa nu poluam aici.

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PostPosted: 10 Aug 2006, 19:34 
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Promit ca o sa va scriu impresii + poze in topicul potrivit.

"The Red Hawk" - Alfa 156 1.9JTD 115CP
Alfa 147 2.0TS Selespeed
Fiat Punto 1.9 JTD 8v

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PostPosted: 11 Aug 2006, 08:05 
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Joined: 18 May 2006, 12:07
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Bucuresti-Mamaia 8,7l/100 150-160 km/h, iar prin statiuni am avut limitatorul in dreapta care i-am promis ca nu fac "manevre periculoase" si am consumat vreo 9,5-10 l/100, in Mamaia chiar mai putin,prindeam liber pana la capat si mergeam cu 60 , dar nu in weekend unde consumul devine irelevant datorita mai mult stationarii decat mersului. Metoda:computerul de bord si a plinului!.Mentionez ca in general folosesc aerul. Per global am fost multumit avand in vedere ca am facut 1000 km! :P

Vroiam sa va zic si de Panda, aici sunt surprize placute: oras: maxim 6l/100, afara la 100km/h vreo 3,5 l/100!!!!!!!!!!! :embrace:
D-aia o iubesc eu pe asta mica :)!

"It's better to keep your mouth shut and give the impression that you're stupid than to open it and remove all I Am so Clever That Sometimes I Don't Understand a Single Word of What I Am Saying"

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PostPosted: 12 Aug 2006, 00:12 

Joined: 26 Aug 2005, 21:18
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Bucuresti-Olimp-Bucuresti, cu plimbari pe la mare, facuti 700Km in total, AC pornit 80% din timp, mers usurel prin statiuni, 100 pe afara, 130 pe autostrada si cateva reprize de 198Km/h pe Autostrada la intoarcere (m-am alergat un pic cu un Golf 4 tunat :ph34r: ), am iesit la o medie de 6.3% (computer de bord).
E bine :)

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PostPosted: 18 Aug 2006, 16:16 

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Bucuresti-Pitesti-Campulung-Rucar-Pestera Dambovicioarei-Bran-Poiana Marului-Fagaras-Transfagarasan-Curtea de Arges-Pitesti-Bucuresti, 650Km in total, clima pornita mereu, mers destul cu 1-a si a 2-a, am avut o medie de 6.4%

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PostPosted: 29 Aug 2006, 17:04 
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mia bella mi`a halit la motoru` ei de 1.9 jtd si 140 cai, la un drum de aprox. 700 km, o medie in jur de 6.5, in conditiile in care am mers si prin oras, si prin serpentine, si blana de 170 km/h.

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PostPosted: 29 Aug 2006, 17:19 
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Mr.D Quote:
si blana de 170 km/h.
Aia nu e blana :P

4C | Spider S4 2.0
ex Stelvio 2.0T | GTV 916 3.0 V6 | GTV 916 2.0TS | Spider 916 2.0TS | MiTo 1.4TB | Spider 939 2.4JTDm | Brera 2.4JTDm | Spider 916 2.0TS | GT 1.9mJTD | 147 1.6TS

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PostPosted: 29 Aug 2006, 17:26 
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ca rau esti :) i`am dat si blana...adica 180 :))

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PostPosted: 29 Aug 2006, 17:26 
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Atunci 230+ pe bord se considera blana ?
Doar 3-5 minute, pe A2 spre mare, sa vad si eu ca se poate.

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PostPosted: 29 Aug 2006, 17:45 
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Mr.D Quote:
ca rau esti :) i`am dat si blana...adica 180 :))
pay atunci o sa fiu si mai rau.. nici asta nu e blana!!!

4C | Spider S4 2.0
ex Stelvio 2.0T | GTV 916 3.0 V6 | GTV 916 2.0TS | Spider 916 2.0TS | MiTo 1.4TB | Spider 939 2.4JTDm | Brera 2.4JTDm | Spider 916 2.0TS | GT 1.9mJTD | 147 1.6TS

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PostPosted: 29 Aug 2006, 22:20 
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nush cat poa` sa prinda mia gabaritu` cei 140 cai ... :thinking:

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PostPosted: 30 Aug 2006, 00:54 
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hint: about 200kmh?! poate peste..

4C | Spider S4 2.0
ex Stelvio 2.0T | GTV 916 3.0 V6 | GTV 916 2.0TS | Spider 916 2.0TS | MiTo 1.4TB | Spider 939 2.4JTDm | Brera 2.4JTDm | Spider 916 2.0TS | GT 1.9mJTD | 147 1.6TS

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PostPosted: 30 Aug 2006, 08:59 

Joined: 26 Aug 2005, 21:18
Posts: 4960
Sa ramanem la consum totusi..
Momentan am cam 330Km facuti numai in oras si am o medie de 9.2% vad...

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PostPosted: 30 Aug 2006, 18:02 
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M-as mira eu sa atinga JTD-ul 220km/h, dar ....

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PostPosted: 30 Aug 2006, 22:35 
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OK, si vin cu masuratorul GPS, ce dai daca nu atingi 220km/h ?

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PostPosted: 31 Aug 2006, 15:01 
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Atunci este posibil, dar e prea putin relevant, atita vreme cit viteza maxima e undeva la 195km/h.

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PostPosted: 05 Sep 2006, 12:05 

Joined: 18 Aug 2006, 12:47
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Depinde de dimensiunea rotzilor!

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PostPosted: 05 Sep 2006, 13:23 
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Joined: 09 Feb 2006, 03:12
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Sper ca se stie ca viteza maxima data de constructor este mai mica decat cea pe care o poate atinge o masina, spre exemplu la Audi se aprinde un martor luminos dupa ce depasesti viteza maxima data de constructor. Presupun ca nu garanteaza si nici nu este indicat sa rulezi la viteza aceea.
Alexmirica, cand avea motorul stock prindea 230+, eu am prins 235+ si lista de exemple poate continua....

BMW Z4 sDrive 3.5i
Renault Clio Sport 197
Alfa 159 1.9 mJTD
ex: Alfa Brera '08 2.4mJTD
ex: Alfa 147 1.9mJTD [/b]" onclick=";return false;

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PostPosted: 05 Sep 2006, 15:17 
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Car: 156 - The Red Hawk
Location: Deutschland :)
Data viitoare o sa va zic exact cat indica maxim pe ceas si cat indica pe GPS, sa faceti o corelare.

"The Red Hawk" - Alfa 156 1.9JTD 115CP
Alfa 147 2.0TS Selespeed
Fiat Punto 1.9 JTD 8v

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