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PostPosted: 06 Sep 2007, 11:19 
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Joined: 29 Jul 2005, 16:13
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Car: 156 - The Red Hawk
Location: Deutschland :)

"The Red Hawk" - Alfa 156 1.9JTD 115CP
Alfa 147 2.0TS Selespeed
Fiat Punto 1.9 JTD 8v

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PostPosted: 06 Sep 2007, 12:20 
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Da io platesc impozit si RCA mai mici :P :lol:

Alfa Romeo 156 1.6 TS 120hp +Chiptuning +Cold Air Intake

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PostPosted: 06 Sep 2007, 23:17 

Joined: 01 Sep 2007, 22:47
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Am cumparat Alfa in aprilie 2007 din Germania, la plecare din Amberg am fac
plinul... mers pe autostrada 120-130 km/h (un Golf II cu noi)... la intrare in Viena iar plinul si... 4,7%, la bord arata 4,9%. De atunci in oras nu a aratat mai mult de 6,8%, dar nu am mai facut la rezervor. La benzinari merge peste
12-13% dar la jtd ... ma cam speriati. O sa fac si in oras consumul plin pe plin si va anunt.

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PostPosted: 06 Sep 2007, 23:20 

Joined: 01 Sep 2007, 22:47
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Am uitat sa specific 1.9 JTD 116 CP 07.2002

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PostPosted: 07 Sep 2007, 12:01 
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Nu minte...doar omite !

156 2.0 jts

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PostPosted: 07 Sep 2007, 16:51 
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alfa_no1 Quote:
N-o sa va vina sa credeti: 450 km cu juma' de rezervor, mai precis 31 litri de benzina! :shock:
Wow. :shock:

:clapping: :clapping: :clapping:

Frate tre sa-i anuntam pe astia de la Alfa Romeo sa te premieze cumva,sa faca reclame cu tine,sa le promovezi imaginea,publicul amator de masini economice in primul rand trebuie sa stie ca se poate...
Eu in ultima vreme( e drept mai mult in oras) scot 450 dintr-un plin.

156 2.0 TS
156 SW 2.0 JTS
166 2.4 JTD TI
916 Spider 3.0 Arese
159 SW 1.9 JTDm

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PostPosted: 07 Sep 2007, 16:56 
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Joined: 24 Nov 2006, 19:04
Posts: 98
Eu am fost plecat in Turcia si a consumat 90 litri la 1200 km parcusi. Deci aprox. 7.5 %.

147 105 cp.

Music matters!!!

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PostPosted: 10 Sep 2007, 00:34 
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marius Quote:
Eu in ultima vreme( e drept mai mult in oras) scot 450 dintr-un plin.
Pai, in mod normal, cam atat fac si eu cu un plin... 450-500 km... :roll:

Ex - Alfa 166 2.0 TS Distinctive
Ex - Alfa 156 SW 2.0 TS Distinctive

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PostPosted: 10 Sep 2007, 22:03 

Joined: 02 Aug 2006, 12:24
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Location: Bucuresti/Alexandria
Bucuresti - Nisipurile de Aur, 750km in total, 150kmh autostrada noastra, in rest 100-110, putin AC, 5.4l/100kmh. 3 persoane si bagaje pina in plafon.

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PostPosted: 11 Sep 2007, 01:01 
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Joined: 09 Feb 2006, 03:12
Posts: 1861
Location: Bucuresti
147: Slatina-Bucuresti: 3,8%, pe computer 3,5%, deci se poate
159: Romania-Europa-Romania : 7890km---- 8,5%

BMW Z4 sDrive 3.5i
Renault Clio Sport 197
Alfa 159 1.9 mJTD
ex: Alfa Brera '08 2.4mJTD
ex: Alfa 147 1.9mJTD [/b]" onclick=";return false;

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PostPosted: 11 Sep 2007, 01:18 
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Joined: 07 Nov 2005, 14:54
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Nigga' say what??? 3.8 pe 147??? La 200+ cai? :shock:

Alfa Romeo 156 1.6 TS 120hp +Chiptuning +Cold Air Intake

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PostPosted: 13 Sep 2007, 11:30 
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Joined: 18 Jun 2007, 16:44
Posts: 206
11 - 12 % in Bucuresti (dar foarte linistit)
7 % in afara (cu maxim 130 Km / ora)
17 % in afara (cu 200 Km / ora)

Adrian - 164 2.0TS & 155 2.0TS

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PostPosted: 13 Sep 2007, 13:09 
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Joined: 05 Jan 2006, 21:31
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Alexx Quote:
147: Slatina-Bucuresti: 3,8%, pe computer 3,5%, deci se poate
Se poate ?!?! cum?! Dude, teach me!!! :)

4C | Spider S4 2.0
ex Stelvio 2.0T | GTV 916 3.0 V6 | GTV 916 2.0TS | Spider 916 2.0TS | MiTo 1.4TB | Spider 939 2.4JTDm | Brera 2.4JTDm | Spider 916 2.0TS | GT 1.9mJTD | 147 1.6TS

 Post subject: 14-16 %
PostPosted: 29 Oct 2007, 18:13 
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Joined: 23 Oct 2007, 13:51
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A mea are motor de 1.6 cu 120cp
In oras imi papa 14-16% iar afara 9-10% mi se pare cam mult cred ca are vreo probl.

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PostPosted: 29 Oct 2007, 21:06 
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Joined: 11 Feb 2006, 13:33
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Tirgoviste - Pascani, 420 km, 39 litri de benzina. Retur idem desi am venit pe ploaie.

 Post subject: consum
PostPosted: 29 Dec 2007, 14:29 
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poate gasiti ceva interesant aici: ... -8555.html

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PostPosted: 31 Dec 2007, 21:09 

Joined: 02 Aug 2006, 12:24
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Urmarind niste consumuri absolut imbecile date de un constructor german (gen masina de 272cp 9,1 consum mediu) am avut un "duel" verbal de lunga durata cu posesorii si fanii acestei marci....macar acu' am dovada :lol:

Dar nici Alfa nu e departe, dar macar e mai aproape de limita bunului simt.

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PostPosted: 06 Jan 2008, 15:57 
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Joined: 19 Oct 2007, 12:23
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156 ,1,8 cmc ,140 cp ,450 km / plin in cel mai fericit caz(asta in oras)

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PostPosted: 04 Feb 2008, 15:39 
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Joined: 01 Oct 2007, 08:28
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Car: VW Passat CC
Location: Bucuresti
12% in orash

ex: Alfa Romeo 156 2.0 TS

 Post subject: Re: 14-16 %
PostPosted: 04 Feb 2008, 15:56 
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Joined: 27 Dec 2007, 02:06
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tonyYY Quote:

A mea are motor de 1.6 cu 120cp
In oras imi papa 14-16% iar afara 9-10% mi se pare cam mult cred ca are vreo probl.
12 in oras, 8.2 afara, aceleasi criterii ca si la tine! Cu schimbat intre 2500-3000 rpm!
Sub 8.2 afara nu prea am reusit, de multe ori dau sa vad consumul instant si ma minunez cand arata 6.3 dar la final dupa ce parchez in fata casei, tot 8.2 arata :D!

Eee...vulpea cand nu ajunge la struguri, zice ca sunt acrii!!!
I am not discriminating anybody! I hate everybody equally!

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PostPosted: 07 Feb 2008, 18:10 
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Joined: 30 May 2007, 14:14
Posts: 449
Location: Bucuresti
9% in bucuresti...JTD si nu foarte multa aglomeratie...

sincer ...trist

C klase w204

ex :Alfa Romeo 159 ( distinctiv ) - 1.9 JTDm - 175 CP
Alfa Romeo 156-1,9 JTD-148 CP
Alfa Romeo Spider 3.0 V6 12V - 192 CP
BMW 318( E90 LCI ) - 2009
BMW X5 ( E53 ) - 3.0.D - 218 CP
Audi A4 B8 - 2.0 TDI 143 CP
Alfa Romeo MiTo - 1.6 JtdM

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PostPosted: 07 Feb 2008, 18:24 
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Joined: 30 May 2007, 14:14
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a si am uitat sa spun ca pe calculatorul de bord...scrie ca a consumat 6,9(in caond in care am resetat la ultimul plin)...deci se pare ca stie sa si calculeze :))

C klase w204

ex :Alfa Romeo 159 ( distinctiv ) - 1.9 JTDm - 175 CP
Alfa Romeo 156-1,9 JTD-148 CP
Alfa Romeo Spider 3.0 V6 12V - 192 CP
BMW 318( E90 LCI ) - 2009
BMW X5 ( E53 ) - 3.0.D - 218 CP
Audi A4 B8 - 2.0 TDI 143 CP
Alfa Romeo MiTo - 1.6 JtdM

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PostPosted: 07 Feb 2008, 20:17 
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Joined: 16 Apr 2007, 18:37
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Cum calculeaza computerul de bord la Alfa 156(1,9 jtd,116CP) consumul?(prin ce metoda->debimetru,senzori???).Mie mi-a aparut o diferenta de 4 litri intre consumul aratat de CB si metoda plin pe plin->am mers 100 km numai prin oras si scorul era 6.9-11. :shock:

Daca te simti bine, nu fi ingrijorat, va trece. :run:

 Post subject:
PostPosted: 07 Feb 2008, 20:24 
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Joined: 31 Aug 2006, 16:26
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tyyy84 Quote:
9% in bucuresti...JTD si nu foarte multa aglomeratie...

sincer ...trist
Nu mi se pare deloc trist. Mi se pare rezonabil pt un motor diesel de 150 cp condus mai tare, banuiesc ca mergand ca o baba o sa consume in jur de 7. :ok:

1.6 le meu consuma in jur de 11-12 in aceleasi conditii...

Va mai scadea putin la vara , pana dai drumu la aer... :asskick:

Alfa 147 1.6 120 cp

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PostPosted: 07 Feb 2008, 20:43 
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Joined: 30 May 2007, 14:14
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la mine diferenta ...este de numai 2 litri pe 100 de calculat nu prea le are cu matematica...


cred ca a facut liceul la uman :lol:

C klase w204

ex :Alfa Romeo 159 ( distinctiv ) - 1.9 JTDm - 175 CP
Alfa Romeo 156-1,9 JTD-148 CP
Alfa Romeo Spider 3.0 V6 12V - 192 CP
BMW 318( E90 LCI ) - 2009
BMW X5 ( E53 ) - 3.0.D - 218 CP
Audi A4 B8 - 2.0 TDI 143 CP
Alfa Romeo MiTo - 1.6 JtdM

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